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cub to maiden

On average, most girls start their periods when they’re 12 or 13 years old (although some begin earlier or later). But if you wait until your daughter gets her period to talk to her about menstruation, that’s too late.

On average, most girls start their periods when they’re 12 or 13 years old (although some begin earlier or later). But if you wait until your daughter gets her period to talk to her about menstruation, that’s too late.

Historically since ancient times, the transition from Cub to maiden has always been a very sacred and special time in which the human being has always spiritually been inclined to celebrate because it is the exact specific day that Creator alone has chosen to mark your personal joining into the sisterhood of womanhood!

We know well that upon the arrival of your "special friend", aka your first period, it is generally a more hocking event which immediately brings panic, followed by feelings of awkwardness and even embarrassment whether you were pre-warned or not, because of it's sudden undeniable arrival, which can really impact a young woman's personal self-confidence level in bad medicine ways when truly it shouldn't.


Of coarse, living in a world accustomed to patriarchal society standards, we know that most of the ancient good medicine wisdom has been long lost and disconnected from everyone to the point that many young women never learn the truth about it being your personal evolution into the divine feminine and therefore don' properly know how to respect it, or you and your individual place woven into it, which is really sad because should they come to comprehend it, life would flow much more smoothly and provide far more self confidence in them than is generally does without 

We live in a time where our periods are generally seen as a nuisance, and as an impediment to being productive members of society.

It’s messy, it’s painful, it's emotionally as well as mentally and physically stressful and it would be a lot better if it went away completely. I know this isn’t necessarily the case for everybody, but it certainly was for me before I took a deeper look at the complete and utter magic it was to bleed every 28(ish) days—the same cycle as the moon in the sky.

As a woman - your menstrual cycle is, in so many ways, your internal compass. First and foremost, women are connected to the earth and are the same as they are the life bringers- all natural earthly life is by female wombs regardless of it's species or any other indifference.

The female human beings menstrual cycle as a whole is structured to follow the same flow as that of the lunar cycle. 

The average woman's menstrual cycle is 29.5 days - as is the cycle of the moon.

Celtic rites were often granted by elder women in the community due to the belief that being post-menopausal made you the wisest as you had permanently retained your “wisdom blood.”

Instead of our modern lens of seeing a woman as unclean during her moon time, I see now how revered and honored she was in this act of seclusion or sacred inward time.

If we pay attention, our bodies can be incredible resources to us. Many of us have become so detached from our bodies that learning to listen to them can feel like learning a whole new language. But the language is there, and it is especially helpful for understanding our monthly cycles. Everyone has different ways their bodies communicate with them, and there are no right or wrong ways. Listening to and cooperating with the messages is the most important part.

As you came into closer communication with your body, you will make the connection between bleeding and letting go of the month’s events and feelings. Our goal is to simply ensure that we do all we can to help Reconnect our blossoming young maidens to the ancient sacred wisdom that will help to put all the points and wisdom back into it's proper perspective, which starts to us, in revealing and explaining this very essential information to you and helping figure out what ways to implement it into your life to which you are personally comfortable as well as confident in it.


As living breathing beings, we are 100% completely co-dependent upon our mother the earth, first and foremost which is often downplayed to say the least especially in our conscious minds. Our fleshly physical bodies are made up as our elder now ancestor taught, of every vitamin, mineral, metal, liquid and so forth as only generated by and provided to us by one natural source, our mother the earth, and it is done so in accordance with the natural order as creator set for her to do, not just for we the human beings but in all living breathing beings regardless of species. 


This is why throughout these aspects, KM will often encourage our members to consider the benefits to be had in natural methods such as holistic health and functional nutrition which can in themselves, re-calibrate hormonal systems within our material bodies more effectively and beneficially in the majority of western medicine options.


It all comes down to understanding your hormones and the phases of your cycle. We will start by explaining the Physical aspect of your monthly cycle, and break it down to four phases: and then we will get into the spiritual connections with the feminine aspects and how to properly apply the sacred ancient knowledge into your indivisual personal lifes and to, into your collective ritual as the divine feminine and Goddess that you are now evolving into as the young matrons Creator has deemed that you are. 

So how we best teach the 4 phases of the female bodies cycle is that we refer to them as: follicular, ovulatory, luteal, and menstrual. We guesstimate the approximate average duration per phase however please note that each body is it's own unique manifestation and so the duration's do vary from one woman to he next, which is why we say it is an approximate guesstimate, but it will give you a generalized  idea anyway of what to expect and for about how long give or take each phase of your moon cycle will last.


Follicular Phase (7-10 days)

Hormones: Your ovaries are preparing to release an egg and estrogen increases in your uterine lining in preparation to host the egg.

Body: You’ll feel an increase in physical energy and might start feeling restless.

Lifestyle: You have the most access to creative energy that you will have the entire month during this phase. Tackle creatively challenging tasks, begin new projects, plan and dream big.

Moon: Half visible, making way for the next cycle.

Ovulatory Phase (3-4 days)

Hormones: Hormones rise, follicles swell enough to release an egg to travel to the uterus. 

Body: Energy is high. Your skin will be glowing and you will smell and feel irresistible to the people around you. You are most fertile during this phase, so this is the time you should be most mindful with sex (whether you are trying to get pregnant or not).

Lifestyle: You have the best communication skills and the most energy all month. Have important conversations (like asking for a raise) or go on a first date.

Moon: Full, you are ripe and receiving

Luteal Phase (10-14 days)

Hormones: Progesterone and estrogen rise and, if egg hasn’t been fertilized, progesterone will suddenly halt, which will trigger your period.

Body: Your phsycial energy declines and premenstrual symptoms (PMS) start to develop like bloating, irritability, headache, mood swings, and cravings

Lifestyle: As Alisa says, “awareness, attention, and comfort are key now". You will want to turn inward and have an urge to nest and be more domestic.  You’ll become detail oriented, so plan an organization project for this week. Slow down social engagements so you don’t get too exhausted.

Moon: Half visible, preparing for the shedding of everything from this last cycle.

Menstrual Phase (3-4 days)

Hormones: Progesterone drops, triggering the shedding of your uterine lining and you begin to bleed.

Body: You may experience pelvic cramping, backache, fatigue, and cravings during this time. Focusing on slowing down and your comfort is key here.

Lifestyle: During this phase, access between right and left hemisphere of the brain is the biggest - making it the time you are most tuned into your intuition.

Moon: New and invisible. Time for new beginnings and intention setting for the next cycle.

What are the white moon and red moon cycles, and what do they symbolize for you?

For starters, it’s called a moon cycle because a woman’s menstrual cycle is said to be in sync with the moon.

The moon represents the feminine, while the sun represents the masculine; and together, they create harmony.

An average moon cycle lasts around 29 days, just like the average time it takes a woman to complete a whole cycle.

There are four main phases of each, which correspond to one another. Traditionally (before the days of calendars, electricity  cloning), women would bleed with the New Moon - cleansing and renewing -  and ovulate with the Full Moon - growing into fertile abundance. This is what a typical menstrual cycle looks like, and how it links to the phases of the moon:

  • Bleeding phase (New moon)

  • Pre-ovulation / follicular phase (Waxing moon)

  • Ovulation phase (Full moon)

  • Pre-menstrual phase (Waning moon)

In ancient times, a woman’s cycle was honored and celebrated, while her bleeding phase was ritualized. Women of all ages came together in sacred circles and moon lodges. Getting your moon (period) was seen as a beautiful gift.

Bleeding would be a time for resting, journeying inwards and tuning in to your intuition. Letting go of anything that didn’t serve you, resetting and starting anew again.

But the Patriarchy felt threatened by the power and magic that these women held within, which only magnified when they came together. So what was once seen as beautiful and pure, became stigmatised and seen as taboo.

Women around the world today see their period as a hassle, a burden, and sometimes even a curse. Our sacred cycle has been belittled to no more than a means to reproduce.

But I can feel the energy beginning to shift. She is rising. And we’re starting to fully awaken to the fierce power of our body, and reclaim the magic of our moon.

White Moon & Red Moon Cycles Explained

The terms white moon and red moon symbolize the different ways a woman’s cycle is currently flowing with the moon. And this will often change throughout a woman’s life, as she enters different phases.

You can figure out where your cycle currently is by starting to track it. Either use a traditional diary method, or one of the many apps available, like Natural CyclesClue, or Flo. If you have a fairly regular cycle, then a pattern will emerge for you after a couple of months.

The White Moon Cycle

The white moon cycle is the most common cycle, and is linked to the new moon. This means that if you’re on a white moon cycle, then you bleed around the new moon, and ovulate around the full moon.

Because this cycle mirrors the traditional cycle of the moon, and mother earth; a woman with a white moon cycle is said to be in the Mother phase of her life. Either she wants to get pregnant and start a family, or she’s focused on nurturing and raising her children.

This is because the full moon is considered to be the earth’s most fertile time. So when a woman goes through the most fertile stage of her cycle simultaneously, both energies align and are magnified.

Women on a white moon cycle pull energy inward towards them, and harness this to replenish and deepen their emotional, mental, and spiritual energies.

These women were often favored by the Patriarchy, because all their energy was solely focused on the men and children in their life.

The Red Moon Cycle

The red moon cycle is less common than the white moon cycle, and is linked to the full moon. If you’re a woman with a red moon cycle, then you bleed during the full moon, and you ovulate during new moon.

The red moon cycle is often known as the wise woman’s cycle, because in ancient times these women were the priestesses, the healers, and the medicine women. In contrast to the white moon, these women are focused on channeling their creative energy outward.

These women may also be mothers and raising children, but they are focused on and passionate about being in sacred circle with their community, and teaching and leading others.

Women with a red moon cycle have a deep desire for self-actualization, self-growth, creativitybusiness, mentorship and development. Everything they learn and experience helps to empower them from within, and this then enables them to empower the women around them.

The red moon cycle is also said to offer a deep connection to a woman’s sexual energy – a powerfully potent energy that the Patriarchy have tried (and continue to try) to disconnect us from.

A woman on a red moon cycle is a woman of great power, and so it was these women who were labelled witches; and punished, vilified, and ostracized from society.

Is one cycle better than the other?

No! There is no better or worse when it comes to your sacred cycle. There is simply one, or the other.

There’s a common misconception that a red moon cycle is inferior, because it doesn’t align with the natural phases of the moon. But I promise, it’s not.

There’s also the worry that your energy will be higher and lower at the wrong time of your cycle. More expansive at new moon – traditionally a time to journey inward and rest. And more internal at full moon – a time to expand, flourish and celebrate.

But this isn’t a problem.

It’s how you choose to work with your energy and the energy of the moon that matters.

I have been on a red moon cycle for the past three years – ever since I began tracking my cycle.

When I first found this out, I wanted to know how to “fix” it, and get my cycle back in sync with the moon. What I didn’t realise was, it didn’t need fixing, and I was already very much in sync with her.

But then I started to read more about white moon and red moon cycles. I began to deepen my understanding of my own cycle, as well as the moon’s.

I realized that being on a red moon cycle made complete sense for where I was (and still am) in my life today. My focus is on continual self-learning and inner growth. I’m deeply in communion with creativity. I’ve been growing and nourishing a business that centers on empowering women.

Can I see kids in my future? Maybe someday. But right now, my attention and energy is elsewhere. And that’s beautiful. The same way desiring to be a mother, and devoting your energy to nurturing your children is.

When my energy is low during the light of full moon, I draw my attention to illuminating and expanding internally. And when my energy is high during the darkness of new moon, I channel that into shedding whatever needs to go, resetting, and creating new, supportive intentions for this cycle.

What if your cycle doesn’t follow the white moon or red moon cycles?

If you don’t follow the white moon or red moon cycles, there are a couple of other possibilities.

The Pink Moon Cycle

This means you bleed when the moon is waxing (transitioning from new moon to full moon).

A pink moon cycle may represent a transitional phase in your life. When the moon waxes, it’s going from darkness and reflection, to light and expansion. So, this may mean you’re leaving a period of rest or shadow, and coming into your strength and your power.

The Purple Moon Cycle

This means you bleed when the moon is waning (transitioning from full moon to new moon).

A purple moon cycle also represents a transitional phase, but in the opposite direction. When the moon wanes, it’s going from fullness and strength into reflection and rest. So this might symbolize you entering a quieter stage of your life, or exploring your shadow self.

It could be a time to get clear on what’s no longer serving you and needs to be released, or a time to retreat into your cocoon. And this is vital before you can emerge again, revitalized, and ready to spread your wings and soar.

Honour your bleeding

Regardless of what cycle you’re in, I invite you to reclaim your moon and the days when you bleed. Give your body what it needs during this time – particularly the first two or three days which are the most intense.

For a long time, we’ve been taught we need to be like men if we want to be treated as equals, but our real strength can be found in what makes us different. Not weaker or stronger, just different.

So don’t try and “power” through, and carry on functioning as normal if you’re experiencing discomfort or resistance. This is your body speaking to you.

Give yourself permission to do what feels good for you. That might mean working from home, being on your own, have a space day or two, cancelling plans with friends, and slowing right down.

You may find you crave alone time, or company with your girlfriends. You might really want to move and stretch, or you might want to curl up into a ball and sleep. Chocolate might be what you have for breakfast, or you might not have an appetite at all. And you might want your boyfriend not to touch you, or you might be really hungry for sex.

It’s all okay. Bleeding is both beautiful and sacred. It’s emotional and liberating. It’s power and it’s magic.

And it’s time we reclaimed it.

Craft Wisdom

We highly suggest each young woman begin a specific book of shadows that daily journals during the duration of the maiden phase of your life so you can keep track of the subtle messages coming your way and look back at them as well as one day provide your personal wisdom in others such as your loved ones lives in a way they can truly comprehend and be enlightened by it. 

Celtic rites were often granted by elder women in the community due to the belief that being post-menopausal made you the wisest as you had permanently retained your “wisdom blood.”

Craft Rites

As with ALL practitioning, we always suggest you begin with a clenzing smudge with the proper plant medicines for your intended purpose, or if all else fails, white sage at minimum.


To clear the energy around, we strongly suggest a  smoke cleansing of the entire environment as well as the practitioner always be the first step.  We suggest establishing your sacred connection point for your red moon energies and rituals in a strong connected place to You, where you feel safe enough to become so vulnerable. Your bedroom would be an optimum example of where o spiritually weave your red moon hoop because it's Your Room same as it's Your body and your monthly connection cycle.


Light the smudge and or other herbs whole saying a purification prayer to creator to clear and protect your sacred space. Allow the smoke to consume the air, meaning do not have any open doors or windows as you do this, so that the smoke will gather and collect the old energies and clear the air for the new cycle. This ancient practice is both symbolic and studies have shown that the smoke of herbs releases negative ions, which improves mood and well being. Then you will open one either window or door and spiritually sweep the smoke now containing the old energies out and proceed to properly prepare for your ritual to establish your own permanent personal red moon spiritual space in good medicine way.

We have many different rituals that are and have been taught by our elder mothers and grandmothers before us in which we offer as wisdom options for our members, bu due to the sacredness of they as well as this gift as and specifically only for women, we are not going to reveal them here in detail as far as the ceremonial rites we offer or encourage. We do go into a bi more detail in our member's only pages so if you are a member we encourage you to explore their or of coarse when able, o connect with your fellow and elder coven members for more wisdom on hese rites and ancient rituals as spirit moves you. If you're Not a member, we encourage you to consider becoming a member. If someone you know is transitioning from Cub to maiden, and you think we could be of help and supportive service to them, please feel encouraged to help weave the connection and we'll see what we can do.

We next encourage that you learn more of the sacred bath rituals, especially those that conjoin throughout the duration of your specific red moon cycle and that you're giving each bath it's proper reverence, and including the sacred herbs, stones, minerals and essential oils accordingly for that as well as also receiving the wisdom messages specifically being sent to you from Grandmother moon during your sacred time as it Is when you're most connected to your individual divine feminine powers after all.


For more detailed about each moon and it's powers and symbolic purpose and messages, please refer to our moon teachings which should cover that for you.

Make your own personalized Red Moon Bracelet

You will need:

Bead Breakdown:

  • Menstrual Phase (red beads like garnet) - typically 4-5 days

  • Follicular Phase (green beads like green aventurine or jasper) - typically 7-10 days

  • Ovulation Phase (pink beads like rose quartz) - typically 3-4 days

  • Luteal Phase (darker beads like snowflake obsidian or onyx) - typically 10-14 days

Shape the wire to your wrist (giving it some slack) and cut. Then take one end of the wire and use pliers to make a little loop so the beads don't slip off.

Then start with day one of your cycle, which is the first day of your period or menstrual phase. Those beads are red and it's typically 4-5 days. Place one bead for every day of your menstrual cycle on the wire.

Then place a little gold (or whatever color) bead and begin the next phase of your cycle which is follicular with a green bead, which is typically 7-10 days.

Then another gold bead and begin your ovulation phase with rose colored beads which is usually 3-4 days.

Then another gold bead and then it's your luteal phase which is the longest phase of your cycle with a darker bead. Luteal can be as long as 14 days.

At the end of your cycle of beads, cut the wire and make another little loop to close off the bracelet.

Finish with a little charm (I’ve used goddess charms, little moon charms, and animal totem charms) that you'll attach to a lobster clasp. The idea is you move the charm each day to the next bead to help you keep track of where you are in your cycle.

For those of you worried about not knowing your exact cycle...

That's ok!

My bracelet is for a 28-day cycle and this past month, I went to 32 (I had an extended luteal phase, likely from a little stress). So I just kept my charm in luteal until the first day of my bleed, and then moved it to the red garnet.

It's ALL GOOD. What's important is cultivating a deeper connection to your inner moon.

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