AmeriKKKa"Legalizes" Frankenhemp, sheeple celebrate false victory
So yesterday in case you didn't know, President Donald Trump signed what is being called "hemp legalization" into law , but is that Really the victory for hemp that the global cannabis community has been striving to achieve is the question. The "hemp industry" and global cannabis community have been pushing for legalization for decades, but our main obsticle has been in their "Marihuana Tax Axt of 1937" when cannabis Sativa L. was targeted by the US Government as an enemy of the nation. Why you ask simple, AmeriKKKa was gearing toward the $$$ to be had off exploiting the natural resources and fossil fuels via their petro-chemical industry incluing the creation of Plastic products at that time.

You see, in Nature, the cannabis plant family is made up of three siblings:

Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis Indica
Cannabis Ruderalis
The diagrams show you the most basic differences to the siblings by the naked eye, now, let's look at each of them a little more distinctively.
1. Cannabis Sativa, the focal of our article and points here today. Sativa was Always renown for being the tallest of the siblings (up to 20 feet) and also as you can see for having more "fingers" on her leaf "hands" than the other siblings.
On the downside for the female sativa's were that theywere noted for having "lesser strength and quality medicinally" throughout our botanical history with the cannabis family especially in the history of US pharmacopoeia than her middle sisters which are the cannabis Indica females yet the lady sativas Were noted for having more medicinal value and effect than the smallest of the siblings cannabis ruderalis for sure, they whether male or female were discarded as having no medicinal effect or value back then because mainly our species deuced that proof of medicinal effect was in "the high feelings" that a patient/user would experience while on a plant or substance - they didn't have the technological capabilities they so pride and rely on in today;s society, remember- fathom That for a minute.
Another "downfall" for the sativa siblings when it came to determining it's medicinal values back then is in that Cannabis sativa by nature requires a longer growth and flowering cycle to fully reach fruitation as far as producing it's "flower medicine" than either of her other siblings meaning the indicas and/or the ruderaliis's. Beings that ole Tom Jefferson and his "homeboys" were growing their crops in the NE part of the nation meant that the flowers of sativa would never fully mature in the natural outdoors because the seasons weren't long enough, therefore ultimately the sativa's were mostly grown historically for their stalks more than for the medicinal benefits of their flowers unlike the indica's which was what they grew for their "smoke" but the ultimate point we're Hoping to be had is that especially during the colonial times encompassing "the birth of America" - the stalks of cannabis sativa were in short, the "industrial commerce" that led the "Independence" of our "nation", and down the road is ultimately why she Alone remains the #1 target of the US Federal government since the creation of their "Marihuana Tax Act of 1937" a well as within their "Federal Controlled substance Act" of the 1970's no Other of the cannabis siblings have yet to EVER be targeted,outlawed, regulated nor federally regulated in ANY way to this day! MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW OR REALIZE THIS FACT OF REALITY... but Need to in our opinion and from our disposition!
If you look back into this nations history regarding our strides toward independence you will come to a man by the name of Thomas Jefferson who ran around with our "founding fathers" back in the day and a well recognized essential part of the formation of this country of ours back during these "colonial times."
We Highly encourage you to confirm for yourself that he was the one accredited for having started our "first paper-mill" which was a major stride in our ability to become "free" from co-dependence" so to speak back then, but too, we want to make sure that as you look back at this you know to look at what Plant he chose to do this with because it wasn't trees like what's being milled today for the bulk of our paper products Nor were their any sort of petro-chemical compounds involved in his process either - it was done on 100% cannabis sativa stalks that he did it, and too he even noted with his own hand that he Smuggled his "quality seeds" in from France and faced "being hanged" IF he had been caught bringing the seed here - talk about a consequence for some seed right - but the point being that despite such risk Thomas Jefferson did it because he said it needed to be done and he successfully made it happen!
2. Cannabis Indica which has Always been praised for it's "strong medicine" qualities/value (the highest levels of THC and "High" effect of the siblings) but notably Shorter in height than sativa and too more hollowed in it's stalks than sativa. For medicine, Only the Females of cannabis indica would be grown intentionally to full season Unless the cultivator was trying to produce seed. This again can be confirmed to you in the writings of George Washington. George noted that he was operating a "plantation" which most of us today generally conclude was "cotton", but not necessarily so. Let's look back at that time at what was the primary fiber crop of the globe... that which sparked the "Hemp War of 1812". What did Betsy Ross weave the first flag out of - you Do know it was what they called "Hemp" or "Indian Hemp" which WAS Cannabis right? Another name for the fibers of cannabis mainly as we say which was cannabis sativa that you might have heard of from back in the days of grandma was "Homespun" or too, perhaps you're familiar with the old book/movie "Rumpelstiltskin" perhaps the spinning of "straw into gold" yes indeed ladies and gentlemen, that is the Hidden History of cannabis that 80 years of disconnectedness is becoming LOST WISDOM being faded away from our species regarding this plant and all it's wonders.
You can also see where he noted that he was upset because "I missed pulling my male plants by 6 days because of the war now I must wait Another Season for my Blossoming Hemp." You will also find notations where Washington stated that he was smoking cannabis to help ease especially his dental pain.
3. cannabis ruderalis which has always been Disregarded as useless because not only did it present having no notable medicinal qualities to it, but it was by far too short to be worth cultivating for fiber for heaven's sakes it usually only gets between 23 feet tall!
It's ALWAYS been about the Benjamin's when it's come to the people's Right of choice regarding Cannabis, make No Mistake about it!
In the northern states of today's Amerikkka, cannabis sativa was grown including intentionally by our "founding fathers" for it's stalks as well as the cellulose contained within them whether male or female as they produced the Main source of the globes paper and fiber for industrial purpose including paper fuels cloth etc. and the proof of this lyes in the Jamestown 1619 law which was the First law on this land of ours regarding cannabis at all - that law clearly stated that All Farmers (including those of our "founding fathers" of the 1770's) HAD to grow at Least 1 acre of cannabis "hemp" (aka sativa) foro every 5 acres of main crop they grew and GIVE it to the government - THAT ladies and gentlemen is the very first "TAX" ever put upon we the people of this land - it not only Didn't involve direct cash payments to them but an important point Still to date overlooked by the masses is that ONLY FARMERS were legally required initially in this country to Pay ANY FORM of tax at all for being here - how much more point blank proof of it all being about Commerce do you NEED to see the picture painted as to the reality that it is.
Their own written historical account Proves it by what they Created as "Law" back then, in August of 1937, throughout the coarse of world War II, and now again in the right here and now of today! Until 1996 cannabis was given "ZERO TOLERANCE" by the federal government - no excuses and no exceptions, except wait, there were those dozen "federal medical marijuana patients" sanctioned by the federal government back in the late 70's early 80's such as Elvie Musikka and Frank Rosenthal remember... and too they still maintain Over 2 DOZEN patents on both the cannabis indica as well as the cannabis sativa for "medical purpose/BENEFIT" though still keeping it controlled as a schedule 1 meaning NO MEDICAL VALUE/BENEFIT... huuum, makes you kinda wonder what's going on and what the problem is a little bit don't it? Lol, we Hope so because that's the first step toward correction!

Cannabis Indica does NOT produce the fiber nor cellulose and OTHER "industrial benefits" as abundantly as sativa and ruderalis , in fact, truth be told sativa offered up to 20 foot long fibers which superceedes Any other options of fiber including tree pulp! Ask any wood pulp producer how long their fiber strains are even from the tallest of the trees still to date being harvested the great redwood which are 200 feet tall Plus and yet at maximum processation can only produce fiber strand up to 1 1/2 foot long whereas the sativa strands remain intact as long as the stalk was upon it's harvest more than don't - that's a fact as too are the cannabis sativa fibers 3 times more DURABLE than the tree and too even woven cotton fibers woven!
Ask any marine enthusiast what rope is stronger and more long lasting - jute or "manila hemp" and They'll tell you hands Down it's the cannabis! Did you know they even made TNT out of cannabis fiber and cellulose back then? Probabily not huh... another tidbit fact they don't want the masses knowing about!

Look at the back of the old $10.00 bills and see for yourselves the picture of them harvesting cannabis on it - cannabis became the POWER BEHIND their money and they commerated it right there on it for all to see, knowing and Counting on that most won't Know what it is their Seeing as they see it!
That's ok, a smiple google search in today's society and all can Easily and Quickly be confirmed for the inquiring minds who seek to Know an of coarse as Always, we Highly Encourage those of you interested in the Truth about the history of both benefits as well as profile targeting our beloved mother medicine plant has endured to so - check it out for Yourselves!

How it is that the US Government "outlawed" cannabis sativa was by being duped into believing that it was "marihuana" and told it was in fact a "dangerous new drug". Why it happened was Internal SABOTAGE for PERSONAL GAIN AND PROFIT! Thi has always been the Main enemy of cannabis... the "Financial Value" to be had - or Cost by those with products for sale that cannot Compare much less even come close to MATCHING all the great many things this ENTIRE plant family can individually as well as collectively do and offer to our planet and people, be they MEDICINALLY or INDUSTRIALLY - mainly industrially though as That remains the core of our countries economic dependence's structural system, lucky for us Thus far we suppose, right though clearly since these times they're now putting interest and their hands into our medicines and foods too which tells us that Full Control is their objective when it comes to this plant whether people realize it now or not and if they don't start realizing that fact of reality Soon all hope of liberation an the respect due to our plant and defenders of it Will be forever lost to our society mark our words and PLEASE consider heeding our warning now before it proves to be too late!
The grounds behind this "War on Marijuana" being Blurred into a prohibition on the Entire plant family was the plant’s THC which is the "high" feeling from it when ingested. Interesting to note is that from Long BEFORE 1937 all including pharmacopia books themselves noted and continue to date to note that cannabis Indica produces he Highest amount of THC naturally out of all the three siblings of the family but has YET to EVER be officially regulated into any sort of law or controlled substance act on the federal level. yet cannabis sativa, now "marijuana" remains kept locked in prohibition status alongside heroin in "Schedule 1" as being dangerous addictive and deadly though they KNOW it's not true. Schedule 1 is the most restricted drug classification in the United States... and legally has "ZERO TOLERANCE" - yet the ONLY reason "marijuana" remains scheduled at all was to cock-block it's threat on their "industrial revolution" of earth molestation for personal power, control and gain.
Here is a popular mechanics article from 1928 PROVING they KNEW it was an "Industrial Revolution" back then, BEFORE they chose to rename and then outlaw it in 1937 and resolidify that Disasterous position again in the 1970's and NOW, because of the IGNORANCE of the masses and with Special thanks to the Sheeple among them, the Majority of "we the people" have indeed officially SOL OUT the entire cannabis plant family as we Willingly Accept a Genetically Altered creation of cannabis seal the fate of forever prohibition/regulation of cannabis sativa Forever by letting this gross injustice happen and our accepting and even Partaking in it.

For decades many of us began waking up mostly thanks to the founding father of the Global "hemp and cannabis liberation movement" Mr. Jack Herer who adimently at every opportunity set out to set the world straight as to the gross mis-justice being instilled on the cannabis plant family and those of us who freely choose to use it to our benefit whatever our desired purpose might be. He wrote what is known as the "Cannabis bible" or "Hemp bible" which remains the most comprehensive accounting of the atrocity instilled not only on cannabis sativa but on her other siblings as well especially cannabis Indica which remains among the most beneficial diverse plant medications in AmeriKKKa but wrongfully targeted to date... why, especially beings we're now willing to embrace the industrial values and benefits of cannabis once more as a nation - it makes no sense other than being a smoke and mirrors game but for what reason?
Trump’s signature on the 2018 Farm Bill takes "hemp" – defined as cannabis below 0.3% THC – out of the Controlled Substances Act. We Know you are hearing that this is a "Victory" and that it's another confirmation of we're having "Won the War" they declared on "marijuana" but we want to make Sure that you know that it's the farthest thing from the TRUTH that could possibly being said, especially those proclaiming to actually KNOW about the cannabis plant family at All.
Here’s what you Really Need to know about the new law that the selllout snakes don't necessarily want you to know of consciously comprehend, especially if you're a Soncere cannabis activist:
Cannabis plants above 0.3% still are defined as Schedule 1 drugs, which all Naturally produced strains of cannabis are and contain More than 5%THC, meaning that the US government's "War on Marijuana" aka "Cannabis Sativa L." legally continues onward and that ultimately we have NOT accomplished the goal of cannabis liberation from unjust laws, did we.
Cannabis ruderalis is the sibling that produces the LEAST AMOUNT of THC and in nature the female ruderalis have NEVER produced Less than 5% THC in the wild in over 15000 years that our species knows of, no matter what or how she bred and unless she was to Find a compatable host that contained Less THC than her, she would NOT be Able to meet such a standard MEANING that the ONLY WAY that a cannabis plant family member Produce LESS than 5% THC is If it is Genetically ALTERED to do so same as with the "sterilization" quality now being introduced and accepted when it comes to the new Frankenhemp, passing Sterile offspring! Is this Not yet Another way of them Eliminating the natural qualities and benefits cannabis has and continues to offer us on our and it's enemies part?
Jack spent more than 40 Years of his own personal life along with and among many other now fallen front line cannabis liberators Trying to point these little facts out and getting them recognized and respected as they long ago should have continued to be opposed to decided to be kept from us "for our own good" as our government began deciding they be 80 Years ago. He even wrote a book specifically about and including All of this that he could. If you haven't already, we Highly recommend that you read the First Printing of the 2002 version of the 11th edition of it "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" is the title - don't bother with any Later editions printed, THIS was the one HE himself chose to personally promote and especially the last (12th edition) is a DISGRACE to his book and him Beyond - hacking it up and taking things out as they did inserting things he would Never have consented to being concluded, they should be ashamed Everyone of them who took part in it!
Anyway, another little fact that the snakes of canna-business today don't want true cannabis defenders knowing is that The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) gains FULL CONTROL AND AUTHORITY over their new Frankenhemp, and have been told that they must develop "national hemp regulations as expeditiously as practicable,” which is an uncertain time frame. The national plan must include "procedures for checking hemp plants’ THC content and plans to destroy plants with too much THC" such as the Creator and mother earth made strains Indica & Sativa L. and even cannabis ruderalis to be - most don't KNOW that THIS action right here is actually the First "legal" action EVER against that particular sibling (ruderalis) as it's ALWAYS Been Intentionally Disregarded as an invaluable plant for medicinal as well as industrial purposes.
The change allows you to extract from their Frankenhemp, including CBD but it really Sucks to see our people willing to accept and embrace the disregard of justice for the natural cannabis plant family expand to the WHOLE of the plants family, that they are now at the point of throwing the third sibling (ruderaliis) under the bus (ruderalis) for No Justifiable Reason or merit at All, Knowing it has always provided the highest amount of CBD naturally out of all the plant family siblings and like it's siblings does NOT in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM meet the justification standards to be made subjectable to the controlled substance act for any reason!
Right now Federally speaking there is No Reason nor anything legally preventing our people from extracting and using the CBD from cannabis ruderalis nor technically is there Anything in the federal laws of this land preventing us from cultivating an or using Pure cannabis Indica either, the only plant Ever under legal fire from the feds is cannabis sativa and now too their cross-breed strains which contain cannabis sativa within their genetics... the sooner the people Realize this the better our odds at liberating cannabis sativa from their legal control will prove to be, and such Clarity and coherency is exactly what they and the snake profiteers do NOT want you concluding anytime soon trust an believe that if nothing else!
The law takes effect immediately, meaning federal drug authorities must treat hemp like any other agricultural commodsuch as wheat or