In psilocybin ceremony there will be a journey into the subconscious. This journey to the subconscious of yourself can be exciting, can provide new insights or can be used as a very strong therapy against various psychological disorders. With the right preparation and setting during the truffle ceremony we can achieve unprecedented results to grow in life.
In psilocybin ceremony
The Three Phases;
The Preparatory Phase
Getting into the right mental state prior to your ceremony is perhaps the most important point to note if you want to maximize the experience. What you do days, weeks, or months before your ceremony directly affects your state of mind and ultimately the results of your ceremony. To prepare yourself physically for the ritual you may wish to fast beforehand, although this is by no means required. If you do eat, don’t eat so much that it leaves you feeling full, heavy and sleepy. You may also want to cleanse yourself. You could choose to take a full bath, use a basin of water and just wet your face and hands, or use salt water and incense for an element-focused cleansing.
You should prepare the area you will be using for your ritual as well. Ensure it is somewhere that you will not be disturbed, and if working outdoors in a public place, double- and triple-check that you are allowed to be there and that everything you plan to do is okay with the land owner. In any space you are using, physically clean the area beforehand. This could be picking up litter and removing awkward stones outside, or hoovering and straightening up the room indoors. Make sure phones and alarms are turned off, and doors are locked. Cover or remove all clocks or watches; the temptation to sneak a look at the time can be irresistible, but it is an unwanted distraction. The circle that you will be casting is a place between the worlds, and time has no place there.
Whatever you choose to do, the purpose is to cleanse away any negative or unwanted energies, and to help you focus on the ritual ahead of you, putting aside mundane thoughts. You can also anoint yourself after cleansing to gain an extra boost of a particular kind of energy. These steps aren’t absolutely necessary, but if nothing else they act as a signal to your subconscious mind that you are now preparing to do ritual. Being in a place to ‘trust the mushrooms and the process” unlike western medicine you need to be in a place of trusting in the Universe to give you exactly what you need to move you your next level of learning about yourself. You may be happy, scared, anxious, or just plane fearful at times during the process- are you ready for that? Are you ready to be healed? Ready to release your victim mindset? Sacred ceremony is different that doing this as a kid with you friends. Your healing can be quite a ride
After preparing your mind, it’s time for the ceremony. It makes sense that the first real step in your ritual is grounding and centering. Grounding is the process of getting in touch with the Earth, creating a connection to the stable ground beneath you which will allow you to draw on its energy and drain your excess energy back into it. It’s necessary to get comfortable as well as prepare your environment or physical container. Where you do your ceremony is the physical container that will be absorbed into your mental space, so it must be ready.
A simple way of grounding is to sit or stand and visualize your energy extending down past your feet – or your spine if you are sitting – and reaching all the way down into the Earth. See the Earth responding and welcoming your energy, moving back up to meet you, holding and supporting you.
Centering is making that same kind of connection with yourself. It is the process of finding out who you are, and where in your body you feel that your centre is located. This doesn’t have to be your actual physical centre; although many people feel their centre is near their solar plexus, others feel their true centre is in their heart or head. Which part of your body do you feel you really live in? To centre yourself, find that spot in your body and then visualise the Earth energy you have already connected with flowing up to it, see it as truly being your centre, with all the energy in your body flowing to or from that place.
We additionally include the following additional components to enrich the Blood Manna ceremony:
Color therapy
Musical support
NLP self-love (if desired)
KM Sacred Services