KM Cub Cascadia Retreat 2020
Despite any obstacles potentially in their way, such as delayed opening of a portion of our normal route, KM Leaders led the way for they and some church cubs to make it back out to the central East sanctuary and a journey through time was had by all indeed.
The journey east was first made over Highway 20/22 which is the common Santiam Pass. From there are many beautiful views of the mountains indeed, but nothing like the Historic path over the same area of Ring of Fire Mountains by along shot.

The main feature view of the Santiam Pass is Mt. Washington which is seen to he south side before you get to the summit and Hoodoo Ski Lodge and all of that, Creator gave us some lifting of he clouds for the photo we are putting up but hopefully will get a bit better of one as time goes on, if we haven't already- this is usually a frequent annual retreat. The state has been developing a viewing area that includes signs explaining many points of significance to the region, but as you can see, Mt. Washington is their focal for this route of travel across the state over the Cascadia mountains.
KM Highly recommends that you explore Oregon and especially in this particular area, that you be sure to go over the mountain via historical route 242 on a clear day and enjoy traveling atop and through the lava river that occured from he erupting of the Little Beltknap crater as it is truly a Memorable and enjoyable experience and that you make a journey into the Dee Wright well as on Top of it to truly learn and teah about the significant history of ll it entails.
Then in between the 242 and highway 22 you mussent forget popping in at the Shahalie Falls and do some exploring around and absorb natures wonders of the diversity to be had in the Pacific Northwest.

You may be able to make out that the cubs really enjoy trampling about the woods and so of coarse Insisted they venture to he top of he falls, and so there they and the Wolf Band go.

Because Oregon is so diverse, we are going to break the retreat up a bit into a few separate articles in the hopes of making our newsroom a bi more interesting as well as assuring focal points are not overlooked nor scathingly covered. We hope you enjoy as well as stay tuned because we have so much information yet to bring,