Crossroads Exchange Point
The Crossroads Exchange Point is exactly as depicted in it's name,
a place where each confederated member of KM can offer forward their access wares, bundles, medicines, and etc. as you never know what one might have and is willing to put on the option table at any given time.

We cannot emphasize Enough that The Crossroads Exchange Point is of a GLOBAL COLLECTIVE Confederation made up of tens of thousands of individual human beings from all corners of mother globe making the offering opportunities both diverse as well as Endless.

Because we are an international collective confederation, we feel it easier than to try to keep a single site up to date with great new deals, opportunities and wares, that we would go ahead and simply do our best to keep This website up to date with the links directly To their individual websites and pages in which they Do keep more specifically up to date and let you browse at your own luxury and convenience as your spirit moves and catches your eye.
Make sure though, BEFORE you finalize any transaction that you make sure to let the other party/parties involved KNOW if you are in fact a member of a confederated member so to ensure that you are getting the Best deal possible without having any preventable hasstle.
Medicine Bundles, Ceremonial Supplies & Misc.

KM has our very own Den which has a great many collections of products and resource opportunities Exclusive to our own members but that we've extended to the confederations table as a way of providing a little extra support from and for KM specifically as well as exclusively. as the whole as well as in and beyond our communities as an act of honorable servitude.
If you are interested, click on the following link and check it out, it's called "KM's Den"