DEA's New Rules for American Frankenweeds

Under the section ‘Changes to the Definition of Tetrahydrocannabinols’, the DEA creates turmoil by stating, “For synthetically derived tetrahydrocannabinols, the concentration of delta-9 THC is not a determining factor in whether the material is a controlled substance. All synthetically derived tetrahydrocannabinols remain schedule I controlled substances.” This could be interpretted as delta-8.
“As a result, a cannabis derivative, extract, or product that exceeds the 0.3% Δ9 -THC limit is a schedule I controlled substance, even if the plant from which it was derived contained 0.3% or less Δ9 -THC on a dry weight basis,”
While it made some things clear, like extracts and interpreting Delta 9, they failed to specifically mention Delta 8.
Here is a link directly to the US Departments of Justices website and specifically to their press release announcing their new rules, those involved in cannabusiness and the new frankenweeds industry should take a few moments and take a look for yourselves first-hand.
So yet again, it's surprising to see how many people seem rather Shocked that the US federal government would take such a standing disposition when it comes to cannabis, though too it reminds us how many newcomers to cannabis there truly are now a-days... it's hard to keep up!
So many people thought that by buying into the illusions and delusions of the purpose and goals of the global cannabis movement was to vote in favor of any and every initiative that Sounded like we were "winning the war on drugs" but as they continue to learn, the ultimate dictatorial fate befalls into the hands of their employed and elected oppressors, and in this case, the United States federal government and the bottom line is they will never willingly let loose their grip on cannabis sativa, even in her GMO state, and all who think they will are damned fools.
Closely READ those initiatives being crammed down your throats while your being told it's the "right thing to do"- just read them, and when you do, search for any and all words indicating REGULATION. Then look at the details as to what specifically is going o be subject to who for regulation and how often such a consideration is apt for reevaluation. Too often people miss the most obvious and snakes count on that ignorance so they hide things as policemen say "in plain sight" meaning odds are the fuckery is right there in black and white written text.
We hope you stay tuned for future updates regarding this and other things we feel are pertinent to make sure you know as they go on. Stay safe and healthy.