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Disgust in the welcoming of our sellout snakes

Well folks, once again we can trust and believe that Creator has his ways and Does know best and can either make or break something in the blink of an eye and this year it proves true at the second annual "Hemp Aid" event attempt in the northern Willamette Valley of Oregon USA.

Immediately beside this paragraph you will find the main event flier which many of you might not see the corrupted snake hands at first glance but trust us when we say we can and do assure you that they are there indeed, and NOT to be trusted by Any Means in our formal and personal collective opinion as KM.

Please comprehend that when we as KM refer to someone as being a "Snake" that we are meaning those who are only in cannabis so to personally prosper, not like we ole schoolers meaning just o get we and our families by, but to "Get Rich" and off the backs and expense of not only our people but by the exploitation and prostitution of our plants as well, and who present and sell themselves as being For the best interest of our plant and people - such as those who Swore that passing Recreational cannabis was "winning the war" and "Not going to have Any negative impact on medical patients or programs" when CLEARLY WRITTEN so to cost us EVERYTHING that our front line activists have gained towards cannabis liberation step by step day after day and year after year over especially the last 40 years as That is when our church elder now ancestor who insisted our church be established began his own personal sacrifices for the cause and Created the Global Hemp and cannabis movement, and not this FRANKENhemp or Frankenweed we're now being shoveled with to date either- true Creator made Cannabis! The snakes are the Sellouts plain and simple, and trus when we say Time WILL Reveal who these sellout snakes really are, just Listen and Observe their words, deeds and actions and then decide for yourself!

Please take a look at this stage list mockery of an event being passed off as a pro-cannabis community event honoring our pant and people would you please, so you can get a better understanding at our ultimate DISGUST as the sheeple support the sellout circus show these snakes continue to embrace and present as being a Worthy endeavor would you please:

Note that there are snakes by our definition On the schedule, actually on Both Days even that Are listed on the event flier itself, BUT one is scheduled but one of the communities slimiest scamming snakes suddenly being included on the stages speaking list on BOTH days that Wasn't included on the original event flier, likely for that very Reason should be quickly expiised and deduced... we'll give you a Hint, it's scheduled for 3:40Pm the first day and then 4:30 Pm the second.

Also please know that this snake was Ordered out of our community by the founding father short before His murder, and whose coattails this serpent Continues to ride Swearing he was among the closest and bestest of friends to our Hemperor, but that MANY proclaimed VIP's KNOW the TRUTH, and why they're not speaking it, Especially those also scheduled on the same Stage as this snake knowing that Many of us KNOW and detest ANY snake among us, especially one of the Snitching Nature among our plant and people, and make No Mistake that we Know and have their own testimony (and their spouses publicly To Media) that it's exactly the skin of this particular individual!

We Will be publicly calling this out, here, as well as via our primary social media platform On the Final Day prior to his scheduled speaking slot - not to cause trouble but because it's our Duty and Obligation to our community for their and our plants sakes - this CANNOT BE TOLERATED NOR ACCEPTED... PERIOD and it's time it stopped once and for all! Our Hemperor Built this community to be a FAMILY for all of us who are upright and have sincere Integrity and Honor when it comes to the point of fact and principle - either you want LIBERATION or you don't, plain and simple, and Regulation even if Disguised as good is NOT what our plant and people have been suffering and literally DYING for all of these years since the wrongful prohibition of cannabis sativa in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM- it's very bad and detrimental medicine which true warriors such as KM will tolerate No More!

As always, we Thank you ever so kindly for your interest and support in our efforts and we hope you stay tuned for more news and information encompassing our disposition to come as we can get it to you. If you'd like to get involved in the flourishment of our newsroom and or the overall flourishment of KM, please reach out to us and Join us. Membership is FREE of any mandatory cost, we are a "Vow of Poverty Church" and rely upon our members and supporters in all ways, front lines and behind the scenes. We Are working toward establishing a way to accept financial contributions as well, and remain Appreciative of any and all that you do to help us proceed forward in good medicine way, Thank you all, each and every one of you! Creator Bless~


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