A Closer look at Oregon's Manna initiative
Today we are going to focus on Oregon Measure 109, becoming known as the Oregon Psilocybin Mushroom Services Program Initiative (2020).
According to the summary, the initiative will:
"Allow manufacture, delivery, administration of psilocybin at supervised, licensed facilities; imposes two-year development period"
What this boils down to is this:
a Result of “Yes” Vote: Allows manufacture, delivery, administration of psilocybin (psychoactive mushroom) at supervised, licensed facilities; imposes two-year development period. Creates enforcement/taxation system, advisory board, administration fund.
a Result of “No” Vote: “No” vote retains current law, which prohibits manufacture, delivery, and possession of psilocybin and imposes misdemeanor or felony criminal penalties.
We the individual people will NOT be benefitted but instead Constricted should this law be passed with yes votes- that's what it says and the truth of what it is and will be- PLEASE fathom and realize it BEFORE casting a vote on this initiative, and too, look at what we've accomplished in Colorado, California and Michigan WITHOUT casing sellout votes for a snake-oil mushroom initiative- they CAN be written right the First time ya know! This one clearly is NOT in our opinion so please don't feel rushed to approve it!
Currently, federal and state laws prohibit the manufacture, delivery, and possession of psilocybin (psychoactive mushroom) which if you read past the smoke and mirrors will NOT change for the citizens of Oregon found in possession or cultivating them even IF the initiative is passed into state law as it is written and presented to voters.
Instead the initiative would amend state law to require Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to establish Oregon Psilocybin Services Program to allow licensed/regulated production, processing, delivery, possession of psilocybin exclusively for administration of “psilocybin services” Proof of his fact is (defined) by the section addressing who a licensed “facilitator” would be. KM Church has been actively using and researching the mannas for well over a decade in tthe stae of Oregon and have been victimized by acts of terrorism for doing so in effor of the people's best of interest spiritually as well as medicinally, emoionally and physically.
Also this initiative would allow the state of Oregon to (define) to whom a “qualified client” allowed access to the manna would be allowed, very much like they dictate who is sick enough to be allowed to use cannabis as a beneficial medicine.
Then of coarse the state alone would establish "Grants" meaning that the OHA authority would begin to implement, administer, and enforce programs along with rules and regulations as well as legal consequences for any and all who choose to use the manna who THEY do no approve of to use them.
The state imposes a "two-year development period before implementation of program" which to us proves that their interest is NOT about the best interest or well being of we the people but instead about control and profiting.
The initiative also allows the state to Establish a federally illegal "fund" for a manna program administration and for "a governor-appointed advisory board that must initially include one measure sponsor" who again we say apparently know little to nothing about the manna medicines or CARE about the medical benefits to be had that this initiative will hinder. As a plan and animal spiritual medicinal enterprise as KM has been since 2001 in and beyond Oregon, and who have been the sole front line advocates for manna liberation period, indeed this initiative is very personal as well as concerning to us, so much so that we cannot remain quiet as such treachery proceeds forward to unsuspecting voters.;
And too, just like as we continue to see in Oregon's illegal criminal enterprise encompassing cannabis "marijuana" (sativa). the initiative allows the state to Impose and regulate packaging, labeling, and dosage requirements, again not knowing ANYTHING at all about such. KM cannot emphasize Enough how dangerous this initiative is in text and verbiage, especially when it comes to literal health and wellness issues of we the people.
Of coarse what it all boils down to with and for them as the corrupt state of Oregon is that the initiative Requires sales tax for retail psilocybin (SALES). Of coarse they make it Sound good and like the Right thing to consider voting in favor of, saying it "Preempts local laws inconsistent with program except “reasonable regulations” which they alone will have full dictatorial and authorative control over and can change at whim regardless of how it appears as being defined in this initiative- just as we've seen and continue to see within the Oregon medical marijuana program. Exempts licensed/regulated activities from criminal penalties. Other provisions.
KM is all in favor of complete manna liberation... in fact we are in favor of all earth and creator given medicines in and beyond the nation - BUT- NOT in exchange for Selling Out the cause and objective of complete and total LIBERATION such as has been done with cannabis, and just as we warned with I-502 in Washington sate and since, This initiative IS a SELLOUT INITIATIVE plain and truthfully simple.
As American voter's of coarse you have the free right to vote as You choose appropriate, however, KM strongly cautions you to Not jump blindly into a sellout initiative and instead that you take some time to research i and the bigger picture encompassing our beloved sacred manna's BEFORE you "decide" or "vote" for anything regarding or inflicting them or we who honorably utilize them- that is all we ask, same as our dearly departed movement founder used to ask of you to do before partaking in such fuckery as addressing initiatives such as this.
Our manna's have been around far longer than any and all of us combined, and too, will be here for long after providing we don't desecrate them in the ways we have cannabis and so many other earth medicines.
PLEASE as the Hemperor would beg "Read Research and if you're going to, vote for what's right whether or not it's what's being presented for your decision. Your vote could in the long run be costly beyond your own fathoming- ask Washingtonians about the aftermath of I-502 if you don't believe us!
Thank you so much for your attention to this matter as well as for your continued interest and support. Please say tuned for updates in and encompassing this and other issues we feel may likely be of interest to you.

Happy Tripping!