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Sachem Graves put's Polk County Oregon court judge on federal notice!

At 1:30PM this afternoon our sachem did just as she vowed publicly on her facebook post that she would, which was to walk in and disrupt the Circuit Court of Polk County Oregon to put the judge overseeing KM Vice-President Timothy Timm that should she turn him over into the hands of Douglas County Oregon, especially if something should happen to him, that she too would be subjected to criminal prosecution at the federal level as she would be aiding and abetting them in their multitude of violations against him under federal law and therefore subject along with them to conviction and possibly even, prison!

Those who know our sachem know well that she takes our rights liberties and freedoms Very Seriously, and while so protecting and defending them, that too, she also tends to make a public statement advocating for cannabis liberation in her presentation and attire, and today was no different as you see. Though this picture was actually taken the day Before, members there confirm that it's Exactly how she looked when she walked into the courtroom and did what she had to do, ya really gotta Love her Balls because so many would love to but are too afraid to go in, especially a courtroom to face off with a judge wearing even just a cannabis t-shirt and yet here she is wearing an entire wardrobe from head to toe covered in cannabis.

If you know her then you're also likely not going to be surprised to hear that she didn't stop there either. After court Sachem Graves then made her way over to the new office of Oregon Governor Kate Brown's office and proceeded to in writing Also put her personally on the very same official notice. Take a quick look as what she had to write and say to Brown in the photo for yourself, and note it is date stamped as received so it is officially done and legit!;

You can tell by the written tone, Graves is getting fed up with continuing to take her time going all the way to Oregon's capitol asking for the same thing, which is for the state employees, specifically police to simply honor and Respect the 1st Amendment of this nation - the Division of Church and State, and quite frankly we don't blame and therefore remain 1,000% behind her. Perhaps it's not coincidence that the governor's office has been relocated Out Of the state's capitol building because the governor continues Not doing her Job and ultimately upsetting the masses of the residents of Oregon for one reason or another and the state don't want it taken out on it's captol building.

What you might not be able to tell, is that under her cannabis coat, our sachem is wearing a government issued Chemical sweatshirt to match her combat boots because with her she remains clear in that she and our church Are willing to go to war if need be in effort of preserving the integrity of this nations justice system so we wanted to make sure we pointed that out so to help keep her point as clearly and coherently as is possible.

From there and with the governors stamp, Graves then proceeded down the block to the states Department of Justice and presented them with a stamped copy of the same and lodged a formal complaint. Before handing over the DOJ's copy, Graves was asked what brought her to their building this day and her response was as golden as she is "Well, I'm here Again, this time to seek help to make sure your states police do not Kill one of my church members beings they have him in custody. Graves went on to explain to them the same as you will read on her notice and complaint to Governor Brown.

Look at the states statues CLOSELY of "Lady Justice". At first one might think that the marble statue was hit by vandals, but as our sachem points out continually, it's the States "in your face omission that "Justice" is NOT something one should Expect to find in their legal system in Oregon - Sad but True.especially when it comes to our church! "She's not just Blind, she's literally BRAINLESS, which is just how they conduct their legal issues and affairs, because apparently ignorance is Bliss and they get Away with being so to the masses of their state's citizens with PRIDE. They do not "Need to Know" Federal Law this way which is I and our churches main problem, and quite frankly I'm TIRED of it" explains the sachem - how can you Not Love and admire the Shit out of her, right!


""Same as in their actual courtrooms which you can tell by the flag that displays behind the judges bench, the state Prides not being honorable of even legal, else their wouldn't be gold fringe on their American flags." a Maritime flag is what she's referring to, which is a Military flag and therefore has No Place in a court of "Law" that claims to be operating in the name of "Justice." "The state acknowledges they Want no Justice in their claimed Departments of Justice and the flag let's those who comprehend it that their courts operate with the attitude of declaring "War" on any foolish enough to cross into their threshold, which for those who don't know are the double door gates Always located at the very front pews. "Once you cross those thresholds you are Surrendering your right of protection of our nations Federal Law" explains Graves, which is something she did Not do in the courtroom today. As long as that remains their position, Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church will continue to have issue with them, but we Will stand our ground and fight their battles until they straighten up and get their shit and state justice system flying right, Period."

If you know Graves at all, you will look forward to future updates which you Know will be forthcoming, and we greatly Appreciate all of our members and supporters continued support because whether or not you step to the front lines, KM and sachem Graves do what we do for YOU. Thank you all again for your interest and attention as well as for your smoke and prayers and know that we will keep you updated as best as we can.

Our signs come from Great Creator, and though this hearing befell on the birthday of her late mother, once of KM's founding elder ancestors for those who didn't know our sign came in that while Graves was out taking care of business, our father stem for the KM Warriors Chanupa arrived at the sanctuary headquarters, which was hand crafted by an 8th generation pipe maker of the Apache nation. Miracles happen with the pipe and now that the mother and father are together - WATCH!

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