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We call it Bad Medicine for a Reason

Many wonder about what our church means when we refer to "Bad Medicine". Bad medicine us that which is detrimental to the will and intended well-being of Creator's creation. Such obvious to the eye examples would be in chem-trails, gmo foods and the industrial petro-chemical industry and consequences that come of and because of them. How can our species deny the damage and death caused by plastic, first in it's production which pollutes the air and land with toxic chemicals, then once discarded as garbage which doesn't decompose and ends up either ground into the ground or in our oceans, and into the bottoms of our ocean relations homes which ultimately KILL THEM! Creator is one of life and living and this is Not the desire for the sea-life and the proof lies in that creator did not Make Plastic, humans did, problem is that humans don't take Responsibility for it and the recklessness in turn kills other living beings which isn't okay and in contrary to the will of the creator!

Other common examples of "Bad Medicine" as far as KM are concerned is in fracking, mining and strip-mining, deforestation for profit, mandatory vaccines on children opposed to parental Choice, and of coarse infringement on any living beings right to be living breathing created beings of creators, but today in this article we are going to dive much deeper, and into that of even greater importance as far as needing immediate attention and action, and that depth is going to land us in spiritual bad medicine... "Black Magick."

Some of you might be somewhat familiar with belief's that fall into societies category of "Black Magick" including things, practices and or beliefs that are referred to as being "Witchcraft" "Sorcery" ir even deemed outright "Satanism". Today, we are going to dive into what's known as being "The blackest of the Black Magic ever to be known upon the earth" and that is known as "Palo". What you Don't know most likely is that it too as most cultures traditions have been grossly bastardized and convoluted with other beliefs and cultures practices, which as most know, WEAKENS whatever "power" is attempting to be conjured. A prime example is found un many members of the ONAC church who have been practitioning Palo Mayombe and Palo Christo including against their own members.

To us this is bad medicine, especially for those claiming to be church Leaders to condone and promote as no church should be wishing DEATH on a living breathing being, especially for self gain as the only goal of the outcome. The original goal was to know how to work with ghosts to do dark things if need be, or to work the lighter side with spirits if need be. Paleros are supposed to be neutral in stance, and only lean towards whatever side favors earth and nature, which would Not include a persons Death for personal gain or greed such as these folks are practicing today which is primarily the throwing of curses and casting rituals to harm and even kill people.

Palo mayombe originated from the African Congo and is said to be the world's most powerful and feared form of black magic. also known as Las Reglas de Congo, is a religion with various denominations which developed in Cuba among Central African slaves and their descendants who originated in the Congo Basin. Denominations often referred to as "branches" of Palo include Mayombe (or Mallombe), Monte, Briyumba (or Brillumba), and Kimbisa. The Spanish word palo "stick" was applied to the religion in Cuba due to the use of wooden sticks in the preparation of altars, which were also called la Nganga, el caldero, nkisi or la prenda. Priests of Palo are known as Paleros, Tatas (men), Yayas (women) or Nganguleros. Initiates are known as ngueyos or pino nuevo.

Religious syncretism with Catholicism is prevalent within Palo due to the fact that the Kingdom of the Kongo adapted the Catholic religion and created a form of Kongo-Catholicism as early as the 15th century. Iconography and the lack thereof is a reflection of dual socio-politics beliefs that have been in opposition for centuries. In Cuba they are categorized as Palo Cristiano (Christian Palo), which uses the crucifix and images of Catholic saints as representations of the kimpungulu versus Palo Judio (Jewish Palo), where there is no Catholic imagery/iconography to be found.

Here is a short video we think will help you better comprehend what the ceremonies entail:

Whatever the agenda we would like to take a moment and remind people that KARMA is and can be the baddest Botch known to mother globe and what energies you send out, especially during incantation WILL boomerang back at Least 10 if no hundreds time fold and we HOPE that fact will resonate into the minds of those Before you enter into a ritual or allow your energies to be used in such destructive ceremonies.

Here is a link to a good article for your convenience as well:

We hope you found this article enlightening and Thank you for your time and interest, even if just curiousity because people Do need to know what's going on in our society. Remember folks, what goes around, including by ritual comes around and Time Reveals whose doing what as Karma comes around and starts kicking Asses, so you best make Sure you're willing to lose what you're trying to gain! Be safe and be well everyone and stay tuned!


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