Linn County Oregon Slanders KM Church President
It has come to our attention that Linn County Oregon has committed a very serious and detrimental CRIME against Church President Michael "'Wolfbrother' Minter.

Wolfbrother was caught up in some criminal charges back in Linn County Oregon in July of 1992 that included Conspiracy to Manufacture Marijuana, which ultimately he plead Guilty to. He jumped through All of the hoops the court bestowed on him as a punishment including community service, probation, and a hefty fine and in 1993 he was told everything was done and over with and that the Linn County Oregon court was "Satisfied"... but apparently they weren't, and we Know and feel it's fueled by their deep seeded HATE for our beloved plant cannabis, or as they racially named and call it "Marihuana".
Now we fast-forward to the year 2010. In February Wolfbrother was ordained as a minister of the now known KM Church, as well as another. Two months later, Linn County Oregon court apparently decided to "integrate" their paper criminal records onto their computer systems. What they did to Wolfbrother Minter was far beyond that, but a blatant ATTACK on his character and reputation as a person, a minister, and a native born American citizen.
As you will see by the screenshot received by a stalker of Wolfbrother to his spiritual leader on May 28th, 2020 provided immediately below:

, Linn County Oregon from that point forward to presently have been grossly SLANDERING his character and reputation. And yes, you read that right, one of his STALKERS provided this eye-opening situation. IMAGINE the Consequences and hinderances life would have if you were labeled a Treasonous Murderer! Now imagine such for over 10 years time, and NOT KNOWING!

Staff at the Linn County Oregon courthouse took it upon themselves to knowingly give access to the courts computer via a "Portal" knowing the person they were giving it to has a multitude of mental illnesses and personality disorders, was actively Stalking him, and too, that she was using illegal street drugs which induces psychosis Majorly in her conditions.
They also knew well he and his family were being threatened and Harassed by the stalker- but they saw it as a way to retaliatory attack without likely having it all come out and be exposed because the stalker IS mentally ill and not in her right mind and wanting no form of contact from her. For more detailed information and timeline please review our archived articles.
Of coarse KM has promptly put all pertinent proof into the official case record at the federal court, but we NEED you to know and be aware because the attacks and repercussions from this is far from over.
Please stay tuned for forthcoming articles specifically LOOKING in Depth at this BULLSHIT situation!