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Linn County Oregon Court Judge ignorance of law endangers KM minor child members

Well ladies and gentlemen, we are officially FURIOUS with the continued DANGER Linn County Oregon INSISTS on inflicting on our members because this time they are intentionally putting minor children in imminent danger of and for their literal lives when their "Law" clearly states hey should have been Immediately protected and By this counties court!

Is it IGNORANCE or is it RETALIATION is our burning question!

At this point given ALL the Bullshit angles and attacks from the county, we ourselves are leaning toward it being more Retaliation than judge ignorance and in this article we are going to explain WHY we can't really help but to feel this way.

First and foremost, it is well known that we as KM have an active Lawsuit in Federal Court specifically against Linn County Oregon as the whole for HATING on our church. What's lesser known to most is that in addition To KM being a plaintiff of the federal case, so too is our churches President a direct victim and therefore a named plaintiff in the suit. He and his family live in Linn County Oregon and the kids this court just put in imminent harm are His twin minor children! Beings our lawsuit is the only known against them, especially in Federal court- we'd say the odds are they KNOW his name well, don't ya think, especially since it's far from a Common name.

Second, the evidence and testimony given and offered to the court CLEARLY justified a protection order was meritable, at Least for having granted a Temporary order which would have protected them a Leas long enough to have more evidence and testimony heard at a future court date. Past harm, including attempted Murder on one of the children along with threats recently being made about a third kidnapping by the suspect SHOULD have got more than "If they are taken just call the police and they will go and bring them back" as a solution from a judge, especially when it was testified to that another person had come to Oregon for this threat who had helped kidnap the children before, wouldn't ya Think and Hope?!

Third, the suspect in this situation has a documented Brain disorder (Schizophrenia) along with three Other Personality disorders at the psychosis levels AND is actively using multiple substances including methamphetamines which DO negatively interact with the anti-psychotic medication the suspect is prescribed which have YET to be addressed or treated by the sate despite their knowing they should be according to mental health protocol.

Surely their are many More factors that Should have been considered by the court, some which was given and some too which the judge flat REFUSED considering or even hearing, bu we don't want to reveal Too much as we KNOW KM well enough to know this is No going to be let go, especially beings CHILDREN are in danger because of it, so we're going to move on to some other reasons retaliation is behind it that encompass bu are not part of the case ha we think will help best paint you a picture.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the court Limited the time that the public are allowed in a courthouse and for such cases to be heard. On this day there was a total of Three cases of such nature that were heard- the first two were from a single petitioner, and then their was our president's case called and heard last. The very first case was a woman seeking a Restraining Order against an ex-boyfriend she hasn't had provable direct contact with in Over Two Years, which obviously Disqualified her from obtaining it, but her second case sought a Stalking Order on her ex-boyfriends ex-wife whom the petitioner herself said that even with time she would NOT be able to obtain proof of having any form of contact from her either, nor provide he court with any form of proof of her alleged victimization of harassment from the ex-wife EVER.

The judge GRANTED the woman's Stalking Order request on the ex-wife of her ex-boyfriend!

Then the court called our president's case and all we've stated and then-some Was presented and testified to he court but apparently for Some reason his petition was DENIED when the law encompassing it clearly confirms that it Should have been granted, especially in comparison to the previous case regarding the petitioners ex-boyfriends ex-wife and ZERO proof can be obtained!

We are going o end this news brief Here so to ensure we don' do anything to make i worse or more dangerous to these kids BU we Will keep you informed as to what is going to come of it because as we said before, we Know tha KM will not stand by and just tolerate nor accept such blatant mis-justice that willfully Endangers young children, so please stay tuned for future updates. Thank you for your continued interest and support for all we as KM are out here trying to fix and accomplish for the greater good of our members and community- Creator bless you one and all.


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