The true disposition of Cannabis in America

It's interesting to many within the KM Church as to how many people remain in the delusion that we have been attaining cannabis liberation, which for all of the new-comers, WAS the original goal in case ya didn't know. The True disposition of Cannabis in America however, is a very different route than true front line warriors were began upon by the Hemperor.
As he foretold all who would listen back in 1996, medical cannabis was a division among the people that never should have been fractured under our feet, but despite it, the battle waged forward is when what he taught as the "canna-train" was intentionally derailed by the snakes that slithered among us who sought un-due fame and fortune off of her exploitation.
This illusion began with the "Industrial Hemp" now rapidly spreading from coast to coast just as it always has in times past when the nations finances have gone into the toilet. our Hemperor KNEW that our golden opportunity to finally liberate Cannabis Sativa, grown for and as "Hemp" was once again closely upon us.That, and the fact of patterns repeating such as the last time which was during World War II as the USDA movie "Hemp For Victory" depicts so well, our Hemperor was hopeful... until the creation of GMO Hemp emerged from a proclaimed warrior VIP snake within, with his complete and absolute support and endorsement of "Industrial Hemp Initiatives" which included a hidden mandate for GMO opposed to the Hemp of our and Creators creation history... especially since after our Hemperor passed over to happy hunting grounds.
With it continues the "Hitler tactics" of hybridization of mother cannabis from cross-breeding to genetic separation and isolation... she's being grossly exploited from her roots to her flowers, stalks and shoots, in Every way thinkable she is being selfishly abused. Many state governments are accepting of it because they're generating so many Millions of dollars off her exploitation that no one's even asking for clear concise accountability for it all - incoming Or out-going. State by state the people, including too unfortunately many front line warriors who Know Better, they cast votes which sell we, they and our beloved plant out and up shit creek without a paddle because they're tired of waiting for their states government to be bitten by the greed and switch their state laws from red to green for medical and/or recreational rights of possession, consumption and self cultivation.
It's hard to believe in our rights as living breathing beings to Not be infringed upon in today's america, i's been happening as commonplace for too many hundreds of years thus far without any correction or consequence, and now with all the crumbs being so abundantly dropped and scattered around, the odds are nill, Nill NILL true justice and absolue cannabis liberation is going o be happening consciously much-less Legally anytime soon, which is why to the shock of many including even many of our own members, we "Took a Step BACK from the front lines of the national hemp and cannabis battlefield in America" because we Knew that as hard and sad as it is for a soldier to have to face... sometimes retreating is something a unit of soldiers just has no choice but to do for the greater good.
Now for those of you who don' know, Creator created all of the earthly living creations including a plant family known by the name "Cannabis," Within this plant family were three sibling species... Cannabis Indica which is a short stalky and very medically Powerful plant; there's cannabis ruderailis which is the Dwarf of the family, not very medicinal but a Strong immmune system and survival characteristics indeed, and then there's the Tallest and most industrially beneficial of the three, cannabis sativa. The government of the United States of America declared WAR specifically and solely on cannabis sativa back in this very month in the year 1937 for the same snake-like reasons you're seeing everyone going wild over "Hemp" today... the ENDLESS FINANCIAL GAIN to be had with the ENDLESS product exploitation's cannabis has to offer.
They lied about sativa back then, saying she was "making people INSANE" driving people to commit Suicide or murder, that she made men sterile and caused all human beings brain damage and that sativa alone was he roo cause of inter-racial coupling and procreation. Many newcomers slandered her, disrespected and demonized her
So many within the cannabis community today, at least here in the USA are NEW to the canna-ship of today and that they likely either do not KNOW or don't stop to Realize that the true fight of the cannabis warrior has always been about proper justice being applied and cannabis sativa LIBERATED from government prohibition at ALL levels and over-repaid the RESPECT she and ye who benefit from her once and for All have all been entitled to all along since back in 1937, period- it has ALWAYS been just that plain and simple until the Sellout moves of Frankenhemp and Recreational consumption initiatives.

NOTE if you would WHO it has been to create these laws coming before you to date regarding cannabis LAXATION - because that's the only thing that has been proposed to ye he people for say in an official law changing election since when long before even medicinal laxation. Where are all of these "pro-cannabis attorneys" who continue making so much off of your need of their legal representation services thanks to these initiatives providing them assured job and income so long as cannabis remains "Controlled." Just as our Hemperor said endlessly to those who would listen from back long ago now "They don't want it liberated, they want to make sure it stays regulated so THEY have a Job a the end of the day- our community has been Infiltrated!"
The masses didn't want to hear his wisdom then, and many of them are finally awakening to the Reality, yet the masses sill remain scrambling around trying to find their own crumbs to accumulate and squander while convincing the world they are persons of any sort of integrity. The medical users, just as our beloved Hemperor said would be, have been he first of us thrown to the wolves despite your moral and ethical indebted obligations to them for stepping forward to the front lines when they Never Should Have HAD to! Next, the plant family were and continue to be taken for granted and advantage of without ANY RESPECT being given them- the proof of that lyes in the genetic manipulation for exploitation you see going on DAILY by these "New Industry activists" who Insist we've been "Winning the war on weed" as her unwilling prostitution is continued without any utter. And in turn, ALL of he "Recreational consumers" too are being sold out as well as ripped off, taken advantage of and even Duped with the luxerious "right" to be able o stop by your local frankenweed dispensary and "legally purchase" your sill Federally controlled substance all the while people have long been and remain still put and kept in Jail Cells and their whole lives as they've made them be flipped upside down at the whim of law enforcers and that pesky little detail of "Legal Regulation."
Listen to the New Industries sheeple say how "Essential" cannabis has been during the Covid-19 Pandemic alone economically, it's been, especially with curbside transactions and the ability to shop and order online- boy we've come along way haven't we, in Record time even. Perhaps soon they'll allow you the right of inter-state commerce and DARE we dream International commerce- the potential exploitation would soar from millions to Trillions wouldn't it? But wait, before those dollar signs in your eyes grow so much that you don't see the true clarity of reality in he right here and now of today, ake a second or 2 and Read, even if at just a glance, a couple of these articles that concerned members religiously know to send in hoping for clarity advisement:
Here is an article of a couple (we presume brothers) who got caught up just today as a traffic stop grew into felony possession charges and confiscation of just over 470 pounds under the guiseof that pesky old federal prohibition. Police say they "Smelled Marihuana" (notice they spell it racially with the H instead of the J in almost every reference throughout this article but One):
We don't know Why they had as much as they did or what they're alledged to have been doing driving wise, although most who are illegally transporting especially large quantities of cannabis have enough either sense or paranoia to drive properly especially with police around- though not always. Here nor there, wasn't here some sort of law at the federal level recently passed that says "Smell" is NOT sufficient grounds to initiate a search? This article reads as if the officers dog-like k-9 smell skills alone led to the search and subsequent arrest which if so leaves much room for questions as far as legality is concerned in our minds.
Now back to the "essential Respect" given to cannabis during this Covid-19 pandemic for a quick second real quick, just because we made mention of it in this article earlier:
If you scroll down to the "US" news section in this article you see Clearly, "The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a notice explaining its rationale for denying hemp growers access to federal COVID-19 relief under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). The notice explained that, under the CFAP, relief was only being provided to producers of commodities that experienced a 5 percent price decline during Q1 of 2020. “While the national price did decrease during the first quarter of 2020, it was only a 1 percent decrease, which did not meet the 5 percent or greater decrease in price for CFAP eligibility,” the USDA said."
Our advice remains in that you keep and eye and ear out yourself if cannabis is sincerely an issue of concern to you and to do as our Hemperor always insisted you do which is to "THINK THINK THINK" and weigh the issues for yourself.
As always we Thank you ever so kindly for your continued interestand support. Please do all you can to stay happy, healthy and well in your daily life and make treasured memories and good medicine as you do. Please stay tuned for more interesting news and updates to come!