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A"Good Mother" or a DANGER to children

Writer's picture: kautantowitmecauteakautantowitmecautea

KMHQ February 24, 2021

Today's article focus is upon a respondent in a recent federal court filing by KM church officials seeking an emergency TRO and PI in efforts of ensuring the personal safety of themselves as well as other church members including multiple minor children.

We are referencing to Ms. Amanda Delmastro, currently residing in Portland, Oregon and who is currently named as a respondent to the recently filed TRO/PI petition filed by KM officers per the suggestion/instruction of the churches Elder Council and legal team. The reason for this according to KM's COO is that Ms. Delmastro is also named as a defendant in a forthcoming federal civil case.

Delmastro is her maiden and current name. We say this because many may know her instead by her married name of Sanchez, age 40 of New Bern, North Carolina has been proclaimed to be suffering from multiple genetic mental ailments, personality disorders and also self-induced detrimental substance abuse.

Today we are going to address the question as to whether or not Delmastro's history is that of a "Good Mother" or a danger, including to her own biological children, because as far as KM is concerned, the answer becomes quickly obvious to any who take notice and listen whether you personally know or encounter her or not.

We start by looking back in time to about 19 years ago, when Delmastro gave birth to her first of three biological children, who for confidentiality and respect we will refer to as "John". To paint the picture, we find Delmastro enlisted in the US Army with her MOS being a nurse. Not being aware of the intensity of expectation of the military, according o Delmastro, he "easiest way to get out of the Army was to get pregnant, so that's what I did."

When the couple parted ways, naturally Delmastro stuck claim to the few month old baby, after all historically speaking most would agree tha a newborn baby needs it's momma, right. But as we will reveal is that it's no always he best or safe bet to conclude as every "mother" is different.

The portrait that indisputably reveal in the case of "mother Sanchez" ( Delmastro) that help put the puzzle picture together correct and accurate light of truth is that Amanda Delmastro's history proves her to be far from a "good" mother, at least in our humble opinion. Now before we go on please know that their is NO HONOR to be had for any in having to reveal a person's shortcomings, however in the case of Delmastro it seems theirs's a need that it be , and since she wishes to provoke such a reality check with KM, honorable or not we Will oblige, especially so long as she continues decrementing our efforts as servants of the greater good of the community AND intends on endangering even more children than she has with poor little "John".

As we were saying and as we have covered in a previous article before already, this then young mother had much to learn about life as a respectful adult and more-so about being a wife and a mother. So many young women look at men as being ignorant and insignificant of their feelings as well as "a sperm donor" for their whims and wants... it's no wonder statistics indicate 50% of all marriages of this era end in divorce. Please, if you have a little bit of time, check in our archives for the previous article, the easiest way is to search for the tag "Delmastro" and it should pop up in there, which has photographs and more detail.

For many these are just the hard lessons of life they choose to have to learn the hard way, which is unfortunate, especially for the young children such as little "John" who end up caught in the middle and too, seen nothing more as a tool to be used against the fathers to get what they wan when they want it.

When you have a parent that has mental illness, or in Delmastro's case, Multiple genetic mental conditions and several different personality disorders as well, untreated, life's lessons increase especially on those around and tangled into the webs of parenthood with them. The same proves true when one or both parents then elect to become involved with dangerous street drugs such as methamphetamines which has been added to the case with Delmastro long before even entering into the military service or birthing any children.

This photograph is of the very last times Delmastro had any form of physical contact and in-person association with Any of her children, which is when she had kidnapped the young twins and took off with them partying all the way to the Texas Oklahoma border over 10 years ago. It remains a mystery as to how come she returned to Oregon with her elder son as the last we had heard back during that time was that Delmastro was not legally allowed any direct visitation time with him after the accident that easily could have killed him over ten years before that day.

These factors all played a role in the ending of Delmastro's marriage as well as all of her personal romantic relationships since to date.

What's prompting action now? Well, there's a few different contributing reasons...

First and foremost is that Delmastro has recently began having multiple people contacting the church including, two of which KM nor Wolfbrotha nor his children have never known and or layed eyes upon. The first person has not been named or included into any of the on-going legal litigation as he himself has only made contact once though his reason was for the same as the secondphotograph which is a guy by the name of Jason Stoldorf who has whether directly or by permission his public accounts to be used to harass the church and the petitioning officer members, far more aggressively and alarming to all parties concerned. We encourage you to zoom in on each photo just so you can judge for yourself whether or not KM Elder Council feels there's legitimate concern for the safety and well being of the children, though we don't tend to judge a book by it's public cover. However, they say a picture is worth a Thousand words.

What we know thus far is based predominantly upon Delmastro's own omissions and boastings, which is that the first guy is a South Side gangster from Phoenix, Arizona who relocated to the pacific Northwest a few years ago. We know little of Stoldorf as Delmastro has spoken very little of him. According to her, Stoldorf is a person she met and has been aquainted with since the state gave her housing in a Wet House in Portland where she has been residing for the last couple years since her release from the State mental hospital after a court ordered comittment.

We will be touching more on Mr. Stoldorf in coming articles, which also will be archived under "Delmastro" for any interested. Right now we are just trying to paint a basic picture for those with interest and who have shown genuine concern and interest in the on-going situation. As we say, KM has not officially included

What we know thus far is based predominantly upon Delmastro's own omissions and boastings, which is that the first guy is a South Side gangster from Phoenix, Arizona who relocated to the pacific Northwest a few years ago. We know little of Stoldorf as Delmastro has spoken very little of him. According to her, Stoldorf is a person she met and has been acquainted with since the state gave her housing in a Wet House in Portland where she has been residing for the last couple years since her release from the State mental hospital after a court ordered comittment. and also that he planned having to use physical violence and force against any who opposed him. KM did confirm that the person was in fact in state and involved with Delmastro so a stalkign order was sought at the state level courts, but despite this and additional proof to justify a stalking order, the petition was denied, which in turn will play part in the federal cases pending before the DC court. "KM will never tolerate threats of harm or danger to children" says the COO, "nor can the council give tolerance for any who are willing to conspire against our members, especially injecting innocent children into the line of fire and consequence."

Obviously we have much more information to gather for revelation , so anticipate and stay tuned for more upcoming articles about this istuation. For now we hope to have made some points and painted a clear basic picture to which we will be adding to as the cases proceed forward. We thank you all for your interest as well as your insights, information and support. We wish everyone a safe and bountiful new year and welcome all interest persons to connect if not join us!



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