Another Defendant in KM Injunction attempts cover-up and more fuckery

(One of many animal relations who find sanctuary on the lands under attack by this defendant)
On the Sacred KM day but of coarse April 20th and faced off with another defendant in the hopes of gaining evidence per the federal court judge's request, and indeed did KM attain some which is going to be promptly given to the court as circumstances allow.
Additionally though, the defendant finally got one of our most crucial points to be had regarding their retaliatory attacks on the Central East sanctuary properties... that you CANNOT CHARGE a property owner for utilities that are NOT ACCESSABLE to the properties for use.
This defendant has a really rather SAD track record when it comes to their "Sewer/septic" for the people in the so called "City" which is more than just a single article all of it's own so especially to go into here in this one. Of coarse too, the same can and should be said about their 'city water" as well, and then there's how they were seeping into each other while flowing to and fro the peoples homes, and where and how they arrive at their destinations.
As KM officials stated to their new official manager on 4/20/2020 that not only did the properties they continue billing and trying now to seek court approved leins upon for lack of payment NOT have any structures Or connections to adjoin to at or on the properties sewer and septic-wise, but that no Water pipes have been connected to the properties from the city themselves since 2002 when they were ordered by the property owners to Disconnect all city services From the properties at that time which was during the city re-doing the entire city water system including specifically the pipes to residents which from then forward included a METERED CONNECTION.
Perhaps a little smarter than managers past, simply NOW including an additional charge per month to he properties do NOT a proper cover-up attempt make, for still there remains NO METER POINT at any of the properties being billed! Truth be told a Few different KM members from then until about a year and a half ago now ASKED about getting a source of water to a least one of the three properties BUT THE CITY REFUSED TO CONSIDER Allowing it without Several Thousand dollars "For a Meter" to establish a point where water Could be received by the properties and then threw on they Also wanted these wrongfully accumulating bills to Also be brought current Before they would Approve such- how many and different CRIMES do YOU COUNT just from this action right here?
As "Laments" to the federal case KM have currently pending against these and other defendants, such including all pertinent proof obtained have been as will continue to be submitted to the federal court for their review and consideration as to it's merit to the case as well as in regards to which all laws and other ethical career conduct standards have been violated by their employers and co-defendants The state of Oregon and the state DOJ.
Please stay tuned for updates