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Day of Red Alert because of Douglas County Oregon

A short walk to the local convenience store proves to turn into a life threatening situation for KM's now Vice-President Timothy 'Talq-Talq' Timm as ultimately it found him under arrest and hauled off to the local county jail.

But this is Not what makes this a life threatening situation, what Does is the fact that the Douglas County Oregon's so claimed "Justice Department" are using the opportunity to LIE to the Polk County Oregon Circuit Judge in order to hopefully gain physical access to him, and THAT ladies and gentlemen is what makes this literally a Life and Death situation because as we know and even have on recording is that their intent is to literally KILL him!

Although according to their own words they're hoping to "Shoot to Kill" Timm", which a transport should Not open the opportunity door for them to fulfill their wish, because of the on-going attacks combined With the audio we have, the bottom line is that we Cannot Trust in that to end up being the case, in fact, they've really given us no Choice but to fear the absolute Worst case scenario is Highly likely to end up being the case, and that is something we as KM simply CANNOT afford to risk proving to be the case, and so that is why as of right here and now today, our sachem is going to personally begin retrying all the avenues already long with a path worn to in the Oregon state government, but this time, instead of just Asking and even Begging for their help as we have for so many Years- this time she's going in with no holds barred and are going to DEMAND they keep him safely out of the hands of this rabid county, especially so their "Sheriff's Department" and those disguised as their "Law Enforcement" officers.

Immediately below is a link for your review at your convenience to the Polk County Oregon's "Jail Inmate" webpage. Once inside, please scroll down until you find Timothy Timm listed as a current inmate. Please READ CLOSELY the grounds for which he is in there. At the very TOP of the list is a "Hold" from Douglas County on the BOGUS charge of "Domestic Assault" and of "Harassment" which is the primary focal reason for our sachem's personal upset.

You see, as we covered in previous articles before, this case DID NOT ever Happen! Upon inquiry to the details it is claimed that Timm STABBED our sachem, and NEVER has or would he consider doing such a thing, especially to the one person whose unconditionally had his best of interest at heart as those who know them both quickly and easily jump to confirm. The summary of this falsified claim by Douglas county came short After the church named the entire county in a federal injunction in the hopes of being able to finally Stop YEARS worth of federally illegal attacks the church and too specifically Mr. Timm has endured for no Other reason that because we have and maintain this church. Last we checked "Hate Crimes" are federally Illegal, and yet though we have continuously Begged for them to be stopped and corrected, obviously Still they continue to do and get away with abusing their power and authority as "Peace Officers" to execute it. "Not this time" says our sachem "Because If they do, they very well will likely harm If not Kill him, and we simply Cannot take this risk, especially using My name to try to do it!

The Remaining "Holds" listed immediately below those from Douglas County against Timm are EXPIRED, and yes we said Expired because contrary to what most might know, criminal charges Can actually Expire under Oregon state "law" IF the person being accused is NEVER formally Arraigned, which on those cases Mr. Timm WASN'T! Of coarse our sachem is headed north to Polk County Oregon as Timm is to see the judge Monday afternoon about 1 o'clock to be arraigned on the last two charges, which resulted in him being arrested and headed to jail yesterday afternoon, but the RISK is that should the judge arraign and choose to "release" Timm from the jail with a court date, these Douglas county holds would then give them the opportunity to stake claim to him with Polk court and put Mr. Timm directly into the hands of a county law enforcement agency who we have audio PROOF intend on nothing less than to literally Kill him, and according to them if it was out on the street, they would do so upon the mere sight of him.

As scary as this truly Is, unfortunately for most of us upon Turtle Island this type of threat level from police is become far too commonplace. Daily across the nation police are shooting to and killing people and the scary thing is that they're actually not only getting Away with it but realistically it's we taxpayers who are Paying them for doing it! Of coarse most police shootings, at least as far as we the people know happen because of "in the moment circumstances" that result in their making split second decisions. In this situation we KNOW already their intent and we as the KM Church, especially our sachem have absolutely No intent to stand by quietly and just let it happen, not to one of Our members!

For those of you only just now learning of the threat we're talking about, we ask that you consider taking a look at the following link to most accurately be brought up to speed:

So in addition to asking for your smoke and prayers for his protection, we humbly ask that those who can please keep an eye and ear open and know that we intend to make sure we keep you closely updated to the best of our ability. As always we thank you for your continued interest and support and are again thankful for the member who promptly let us know it and are glad to see him Not beaten, of coarse as we say, far as we know Polk County are more Honorable and therefore don't have a reason to excuse trying to harm him, at least at this point - who Knows if and after they talk to Douglas County though because we've seen where "favors" have been called by them for other agencies to severely hurt him - smoke and prayers and fingers crossed it proves to not be the case while he's there, now we've just got to make sure Polk County knows not to trust Douglas with him!

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