Sachem Arrested on Expired Cannabis DUII Charge in Oregon

It is with great upset, concern and even Embarrassment on the part of the state of Oregon that we inform you that our sachem, Joy Graves was Arrested and taken to jail today by the city of Salem Police on an expired criminal charge of "Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants - CANNABIS!" Those of you out there who Think that the state of Oregon is the most Laxed and safe for cannabis users, you;re WRONG, and the proof of that not Only lye in this charge but in the legal history our sachem has had and endured while Oregon tokers insist we'd already "Won the war" on our mother medicine.
In 2006 Graves was charged with possession of more than an ounce and despite being found by a circuit court judge as being in Compliance with the medical cannabis law allotment, this same Linn County Oregon instead re-charged her under federal felony and she faced a total of 56 Years in prison if convicted, which fortunately she didn't because she and our members KNOW THE LAW unlike those in Oregon payed to uphold and enforce them Justly! In 2013 Graves again faced cannabis conviction in Oregon, this time across the state in Grant County but again, though only facing 20 years that go-round Beat the charges via a dismissal due to the states poisoning of the Tree legally speaking. In that court but in a previous case against another church member, Graves was declared "an expert witness in cannabis from it's breeding to it's cultivation and consumption" by the counties District Attorney.
Those of you may remember when this charge first manifested, but for those of you who don't we Highly Encourage you to take a quick moment to review the Press Conference that was immediately held After the original arrest:
You see, then representing attorney Matthew Pappas was SUPPOSED to have included the state of Oregon as a whole in that injunction filing too, in fact great emphasis to that being done was stressed by both our and the then confederated ONAC who are the ones who retained Pappas to represent the case in federal court. Of coarse we would learn the hard way time and again that Pappas was a half-assed attorney as far as his efforts went and ultimately has cost far more cases including ours then than he's Yet to actually put forth effort and Win.
Now, this encounter occurred in the middle of January 2016. Under Oregon State LAW, specifically in their ORS131.125 section 8(b) clearly states that this charge EXPIRED as of January 2017 because she was Never ARRAIGNED! The two additional traffic Infractions (violations) according to that same state statute but in section 8 (c) Expired within 6 Months of the encounter which would put it about the middle of June of 2016! But because this is the state of Oregon, Graves was arrested and taken to Jail anyway and is now scheduled for official arraignment on this encounter Coincidentally on the same day and at the same time as KM's Vice-President is scheduled to appear in a circuit court more than 40 miles away from where she is scheduled to appear In front of a judge she put on official notice under US Title 18 sections 241,242 and 247 in effort of keeping the VP safe from imminent danger at the hands of another county law enforcement entity that is to be named in a Federal Criminal Complaint to the US Attorney General also intertwined into the HATE crimes the state of Oregon continues to inflict on our church, lands and members.
The Human Solutions International (THSI) are coordinating court support for Graves as this case proceeds forward in court. Graves is next scheduled to appear in court on this matter on the day After Christmas in the Linn County Circuit Court in downtown Albany, Oregon.
As always we Thank You for your continued interest support and eyes on situations such as this and all the great many other things we are out here actively doing as well as covering for your convenience and information, and we highly encourage you to please stay tuned as there's always more to come!