Attorney Joseph Tully defends sellout Lepps in criminial trial

For those of you who have been paying attention to what is called "The Heddy Show" over the last year plus, we know you will appreciate knowing that despite a period of them having "no legal defense" that apparently attorney Joseph Tully is continuing to represent the snakeoil selling Lepp's regarding their legal battles. Why you ask, well that answer is pretty simple - it's all about them Benjamin's especially when it comes to attorneys!
Here is a post from Eddy Lepp confirming this reality of fact for those in doubt or under the belief that Tully actually has integrity and honor toward the California cannabis community:
Eddy Lepp added 2 new photos — feeling determined with Joseph M. Tully.
December 29, 2018 ·
Thank you Joseph M. Tully. Best book and attorney in the world. Heidi Lepp is in great hands. The DA offered misdemeanor no jail probation and fines. We will take our trial or dismissal thanks.