Religious Cannabis
sacred incense burned in the most ancient of master's prayer
Long before the Kemetic civilization, tens of thousands years past, and deep into prehistory at least seven great river systems harbored and nurtured humanity into consciousness and though civilization. The Congo, Nile, Niger, Euphrates/Tigris, Ganges, Yellow, including the Meso Americas, all of whom supported river cultures by the tens of thousands.
They eventually managed to build trade with the most furthest and remote of systems. As a natural consequence came the sharing of cultures and associated religious beliefs. Rite of passage rituals, in most regions, required the young spend three days with no sleep, in fasts, consuming only Cannabis and psychedelics.
At sunset on the third day, one by one, each was led to the tribal shaman, who in variations of "tongues and dance", delivers the transitional to a hole in the ground, forcing the one into a deep, tight, crawl space. Dark and unable to turn around, scared and shaking in an adrenaline rush, we hear our shaman outside, in a high pitched screaming prayer, calling for our immediate departure.
Then amid the confusion there comes an urgent sensation of being poked by reeds, leaving us no choice but to crawl further into the abyss. With each and every breath we become aware of roots by scent, and the taste of dirt and dust. Then an inaudible throbbing or thumping begins as though from within, and suddenly the sounds become undeniable beats of the drums. The beat then takes control and curiously compels our willing even deeper into the darkness.
Ultimately, in the distance, light appears to dance off a wall. An instinctive hope stirs the mind, signaling the other side, our path's end is near. We vociferously struggle through the reversed birth channel that finally opens into a pulsating womb. A grand gallery filled with light, imagery, color, incense, and a reverberating drum circle.
Brightly bathed with Hemp seed oil lamps, who's flickering magic light sets the vibrant Hemp resined imagery on rock to a wild dance. Alternately projecting imagery, color, and shadow, in a motion that's all tied to the percussion in echoed rhythms and light. Heralding the time and place for transition from childhood to a responsible tribe member. Surrounded by the painted bones of our ancestors, we fall to our knees, and experience our personal "vision quest".
An ingrained genetic ritual that is in reality our embedded sign post from the Divine. We have the right to commune with our ancestors and Deity amid the sounds, colors of light, and incense. Our personal vision of truth in revelation is meant to protect and to guide our consciousness in life's trials, even unto death's transition.
That ritual, performed well over 40,000 years and tens of thousands of generations past, sparked a new gene in the human genome. The gene responsible for the appreciation of sound, color, art, imagery, and most importantly, the metaphor that ties it all together. The metaphor is the elecro-magnetic space between the tire and the road. Metaphor is the fertile ground in which art and story are allowed to evolve. All of which set the stage for the Sanskrit artists who awaken the "read and write" gene. Cannabis is at the very root of all religion, song, and campfire stories. As she did for the river cultures so the Sacrament is destine to unite us all with our most ancient of our genetic ancestors. Even those who reject the Divine can feel this truth, right down to the core memory of our shared DNA.
We find ourselves in a living, holographic projection in a collective experience within a great, spiritual, spiraling, genetic hub. Each of us are but a part of a spoke, in a generational, double helix "vision quest". We find comfort in the close embrace of revelation that each of us comes to prayer, from our own, very unique perspective. All of consciousness reports directly to the Divine, found at the center of all there is.
Cannabis, both literally and as metaphor connect us to the very instant of consciousness itself. The Divine, that great singularity, hears our Cannabis prayer whole. A healing experience extending in both conscious and subconscious experience. Within and without, time / space, space / time, and on to "all time".
May the blessings of the Divine envelope your life with visions and dreams, in love and devotion.
KM Sacred Services