Kautantowit's Mecautea Spiritual Tribal Family
We are the entrusted protectors of the sacred wisdom teachings and ceremonies of the Great Creator and all of the webs of creation who are to be an active frontline force in the defense and preservation of ALL of the creation... builders of Rainbow Bridge and re-weavers of the sacred hoops from thee four corners of mother globe... continental North America first!
The Master of Life is the Great Spirit, creator of all our creation from mother earth beyond father sky! We find strength and beauty in prayer and the solitude of life.
We want for our children to once again be able to run free and enjoy the treasures of Nature and Mother Earth. Free from the fears of harm from our species and the vast toxins and destruction, wrought by the Yo-ne-gi and his practices of greed.
The rivers will again run clear, the forests be abundant and beautiful, the animals and birds would be replenished. The powers of the plants and animals will again be respected and conservation of all that is beautiful would become a way of life.
The poor, sick and needy would be cared for by their brothers and sisters of the Earth. These practices would again become a part of their daily lives.
Prophecies and stories of many nations, from the Hopi and Zuni in the Southwest to the Cherokee in the Southeast, from the Cree in the far north, the great Sioux nations of the plains, to the Mayan people of the far south, the Rainbow was a focal point of spiritual belief. According to Native American beliefs, under the rainbow symbol, all races and religions will unite to spread the wisdom of living in harmony with each other and with all creatures.
​"As Native Americans, we believe the Rainbow is a sign from the Spirit in all things. It is a sign of the union of all people, like one big family. The unity of all humanity, many tribes and peoples, is essential, " Late Thomas Banyacya, Spokesman, Hopi traditional elders, Hotevilla said.
The Cree, Hopi and Sioux Indians speak about mighty Rainbow Warriors that will inhabit our planet in the future and they will come in time of the great awakening.
A Native American prophecy tells us that "when the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again.
"the "Warriors of the Rainbow" would spread these messages and teach all peoples of the Earth or "Elohi". They would teach them how to live the "Way of the Great Spirit." They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is "Sick".
These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path light with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding. They would teach of Harmony among people in all four corners of the Earth.

KM Sacred Services