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Code of Student Conduct



 Students must come to school on time and be prepared. This also applies to Online students as well as in-person on-site students.


 Students are to remain in class at all times unless they have gotten approval from their teacher to leave. In-Person/On-Site teachers will issue hall passes to students if they need to leave the room.


 All students and teachers are expected to actively participate in all classes, assemblies, and performances unless otherwise excused.


 Students are not allowed to disrupt class or other school activities. 


 The on-site school must be kept clean. Trash must go in the trash containers; recyclable materials must go in the proper bins.


 School textbooks and other materials will be numbered and signed out to the student by the teacher. The condition of the book will be noted, and books must be returned in the same condition with no defacing marks, writing, stains, or missing parts. The students and or the families of the student if under the age of 18 will pay for excessive or unnecessary damage, or loss of materials. Materials should be returned to the designated area when not in use.


 Students are responsible for taking care of their own belongings, school work, and supplies. Personal electronic devices such as games, audio devices, pagers, cell phones, etc., are not permitted. These devices will be confiscated and held until the end of the school day, or until picked up by a parent/guardian. ONAC Kautantowi';s Mecautea School is not responsible for lost or stolen items.


 Respect for the belongings of others is essential. Stealing is cause for disciplinary action and possible reporting to legal authorities.


 Any student who uses, sells, or possesses narcotics, alcohol, and/or weapons is subject to disciplinary action. Should any weapons, drugs, or alcohol be found, those items will be confiscated immediately and the appropriate action will be taken. Guardians will be notified and families may be referred for counseling. The Head of School or designee will immediately follow up on any reports of use or possession of these items. A report may be filed with the Oakland Police Department.


 Students are expected to display appropriate respect for adults and peers and may not use profanity.


 No food, gum, or beverages are allowed in any classroom or near any computers.



Students must take responsibility for their own actions. The following forms of behavior management will be applied to students who violate rules or standards of conduct. Efforts will be made to fit consequences to actions and to work with families to assist students in meeting expectations. The student’s previous disciplinary history will be considered. The school’s goal is to provide a safe and harmonious learning environment for all of our students. A safe and orderly school environment allows our students to maximize their learning.


If a student violates a standard of conduct (insubordination, cursing, acting disrespectfully, etc.) or disrupts the learning environment, a meeting will occur between the teacher and student to address the issue and a consequence will be issued. A second incident involving prohibited behavior will result in a meeting that includes the student, parent, teacher and Head of School or designee. If necessary, an action plan for the student’s behavior improvement will be created.


Forms of Behavior Management 1. Warning 2. Behavior Contract 3. Parent Conference 4. Counseling 5. Loss of privileges (dances, extracurricular activities, etc.) 6. Sending a student to another classroom for a limited period of time. 7. Additional required hours at school: detention or Saturday School.  8. Additional school work: extra homework, writing lines or copying materials, additional study/review. 9. Community Service: Clean, organize; take out trash, sweep, etc. 10. Communication tools: Students write letters of apology regarding their behavior to their families. 11. Confiscation of prohibited items 12. Police Notification 13. Suspension or Expulsion 14. Any other form of discipline must be approved by the Head of Schools or designee.



 Integrity and ethical behavior are expected of every student in all academic work. Conduct prohibited by this Code consists of all forms of academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to plagiarism and cheating.


Cheating is intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices in any academic exercise. This definition includes unauthorized communication of information during an academic exercise. Typical examples include: copying from another student’s paper or receiving unauthorized assistance during a quiz, test or examination; using books, notes or other devices (e.g., calculators, smart phones) when these are not authorized; procuring without authorization tests or examinations before the scheduled exercise; copying reports, laboratory work, computer programs or files and the like from other students.


Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty is also cheating. Plagiarism is typically described as duplication of another’s work without full acknowledgement of the debt to the original source; however, it also includes any of the following:


1. Direct duplication by copying (or allowing to be copied) another’s work, whether from a book, article, Web site, another student’s assignment, etc.;


2. Duplication in any manner of another’s work during an exam; 


3. Paraphrasing of another’s work closely, with minor changes but with the essential meaning, form and/or progression of ideas maintained;


4. Piecing together sections of the work of others into a new whole;


5. Submitting one’s own work which has already been submitted for assessment purposes in another subject; and/or,


6. Producing assignments in conjunction with other people (e.g. another student, tutor), which should be your own independent work. Students are responsible for clarifying expectations and following the Code with all assignments and in all disciplines.


Cheating results in a loss of integrity on the part of the individual committing the act and on the educational process that is undermined by the act of cheating. It is a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity for any student to attempt to gain an unfair advantage over another student by unfair or dishonest means.


If you are unclear about an assignment, the methodology for the same or the permissible bounds of assistance for completing your work please speak to your teacher(s) and ask for clarification.


If evidence supports a finding that a student has engaged in misconduct, the school will impose sanctions after considering the seriousness of the misconduct, the student’s state of mind, and the harm done to the school and to other students. Multiple violations of this Code may subject students to additional sanctions, up to and including expulsion.

© 2011-2022 by Kautantowit's Mecautea 

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