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The state of Portland Oregon

Several hundred people gathered last night as they do every night anymore these days, to clash with law enforcers in downtown Portland in a demonstration claiming o seek justice from he state and federal government systems. The norm for these civilians are to hurl rocks, bottles, paint and even garbage cans at officers during the demonstrations who try o keep he federal courthouse downtown safe from harm and damage, and then police emerge usually wheeling tear gas and even rubber bullets in attempt to chase them back from the building, but last night the civilians added some new toys to their arsenal.

Police were busy into the predawn hours of this morning as civilians continued launching commercial-grade fireworks at the fence that had been erected around the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse to protect it, which for those who didn't know, Oregon Governor Kate Brown said wasn't necessary measure and even has tried o fine the feds for the fence being encompassed around the federal building. One cop is said to have suffered a serious injury to his hand at one point during the nights evens but it remains unclear as to how or what type of injury the officer sustained.

At 11:32 p.m., an unlawful assembly was declared by police. As a result, the crowd set fire a the nearby Portland police building.


All in all, only two people were arrested, police said, one being a 19 year old girl but the other WE Feel people should be made aware of, a Mr. Daniel Applegate, 31, who was arrested on charges of interfering with an officer, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and riot. According to police, Applegate had an outstanding warrant for rape!

Since Portland and other local police failed to protect the building earlier in the month, forcing the federal government to surge assets to Portland, but as they proceeded to try, Oregon's government officials threw a shit-fit insisting that they had the situation under control and since proceed to say it was federal involvement that escalated the "peaceful protest" into a"riot", which we know first hand isn't the truth of the matter at all. Immediately below is a photo of the federal courthouse BEFORE federal agents began actively trying to protect and defend the federal property, do YOU Think the local police were actually protecting the building based on this picture OR do you see why the feds were left with no other choice but to actively begin trying to protect i themselves?

Since this photograph was taken of the Mark Hatfield federal courthouse main entryway, federal agents have boarded up all the windows so no more get broken, and also as we said earlier, erected a fence that goes around the entire block of the federal building, not that it's been the most effective, but it has indeed reduced the buildings impact of damage more than anything else thus far, take a look and Again, ask yourself if You think the fence is a positive effort or as Kate Brown says, unnecessary and an eye soar? Here's a few pictures of the courthouse Since the fence has remained standing despite Oregon government's opinion of it's need:

“Because of the criminal behavior occurring, public address announcements were made telling the group to stop launching fireworks and starting fires at the federal courthouse,” the police reported in a nightly incident summary according to local media sources.

KM leaders say "There's no honor to be had in this type of stuff going on in any city, and if anything it takes the focus away from where it Should be, which is on the gross misconduct of police officers and their so claimed Immunity from prosecution when they break laws including Kill people."

KM leaders have been having to fairly frequent this courthouse since November of last year, well before this all boiled over into civil unrest so we have seen first hand and leaders attest to their concept being that the feds if anything have made a positive effort in protecting the building and No killing anyone, unlike Portland Police were, as well as the protesters themselves beating and killing one another prior to their intervention. "Why Oregon media would try to swing it into the delusions of Governor Brown other than to kiss ass is beyond us" say KM leaders "This is not Peaceful nor would the term Protest be just either, this is a breakdown of the nation... this is nothing Less than an actual Civil War, most just won't fathom it until official puppets declare it so, watch." KM filed a Civil Rights Violation case against the entire state of Oregon "in the hopes of getting the misconduct corrected within Oregon's law enforcement and preventing this type of result. Oregon ACLU Claim o be "Swamped with complains from protesters" but with only 2 attorney's sincere effort to us seems grim. KM reached out again to the Oregon ACLU but to no positive avail.

Please stay tuned for more information and updates as this situation continues... and don't hold your breath that any productive outcome is coming anytime soon because likely it is not, as sad as it is to have to say. Please also join with KM as we make smoke and prayers for Clarity, Safety and FOCUS by all involved in this very sad situation as it progresses forward as surely it will. Thank you for your continued interest, support and news tips everyone, stay safe and as healthy as you can out there in these trying times.


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