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The State Of Covid

"Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic" which seems to be the new American justification for excuse we'd better start getting used to hearing... Oregon courthouses remain at a "Limited Function" which means they are selectively Choosing what they're going to do and not do, proceed and hold off on, how long per work day they'll do whatever they've decided to, and even for how long per day the people will have public access to the public building that's to function by and for the benefit of the people 0 they're just getting comfortable in having the "power" of deciding what :Is Essential" versus what is "Non-Essential" when it comes to priorities of daily life for the sheeple people.

Things such as "Justice" "Rights", "Freedom" and "Civil Liberties" have long been already tossed out the window with the baby and the bath water across the United States slowly but surely over the coarse of generations ascending to the here and now, while phrases such as "Patriot" "God" and "Militia" have been redefined as the enemy, and words such as "Honor", "Integrity", "Warrior" and "Hero" have been diminished into hallow meaningless air .

However, in the present generations, a major disconnection has become so apparent that as he sheeple awaken to it, it cannot be not seen.that all living beings woven within the web of earthly creation have willfully been disregarded, that he breath that is life is not our own anymore, that the illusion is that we are now owned by our common oppressor... he ones who we entrusted into positions of authority but have instead since drawn a line and declared we are heir enemy... ready or not... look around... their game is on - it's Been on, i's just hat he sheeple people didn't want to see, those awakening couldn't bring themselves to Believe, and we who know and see remain in a bit of disbelief what all is so blatantly there.

These are imperrative times that we are striving so hard to live in and through in the here and now. As I've said all along, this is only a warm up to heir official "balls in" beginning... it's but a test run so they can tweak and perfect all their faucets when they profess it's officially begun. Ye he American Sheeple People bu are mere rodents in their mazes, and they're studying so to perfect their anticipations as to who and how many of you are going to react in what way to whatever little obstacle is thrown at you, and what they can do to help make sure you react the ways they want you to. Who are they you ask with sincere wonder, are they the rich, are they the "Old White" are they the police? We used to be taught they were the poor, the "colored" the "criminals" but time has revealed the truth to be not so, meaning we were lied to... but by who? Our common oppressors is who, it's whose always been the "Who".

Any and all who judge you and decide you're not worthy enough for whatever reason or circumstance... they are among the who, any who bully, intimidate threaten or harm you for excercizing your right to be you when your infringing on No Other, are among the who, the ones who strive to disconnect and break your spirit and your connection to the whole of spirit... they too are among the who. Those who confuse authority with power are among the sheeple people being led unwittingly to your slaughter, misleading your younger generations with you through a pointless life until your meaningless death... enslaved in a way of life that was never meant for us to be... but you didn't know how to perceive the goal of true reality because you never fathomed seeing beyond the maze you've been put in.

Srategy Purpose

"To divide is to conquer" and to conquer is to gain, and to gain is to rule... but here's one misconception they he oppressors have, and that's to rule has NOTHING to Do with POWER. You see ladies and gentlemen... our common oppressor strives to attain a dominion that is never to be had by any of our species... human beings were created by creator with the intent goal and purpose of being the animal species of earth that we are and have always been for the time humans are alloted here living life among the sibling earthlings. Their goal has to be include the breaking of such connections because it is there that our power attains purpose.

"Gain"... material gain... paper money, metal coins, land ownership endless riches and possessions... possession even of the "Souls" of the "Godless Heathens"- the sheeple who refuse to submit or conform and willfully enter into a life of slavery. Warriors and defenders of truth and jutsice... we are among he "Godless Heathens" now bu even God hey wan eliminaed from he equation.. how else to declare Better and wiser that he creator of ALL creation... surely none can claim ownership so long as He, she or it is around. he plundering, fracking, strip mining and polluting all remains slower than they'd like so to maximize their profits in record times, and ge on in the ariculating in their next whim.

Illusions and delusions, confusions, blurs and slights of hand, blended, bu anymore with no so much effort that the sheeple could deny the fact hat heir system is broken, but only because they Want it broken- for them it just works better that way, and at only the expense of of LIFE LIBERTY and FREEDOM. Their authority runs off the blood and bone of the sheeple people, so hose spirits have to be broken as well as completely disconnected from the web of earthly life and creation.. and creator eliminated from their equation, or things will just never add up in oppressors favor, even though their dollars make no sense when perceiving the bigger picture... so they can' have the sheeple SEEING... why then they'd THINK and there'd really be trouble in the herds.

The answer is... People Power

We the people, by the people, for the people, we the people... but the masses have to sincerely be sheeple no more to reclaim our respect as the POWER. Live and let live... and it harm none do as thy Will... use your head and THINK, you have an internal moral compass, take heed of it... to maintain your integrity is to secure your balance.

How many of us as individual drops of rain is it going to take to bring the purification desperately needed to clean up these times... are their enough soldier minds among our civillians remains the current question well overdue for an answer. Genocide cannot be the answer and destiny we hand to your descending generations... hope and faith is what they need- they need we the people to become their superheroes

Please wake up sheeple people, open your eyes brite and wide... shit's fucked up beyond measure and it's scary indeed no doubt... bu it ain't gonna get no better without you awake and alert to the problems at hand and what needs to be done to fix it as best we can. he problems of today cannot and will not just float away... they fester, look around a the days, weeks, years, decades and generations, it's all still here just manifested, broadened and expanded.



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