Our History
Because our history is and contains so many aspects of bullet-point diversity, the best way to keep things as comprehensible as is possible, we feel, is to do our best to break it down is as simple to follow timeline form as follows for your convenience:
As individual people
Though there is no "one person" who has single-handedly established and flourished the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation into the bountiful fruition it as we continuously strive to become at full potential, the core foundational roots are accredited to three essential individuals who without their unification, a history would likely not be, so we will begin with them and proceed forward from there.

Mr. Jackie Herer, and the Reverend's Steven & Seeva Cherms
Mr. Jackie Herer, aka "Jack" and "The Hemperor" among many others, is globally renown and crowned "Founding Father of the Hemp and Cannabis Movement" who is also frequently described as being the "Moses" of the cannabis movement who wrote what's known as "The Hemp Bible" in and beyond the cannabis community and solely responsible for today's successes in laxation in both state and federal laws in America as well as many of the nations across the globe as well including but not limiting to Canada, Holland, Germany and even Asia and other places across mother globe. The book,
"The Emperor Wears No Clothes" , first professionally published in 1985, is continuously sought after for having a detailed account for the lost history of Cannabis in the world, especially so within he continental United States teachings and is among the sacred wisdom teachings of and within the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation as a whole each in their own aspects and rights... but what many remain still becoming enlightened to is the fact that the Hemperor is also author of a second sacred cannon to which is held extremely dear to the KM Church and also to the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation as well... "The Most High" which Herer exclusively entrusted to KM spiritual leader Joy Graves for safe keeping as well as for future public teaching specifically about the "Foods of the Gods" as spoken of in the book of Exodus and elsewhere within the Holy Bible.

Reverend (known globally as "The Rev") Steven Cherms has always been a very spiritually driven and successfully self-made man in every aspect of life he's ever undertaken. From ordained minister and founder of "The Marijuana Ministry" in 1979 through black belt in the Philippine Martial Arts systems and as a senior master instructor of over 30 years, to licensed bodyguard and bounty hunter in both the golden state of California and the gorgeous tropical paradise islands of Hawaii, there's nothing we can think of that this mansimply cannot do and does not succeed in once his mind and sights are set upon it, especially when it comes to the warrior activism of global cannabis liberation especially and specifically for religious and ceremonial purpose.

The lovely and beautifully spirited Mrs. and Reverend Seeva Cherms is the matriarchal founder of both The Marijuana Ministry mentioned above which established in 1979 as well as of The United Cannabis Ministries (UCM) back in 2005 at Area 101 in Nor-Cal as mentioned above in her husband Steven's information, both of which are also the core root founders to the whole of KM Church itself and also in turn to this, the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation.
In addition to accomplishing all things equally at his side as mentioned above, including yes, martial artist, instructor, bodyguard, bounty hunter and minister, the couple have two daughters and remain highly treasured and valued community advocates as well as business owners n and around central California and also as globally renown activists for the global cannabis liberation movement and as spiritual and religious leaders, not to mention top notch OG cultivators and breeders of QUALITY cannabis medicines as well by the best of the best.

As a like-minded people
Reverend Roger & Sharriann Christie, founders of the "Hawai'i Cannabis (THC) Ministries in the beautiful islands.
Robert Edward Forchion III, Founder of Libertybell Temple's, two in the golden state of California which are currently in dormancy as far as we know, and the third in Trenton, New Jersey, currently right directly across the street from the county courthouse and caddie-corner from the states Federal courthouse as well.
Reverend Les Crane hosted the gathering at what's known to be "Area 101" somewhere otherwise undisclosed on the breath-taking northern California coastline at which point the "United Cannabis Ministries" was officially formed and established so to unify like-minded spiritual and church leaders as frontline freedom-fighting warriors willing to actively defend and preserve our rights to educate as well as implement into spiritual and religious faith based creeds and traditions what we refer as our beloved Mother Medicine cannabis where and as applicable in good medicine ways... including spiritually, physically and medicinally, mental and emotionally, as well as in traditional and new age ceremonial and religious purpose.
A declaration of establishment was signed by the founders individually as UCM collectively during the gathering and was also signed by non-founder and non-pastoral witnesses for further affirmation, which you can see below:

From there, each founder set out to teach the ways of the Great Creator including the proper use of the naturally occurring earth medicines, specifically cannabis for spiritual as well as ceremonial and spiritual purpose according to their own faith and churches systems and have continued flourishing as the first and only true Cannabis based collective church organization within the continental United States known of respectfully functioning to date, hence why it and the masses who are members within naturally rightfully have become among the core roots of the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation and why many of them are seated among the Confederations Grand Council of Founders.
As Cannnabis Defenders
With he help and support as well as protection and comforting compassion by individuals such as both Reverend Cherms and other like-minded supporters including many of the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation rooted founders, our Hemperor set ou Globally to educate the world and all occupants as to the TRUH and the FACTS encompassing Cannabis and all of the great many wonders she can and has historically done and provided for all the earth and species since time immortal in the hopes of spiritual and mental enlightenment, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and respected as the All Heal herbal medicine she has long been intended to be WITHOUT fear or bad medicine consequence for she and her family as well as for we and ours simply for respectfully benefiting from the symbiotic relation Great Creator mean for us to have with the plant family cannabis...and all others for that matter as per our birth rite inheritance of and as part of the natural world as set forth in what's still revered as "God's Law".

As Creator's Warriors
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As Manna Defenders
As you can see in he insignia below, Soldiers of Jah Ministries (SOJM) was the first church organization to EVER publicly display claim and defense of the Manna medicines as spiritual and medicinal sacred medicines (sacraments). For this effort, the indigenous tribes of North American gave SOJM a "blessing" of name in tribal language "Kautantowi's" (which means Great Creator's) "Mecautea" (meaning Warrior Soldiers who figh off evil and the enemy) in August 2013 and SOJM has since publicly reflected and became known as "KM" in addition to "The Jack Church".

As you can also see within the SOJM insignia, the tribes "grandfather medicine" (peyote) was also depicted as among the plant medicines claimed by the church as well. Perhaps this aided in the tribes decision to bless the church with it's recognition as well as to affirm the obligation expectations by "Indian Country" on the church and it's members.
Here nor there it would be less than a month before Oklevueha Earthwalks Native American Church, commonly known and referred to as "ONAC" would come with the offering of an "Olive branch confederation" option to KM, which was accepted and the church then became publicly known as "ONAC KM", from September 2013 throu to the fall of 2018 when KM would "step aside" from the ONAC due to integrity issues on the ONAC's part that they did Not want negatively reflecting and hindering upon KM any longer. These were the insignia's used by the church during those 6 years:

Since stepping aside from ONAC, KM has been publicly reflecting as being simply Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church though does maintain "forever blessing" from ONAC founder James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney and also has since obtained " forever blessing" from the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon as well, though KM doesn't put focal emphasis on either due to he PTSD endured from having done so with the ONAC for all those years. This below is the current insignia for KM so you're familiar with it should you happen across it during your journey upon mother globe:

Which is how we come to the present insignia of the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation presently, which you can see exclusively created by a youth member of KM for the confederation:

If you would like to learn more information about our history, please feel free to roam about the site and follow any links that Great Creator inspires you to review. If you have any questions, please feel More than welcomed and encouraged o reach out to us via email and ask. We will do all we can to respond and get back with you as quickly as is possible for us to do.