there may be disagreements at times. In those cases, we ask that all members of the school community work to resolve issues cooperatively and keep in mind the best interests of the students and school.
In the event that there is a dispute within the school community, the governing Board of the school will be the final authority and such disputes will follow the following procedures: 1. The first step in the process is to contact your child’s teacher.
2. If the informal discussion fails to adequately resolve the dispute, then the dispute will be referred, to the Dean of Schools or his/her designee. The written statement should set forth the essential facts, the school policy, or other relevant principle(s) violated, and desired outcomes. The Dean of School will perform an investigation into the essential facts of the dispute, conducting interviews where necessary. A meeting will be scheduled with the parties involved and the Dean of School or designee, and they will discuss the dispute and findings. The Dean of School or designee may question the disputants or request additional information.
3. If not sufficiently resolved, the parties may request to have the Head of Schools hear and take appropriate action on the dispute. At such hearing, the Dean of School or designee will provide a written report on the dispute and the investigation. Each side will be allowed to present its story for an equal amount of time (approximately 3 minutes). The Head of Schools will then be given an opportunity to ask questions of the disputants and, where necessary, witnesses. The Head of Schools will report in writing the decision from the hearing no later than seventy-two business hours.
4. If not sufficiently resolved, the parties may request to have the Superintendent hear and take appropriate action on the dispute. At such hearing, the Head of School or designee will provide a written report on the dispute and the investigation. Each side will be allowed to present its story for an equal amount of time (approximately 3 minutes). The Superintendent will then be given an opportunity to ask questions of the disputants and, where necessary, witnesses. The Superintendent will report in writing the decision from the hearing no later than seventy-two business hours. 5. If not sufficiently resolved, the parties may request to have the Board hear and take appropriate action on the dispute. The Board may choose to hear the dispute or to create an ad hoc committee to hear the dispute, as the Board’s sole discretion. At such hearing, the Head of School or designee will provide a written report on the dispute and the investigation. Each side will be allowed to present its story for an equal amount of time (approximately 3 minutes). The Board or ad hoc committee will then be given an opportunity to ask questions of the disputants and, where necessary, witnesses. All complaints against a specific employee will be heard in closed session with the Superintendent present. The Board will report out of closed session any decisions rendered