A deeper look into the arrest of sachem Graves
For those of you who might have missed the news, KM's sachem Joy Graves was arrested just a few short days ago on what she calls "an insane waste of much needed community servant resource elsewhere, un-memritable strain on state judicial departments, fiscal budgets and tax payer wallets, and an Embarrassment on all Oregonians and cannabis liberators around mother globe, not to mention a smite to great Creator's face and creation."

We highly suggest you pop back in our archives for more specific details including footage of the press conference immediately after this encounter with Graves and Oregon LEO's (law enforcement officers) on this dark rainy and cold wind blowing night on the interstate highway back in January of 2016 when then representing attorney Matthew Pappas best explains the reason behind the shameful deeds of Oregons "Peace Officers"especially as far as Protect and Serve" are concerned, in our mecautea perception anyway. The press conference video was also recently included in our article the day it happened, just an article or two back from here for those who'd like to take a quick look at it.
Here is where Graves feels it best quickly be ended: in nowhere else but the states own shell of law, Oregon Revised Statute 131.125 Section 8 sub-section (b) in regards to the Misdemeanor cannabis DUII allegation charge and in sub-section (c) when it comes to the infraction allegation charges regarding the lack of license and insurance. As she says, the text of the whole of the statute reads fairly clear in that the statute of limitations has in fact Ran Out on the state of Oregon's ability to attempt to charge and ultimately try to convict Graves on Any of the charges now being held over her.
State statute reads as follows: "(8)Except as provided in subsection (9) of this section or as otherwise expressly provided by law, prosecutions for other offenses must be commenced within the following periods of limitations after their commission:(a)For any other felony, three years.(b)For any misdemeanor, two years.(c)For a violation, six months."
For Graves "that's right the moment they poisoned the whole of the tree right there, during the formation of it's frutation" in regards to this arrest and feels that them "now following the same laws they insist we the people follow or else punishment" would make it their most proper place to start when they process and approve a motion todismiss based on this statute.Will they do it though remains the question yet to be seen answered by Linn County DA's office who just so happen to be named as among the defendants in the 2019 KM Federal injunction and lawsuit still currently pending in the 9th District federal court in Portland, Oregon.
We will see what happens and keep you updated as to how it plays out, so please and thank you for staying tuned!