Kautantowit's Mecautea's
Resource Offerings
​Contact Us: 503.910.6612​
​Contact Us: 510.761.4448​
KMCSO Participant Moral Compass Code
Disruptive behavior, which can also be exhibited by the patient's family members, includes anything that impedes the caregiver's ability to provide safe and effective care. Examples include interference with the physician's treatment plan, yelling, kicking, use of profanity, sexually inappropriate comments, and threatening statements. types of patient behaviors KMCSO's should not tolerate include The following actions are intolerable
• Refusal to comply with KMCSRO policies;
• Refusal to participate in the planning process;
• Lack of cooperation when and as prompted by KMCSRO staff;
*Refusal to cooperate with the customized plan of care such as diet, medications, activities, monitoring, and treatment recommendations;
• Refusal to listen to staff and others appropriately;
• Demanding, controlling or manipulative statements and requests;
* Coercive/ manipulative behavior;
* Profanity towards staff;
• Rude, racist, culturally offensive remarks;
• Intentionally initiating and/or engaging in Verbal arguments;
• Raised, hostile, loud and/or aggressive voices/sounds;
• Verbal abuse toward other participants;
* Abusive language (e.g. belittling, berating and/or threatening another individual);
• Making menacing gestures;
* Profanity or similarly offensive language while speaking with staff;
* A display of hostility directed at KMCRO staff or other participants
*Degrading or demeaning comments regarding staff or other patients;
* Inappropriate or intimidating physical contact or threat of physical contact with another individual;
• Attempting to intimidate, Stalk or harass other individual participants;
* Menacing, Harassing, Stalking KMCSRO staff, KM, or other participants and/or members;
• Making harassing, offensive or intimidating statements, or threats of violence through phone calls, letters, voicemail, email, or other forms of written, verbal or electronic communication;
• Sexual or emotional harassment;
* Threats of danger, harm or violence if they result in real or perceived harm to the victim, bystanders and/or witnesses;;
* Implied threats of physical violence;
• Making verbal threats to harm or destroy property;
• Intentionally damaging equipment or property;
* physically assaulting staff, participants, or visitors in the KMCSRO setting;
• Displaying weapons/ threatening to brandish weapons;
• Intoxication and behaviors suggesting drug/alcohol abuse;
• Unauthorized use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco in a clinical environment;
• Unlawful/inappropriate behaviors;
* Soliciting/Selling illegal drugs, sexual relations, etc.;
• Willful Interference/sabotage of care and treatment efforts;
• Leaving/ending sessions against medical advice;
• Refusing to be discharged/leave/ end sessions accordingly.
If you are subjected to any of these behaviors or witness inappropriate
behavior, please report to any staff member. Violators are subject to disciplinary actions including bu not limited to removal from the facility and/or discharge from the KMCRSO programs and/or the whole of KM.
*Adults are expected to supervise children in their care.
Requirements for Care Coordination Agreements
Certified community behavioral health clinics (CCBHCs) are required to have agreements establishing care coordination expectations with certain entities in the area served by the CCBHC. When those entities include inpatient psychiatric facilities, ambulatory and medical detoxification facilities, post-detoxification step-down services, residential programs, inpatient acute-care hospitals, emergency departments, hospital outpatient clinics, urgent care centers, or residential crisis settings, among other things, the agreement must provide for:
Transfer of medical records of services received from those providers, including prescriptions
Tracking of admission and discharge
Active follow-up after discharge
Coordination of specific services if the consumer presented as a potential suicide risk