KM Files Federal Injunction against the State of Oregon

For those with interest including especially our members in and traveling through the state of Oregon, We as the Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) American Native Church have officially filed an injunction as well as criminal complaints against the state of Oregon as a whole. The injunction includes the request of an immediate Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to protect All of the members including specifically the Founder's Council, one of whose lives are literally in immediate imminent physical danger by at least One of the states county sheriff's departments, a permanent restraining order to ensure the protection is respected, and also $25 Million dollars so to make sure that we are serious in that we want our rights individually and collectively respected and the profile targeting fueled by HATE Stopped by the "justice" system and "peace officers" representing the state of Oregon Immediately. Basically in short, we are seeking reaffirmation of the division in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States between Church and State and in the context
As many of you know, we have had on-going attacks on our land and members since establishing our foundation as a church in the state of Oregon back in 2010 when we were but a chapter of The United Cannabis Ministries (UCM), specifically by the two counties our sanctuary lands were established, both of which we filed Multiple Complaints on for abusing their authority as "peace officers" for YEARS to no avail at the state level,then near the end of 2013 we filed complaints at the federal level, also then to no avail, and ultimately we specifically included in a similar injunction we filed in January of 2016. Very short after that filing in federal court Hoping to get our position heard, respected and protected from it well before it reached the level that it has now as one of the counties have escalated their attacks to the point of threatening literal Murder of one of our Founding officer members, Vice-President Timothy Timm by intentionally going to the Grand Jury and completely Fabricating criminal allegations against Timm to them "secretly" and obtained right to issue 2 felony warrants for his arrest - one for "Domestic Assault" and the other for "Domestic Harassment".
Subsequently Timm was arrested on the charges But upon release via Bail posted by both our sachem and chief financial officer, was NOT TOLD who the states "victim" was, even while point-blank Asking multiple deputies while being told Timm was not to have Any Contact with the "Victim", instead what he Was told is that he would be told who the victim was in court during his arraignment. At the arraignment, it was to complete surprise to all to hear that the states "victim" to Timm was our own church sachem! A bit more puzzling is in that according to the court records, the county DA proclaimed to the secret grand jury that the alleged incident date was nearly 2 Years prior TO the request for indictment - July 15th 2014, especially when you HEAR the allegation they claim is the "Domestic Assault" - they CLAIM that Timm Stabbed our sachem in the neck, a pretty serious, dangerous and Scary concept of a picture to be painting about Anyone in our opinion, but most upsetting of all is that such an incident NEVER EVER HAPPENED in any degree, way, shape or form. When our sachem stormed the DA about it and told them their allegations were completely untrue and out of line and she completely objected, she was told that she needn't testify as given his past history they were confident they would get a conviction and put Timm away in prison for a long time.
Sachem Graves was enraged that they would completely disregard the truth and proceed to punish a person in the name of Justice knowing they were completely in the wrong and told the DA that she would testify in court before judge and jury to their charges being completely untrue and out-right fabricated and was then told that should she appear with intent to testify in court that she Would be declared a "Hostile Witness" by the prosecution so to dampen the courts perspective of her. As livid as Graves was, all that could be done was yet another complaint to state government officials pleading for their help and intervention, again to no avail but subsequently what it Did do was created a situation of "No Contact Order" being placed between sachem Graves and Vice-President Timm in effort of ensnaring Timm into a hole with actual merit so to have grounds to rid him from society.
You see, as we all know, no one roaming mother earth is a saint by Any means, and in this instance Timm is no different, in act so much so that technically speaking, criminally speaking he in all factuality Is the weakest link of the KM foundation as he has the most history records unlike our sachem who has absolutely no criminal history conviction record at All. Much of this stems from a combination of an extensive history of mental illness Combined with an extreme Tramatic Brain Injury (TBI) at the age of 4 that literally broke his neck as well and was un-treated and even hidden and denied officially throughout the majority of his childhood. As a result he finally was granted SSI disability benefits for it being issue many years later and remains his sole source of income to date.

In 2012 and per the request as a "Favor" to this county, another county sheriff's department along with a local police agency both together Beat Timm to the point of causing a second TBI which too re-injured his first as well, and from there together made sure all medical treatment and care needed including specialty referrals given by physicians were Deprived of him so to cover up their crime!
When it was publicly announced Timm had gone out of Oregon for medical treatment and care, the county back then first used the same tactic they have now which was to go to the grand jury and get an indictment for his arrest on a petty theft charge to which was fabricated and with that were able to under the arraignment keep Timm from care another almost 2 Years before ultimately the damage from the head injuries from the beating were unbearable so Timm pled guilty though noting on record he did Not do the crime they alleged but plead so to "get it out from over my head so I can move on" and RESUME seeking medical attention for the beating injuries. After that, the injunction was filed and these assault allegations were fabricated to the grand jury and there ya are.
Now, we fast forward to October 2018, when in the early hours one dark cold dreary night, our south valley sanctuary land was desecrated by nothing less than a small army of various agencies of "peace officers" with hallow allegations of a "domestic argument" being heard by neighbors and then into a "911 hang up PINGED TO" the sanctuary land to man handle and physically abuse multiple church members including our President and head of our Wolf Band, which is legally equivalent To "Law Enforcement" of and for KM and federally criminal just in itself, and freely trample our sanctuary at will with machine guns and shields in riot gear covered hands, which unfortunately was only Audio recorded on the churches part, but fortunately Finally for KM is in that we obtained Multiple times the true reason and their intent revealed, which was to "Shoot to KILL Timm on sight" and "as soon as we lay eyes on him" period, that they weren't going to "take any chances with him" - WRONG DISPOSITION to Have while standing in a HUMAN RIGHTS based Church, Especially about any including an Officer member!
Our sachem was there, but extremely ill, so much so that she barely made it out of bed on their command and at gun point with a walker! She has been about that ill for a time before as well as since, and is why on this incident no complaint to the state or otherwise was yet filed, even a year later, but now obviously that disposition has had to change whether she is medically up to it or not. Reason being is that our Vice-President landed himself in jail in another Oregon county on a misdemeanor charge, and once booked into jail, the county wanting to kill him dead were Quick to stake claim of right to authority over Timm on the grounds of there fabricated charges as well as other charges that according to state law are expired by several months, once the county he is in is finished with their case pending against him.
And so this injunction as well as Multiple criminal complaints have been filed, by the suggestion and request of Multiple Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) agents and to the US Department of Justice directly in a desperate attempt to keep Timm safe and literally physically alive. We ask for your smoke and your prayers as well as insight and support and remain confident that Kautantowit (Great Creator) will ensure our rights and civil liberties are respected and we the Mecautea (Warrior Soldiers Of Great Creator who fight off evil and the enemy) are protected and preserved, and ultimately that All Churches and their lands and members do Not have to go through and endure victimization on such levels under future Color of Law that we and our members have and will continue to have to until the constitutional law is respected by Oregon officials as they Should be without having to go through and file complaints and charges like we are now.

As Always we Thank you for your continued interest and support and we welcome you to stay tuned for future updates about this and other pertinent news we're fortunate enough to share with all of you.