Kautantowit's Mecautea's
Resource Offerings
​Contact Us: 503.910.6612​
​Contact Us: 510.761.4448​
Thank you for your interest in our counseling and coaching service offerings. We hope that they and We can prove to be of beneficial servitude to you and can help with whatever your needs in Some way, even if only in-direct.
Before we begin, we would like to ensure you know that we are able to provide such service offerings to you because of being an intricate essential part of Kautantowit' Mecautea (KM) which is a human rights based Spiritual Collective Organization known and respected as both an American Native as well as a Native American Church inter-woven as the "Red Hoop" of Great Creator's earthly Creation.
There are many essential core roots to make such a tree able to flourish in the ways necessary to achieve such unity among we the people as well as reconnecting to the grand web of earthly creation accordingly as to the design and will of the Great Creator such as KM as the "Warrior Soldiers of Great Creator" ( which in tribal way is said the Mecautea of Kautantowit) in these the proceeding thru the sacred 8th Fire Times as so predicted and instructed by White Buffal Calf Woman and many great elder turned ancestor prophets past, including our very own as KM, Mr. John Trudell.
If you haven't heard John's wisdom, we highly encourage you to seek some out via Youtube as it will really help you to better comprehend the perceptionary mindet of KM and all encompassing as well as flourishing within KM as the whole that we are as well as are expected as the entrusted Warriors of the Rainbow and builders of Rainbow Bridge are supposed to be accomplishing.
Articles & Resources

Also please properly comprehend that KM as the whole runs completley off of our MEMBERS efforts including but not limited to their unique gifts and talents, their time, personal and professional wisdom, and GRATUITIES - it is important that you KNOW that it is by and because of Their INDIVIDUAL choice to VOLUNTEER their time, energy, focus and expertise support and wisdom for the purpose of Community Service as a humble ac of compassion as well as humility that these service resource offerings are able to be made accessible for you to utilize and benefit, WITHOUT GETTING ANY SET PAY because KMCSRO does NOT CHARGE YOU RATES!
Each and every single individual person who helps to make this happen in Good Medicine way selflessly do so hoping to be of help to you and hose among you who need and seek such resource offerings KMCSRO strive to weave together for our members as well as our community members benefits, and so as a token gesture of our Gratitude and appreciation, we ask Respectfully that when and as you encounter and interact with any and all of the staff of the KMCSRO as well as all others who are as well, that you be mindful of your conduct and behave in a kind, courteous and Respectful mannerism such as how you would want yourself and your loved ones treated at all times.

Understanding the importance of brotherly love, compassion and support needed by all living beings regardless of age, sex, creed, personal belief system, nationality or anything else, and of the Damage due to the lack there-of, the Native Born American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea (NBACKM) strives to build the bridges of unification and support in order to aid in healthy living, healthy lifestyles and healthy relationships.
General Coaching Services​
- Child Counseling
- Youth Counseling
- Teen Counseling
- Adult Counseling
- Couple's Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Spiritual Counseling
- Life Coaching
- Sacrament Counseling

As Kautantowit's Mecautea, we offer one-on-one personalized counseling service offerings for all ages and situations distressing you. We also offer family as well as group therapy options of if it suits your focal. If your not sure of what of these services you may find beneficial, we do also encourage you consider our 5 minute Free consultation option... member or not, all are welcome to these services.
Crisis Services​
- Abuse Prevention
- Reality Therapy
- Suicide Prevention
- PTSD Support
- Anger Management
- Substance Abuse

Kautantowit's Mecautea KNOW the importance of having a support resource 25 hours a day, but unfortunately this far, we have not had the member support to offer such an option "In-House" though we continue to strive to attain the ability to do son as soon as is possible for us to successfully achieve.
​Life Coaching
- Adolescent Issues
- Pre-Teen Issues
- Teen Issues
- Family Issues
- Grief from Loss
- Singles Issues
- Relationship Issues
- Employment Issues
- Retirement Issues
- Military Veterans Issues
- Disabled Persons Issues
- Elder Persons Issues
- End of Life Issues

KM coaches know the important difference having even a little bit of personalized support resource can make when it comes to our children and worlds future, as well as the pressures that daily life can inflict upon members of all ages in specific directions deserving specialty attention.
That is why we have both the specialty focus counseling option as well as general Life Coaching resource options so to ensure we cover any and all aspects that you may need help to get it where they're not impeding your ability to function and cope with troubling stresses or past traumatic memories detriment your present quality of life, BEFORE they affect your future.
Anything that should arise in your daily life that is bothersome, confusing or troubling to your physical, mental and or spiritual well-being is Exactly why Life Coaching options are a blessing to have available - we are here to do all we can to help and support YOU!
​Special Focus Coaching
​- Articulation Disorders
- Expressive Disorders
- Peer Pressure Issues
- Battered Wife Syndrome
- Battered Husband Syndrome
- Sexual Abuse

KM acknowledges that relationships are among the top most struggles for today's society to be able to properly nurture and flourish into it's full potential, especially with the stresses daily life brings and then DUMPS onto the table adding struggles and hardships that really can create a barracade between the "Team" and can ultimately tear you and the relationship apart, not to mention the other person and all who come as part of the package from each side such as family and close friends. This is why we happily offer our couple's Counseling option to assist you from start through end.
​Couple's Coaching
- "1+1=2 101"
- Relationship Building Tools
- Pre-Nuptual Factors
- Pre-Marital
- Family Relations
- Communication Breakdown
- Rekindling the Love
- End of Life Preparation
- Separation & Divorce

KM is continuously striving to assemble the vast array of group therapy session offerings sought after and proven beneficial to our members. If you or someone you know are willing and able to assist, or too, could be benefited by such a therapy, even if it's not listed, Please contact and network with us and we will do all we can to be of service to you.
​Group Therapies
- Alcohol
- Narcotics
- Abuse
- Grief from Loss
- Singles
- Relationship
- Play Nice
- Military Veterans
- Disabled Persons
- Elders

In conjunction as additional service offerings, Kautantowit's Mecautea offers to our members include Information Resources, Group therapies, Mentorship Support,
We also provide specialty focal classes in the Kautantowit's Mecautea school which may prove to have benefitial gain for you as well, and gives you access to our collection .
And we alaso have a bulliten board area to help provide networking as well as a page external links

In conjunction as additional service offerings, Kautantowit's Mecautea offers to our members include Information Resources, Group therapies, Mentorship Support,
We also provide specialty focal classes in the Kautantowit's Mecautea school which may prove to have benefitial gain for you as well, and gives you access to our collection .
And we alaso have a bulliten board area to help provide networking as well as a page external links