Linn County Cannabis case proves bias hate for Graves and church by Oregon LEO
Talk about handing over the smoking gun, we are absolutely Flabbergasted to see what came in the Discovery paperwork from Linn County DA regarding the cannabis DUII case against KM spiritual leader Joy Graves, talk about Forrest Gump- "Run dumbass run!"
For those of you puzzled as to why we say this, let us inform and encourage you to confirm the fact that we as KM, and specifically the majority of our founders, including sachem Graves herself, have filed and are currently in process of a federal injunction against the state of Oregon as a whole and specifically because of a small handful of their government entities and employees for religious discrimination and bias, hate motivated profile targeting because of our position of defense regarding our rights to natural earth medicines, specifically cannabis.
We've known for a long time, long before cannabis laws even laxed in Oregon, that Linn County, as with Douglas and others such as Jackson and Josephine counties had a firm foot forward stance when it came to cannabis anything more so than others, and having a founder whose family history consist of multi-generational gorilla growers known butunprosecutable alongwith another founder who was prosecuted for cannabis cultivtion in their county, that once prompted there would be no hesitation on their part to make us pay and watch us squirm -
In Febuary of 2006 our sachem was encountered on the interstate on a dark rainy night transporting cannabis and a single 2 foot plant from a patient residence to a registered growsite location sanctioned under Oregon's medical marijuana program when much like in this case from January of 2016, she was pulled over by state troopers who ultimately thought they could arrest and see her prosecuted. However they failed to realize the interpersonal connection our sachem had to the medical cannabis laws or that she come out from under the wing of the man who predominently wrote them and helped to collect the signatures and support to establish them!
In court Graves stood her ground and quoted laws even with a recess and the judges instrution to read them still remained unknown o the prosecution and so ultimately, with cannabis warrior attorney Brian Michaels at her side she beat the case and earned the respect from the dismissing judge as she did. Next thing both knew was Graves had been secretly indicted by the DA federally and what went from a mazimum sentence of 5 years if convicted burst into her facing a grand total of 56 years federal time if convicted for the same stop that had been dismissed less than 2 weeks before. Both Graves and the judge were livid and ultimately the deputy DA instructed to initiate that lost his job, which is a sad reality of the scapegoat ladder indeed in their system of "Justice", at leas in the stae of Oregon anyway... but now here we go again in 2016 as what we knew was retaliation due to lack of respect for our rights to religious freedom.
How to PROVE it was the question... until Now
Though the charges currently pending against sachem Graves have legally Expired according to their legal statutes, by almost 2 years for the cannabis DUII, once again "in effort of cock-blocking" Graves as she puts it, she found herself once again under arrest for this reason, and despite state laws, forced to stand for formal arraignment, which is good as it's something that's been eating at her for not head-on battling back in 2016 and putting an end to such nonsense as cannabis impairment when it comes to driving once and for all when opportunity presented then, however according to her, the timing was bad... or was it? Finally sachem Graves has received Part of the Discovery of evidence prepared to be presented and used against her in their so claimed court of law, and we think you should take a quick look at a statement or two that the officer made in his report back on the night of the stop and arrest, because to us, we see it as a freshly smoking gun they just handed us that helps Prove their hate and disrespect as well as disregard for our religious rights of choice and belief - tell us what You think

2020 is the year if the KM Mecautea, it is a year we hope to make great positive changes especially in regards to our rights to our beloved mother earth's medicines! We CANNOT sit back and allow this type of illegal ignorance to continue especially in the minds and at the abusive hands of proclaimed official representatives of "Justice", we can't and we Won't!
As always we appreciate your interest and support and we hope you stay tuned for updates! Stay safe and have a very happy new year everyone~ go in good way