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Linn County Oregon continues boggling KM's mind with religious hate evidence condemning them in

Finally, after almost 4 Years, Linn County Oregon prosecutors have decided to turn over the video proof we've been longing for hat CLEARLY SHOWS the bias Hate and Profile Targeting we and our members have been suffering for YEARS due to their lack of respect for our beloved mother medicine Cannabis and we who remain at the front lines attempting to protect her.

Below you are going to find a couple clips from the police officers Body Camera that we Hope you will take a few minutes to review so to see for yourself how "Peace Officers" are NOT Supposed to act especially while in uniform! It is criminal ladies and gentlemen, plain and simple, and we are pursuing their accountability in the 9th District in Federal Court in the hopes to Stop it once and for all.

"Okay she's stoned" is Conclusive isn't it? So his mind was already made up Before he asked her to step out and See whether or not there was any truth to his conclusion. With the "injuries" and ailments Sachem Graves has and stated, the police should Not have proceeded with the Field Sobriety test.

"The coat IS Marijuana", Seriously, because there was a little bit of loose medicine in both of the pockets? So, soaked wet and in he cold and foggy rain night they Remove our sachem's coat Knowing as sick and under weight she is, in a state that it's LEGAL for her to have an Ounce - interesting to learn huh. No interested in looking at her MEDICAL cannabis Cards, issued by both Oregon and the state of California NOR her Church membership card in her bag BUT are willing to Desecrate her sacred religious artifacts and make her REMOVE her regailia, how WRONG of those police troopers!

So many points to be had in this clip, this writer truly doesn't Know where to Begin! Why is the one cop with he bag of "evidence" from her coat pocket now going over and off camera With the bag - is that not Poisoning their tree?

Carrying on about cannabis being our "Sacrament" is proof of their Bias HATE if nothing else is- least we forget the Santa Ana dispensary raid? Making FUN of her description of cachexia is also rude and HATEFUL, no to mention very Unbecoming of a "Peace Officer" - she didn't make fun of their IGNORANCE of it did she. The "Marijuana everywhere" that they keep saying they SMELL so strong and say "is everywhere" was the OUTFIT she wears- made of CLOTH not plant material! Really BRITE cops Oregon has there. Continuing on with heir Ignorance- cannabis WAS used by many tribes long before the United States was declared a country - DUH!

Pathetic they would again continue to MOCK her health as well as her Intelligence- clearly SHE knows the difference between cloth leaves versus actual cannabis plan material. The BROWNIES they carry on about were made by Pizza Hut and last WE checked they did No offer a medicated batch of them for sale, though they'd make Much More sales of them if they did! But the icing for this reporter is how hey would Not transport her dead parents ashes and her fathers military dog tags, even after being told they Were spiritual artifacts that were sacred to her.

Knowing our sachem as we do, she Will be making these points and many more as this case proceeds on as well too as submitting these to the federal court as proof to it's merit when it comes to the Violations of LAW fueled by their personal HATE for cannabis and our rights to it. Many believe Oregon is the Most Laxed state when it comes to cannabis in law but Obviously that's farce and people Need to be made aware of it, especially if they find themselves in Oregon!


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