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KM's New Year's Resolutions for 2019

We have been looking forward to this day for a long while now, and are excited as this is the year that we not only are finally able to come out of dormancy, but also too, return to the front linens where we belong and have been going a bit crazy not being able to be out there. Hopefully most people will never have to come to realize


Unfortunately, KM has come to the acceptance of the prophecy given us by our churches fuel fire in regards to the liberation of cannabis movement and heed his instruction to us to "take a step back and shift gears" to what he believes is of the most importance for us right now during this era of time... our beloved sacred manna medicines.


This does NOT by any means mean that we are retreating From the cannabis sativa battlefield so please don't jump the gun and misinterpret it that way else you will be mistaken. What is means though, is that we will not be as focused as the whole of KM on Only cannabis related issues - especially the "legal ones" as we've been in our previous years... just that we will be putting greater focal attention on our other equallty if not more important sacred medicines as we were instructed to do.


Coming out of dormancy for us is like a bear waking after an extra long hibernation, and that is the type of conduct as well as action the masses will be seeing from us this year about here. We will be stretching, yawning, exploring around and checking things out, and too, we will be behaving as a hungry bear seeking food would be expected to be... meaning less and less docile with every step, and also too, focused on ourselves and out own belly for a chance opposed to being as much of the "den mother" to and for others like we've been for the last handful of years now. It's time for KM to grow strong and flourish for the sake of the globe, so that's where our focus is going to centralize at, beginning tomorrow and throughout 2019.


As we continue moving about the lands, you will be seeing KM sniffing around and checking new and intriguing things out, asking questions and then drawing our conclusions and proceeding onward striving to fulfill our objectives, missions and endeavors. You will see KM more visible and active in the good medicine endeavors that they continue striving to achieve - promoting and encouraging the like-minded to join in and flourish them s much as we possibly can in sacred way. You will also see KM expelling less efforts towards the cleaning up of the messes of others, especially those who seem unwilling to make any true deep rooted effort for the good of their own-selves much less their own people or for mother globe. With this too, will come less tolerance for shitwits or dumb and or other fuckery across the board, especially those who chose to stand and move contrary to Great Creators creations instruction and purpose as the created human beings currently here during these very crucial times.


You will see KM increasing in our energy and efforts to expand the wisdom of our people to the purpose they were created into the species of human being and put here in the here with specific instruction and obligations by Great Creator as THAT remains why WE remain here after all. This will flourish through the gradual increase of meetings and gatherings as well as ceremonial and other events within KM beneficial to our mission and agenda,

Also too, you will see us increasing our hunting/gathering instincts and actions as well, in Honorable ways as time progresses forward.

Please be safe and aware for yourself and those around you and welcome in a great new year in good medicine ways!


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