
Unification & Re-Connection
Within the KM Confederation you will find a vast range of spiritual beliefs and practitioners, each unique in their own right and with their own creeds and service offering opportunities.
The confederates have come togeher in effort of preserving All of our individual and collective rights as living breathing beings and while doing so, want to make sure it is known to each and every one of you, that their doors are open and you are welcomed to you if you are interested.
Members are not Limited to nor mandated to convert from nor pledge your beliefs to just One spiritual or religious belief system or practice to be a member of any within the collective- that all are entitled, respected and highly encouraged to pursuit any and all means of strengthening your individual as well as collective re-connection to Great Creator and all the webs of creation.
We just want to make sure that should you be a member of any within the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation that you are part of our grand spiritual tribal family and we are All your relations!
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~ Chief Seattle, 1854

Ceremonial Services
Within the KM Confederation you will find a vast range of spiritual beliefs and practitioners, each unique in their own right and with their own creeds and service offering opportunities.
There are many traditional as well as New Age spiritual ceremonies as well as religious ceremonial services that collectively he confederacy has as offering, we couldn't name or include hem all here, even if we wanted to or tried, but between us all, we should be able to safely and sincerely say that if their is a particular ceremonial service you're seeking, we either have or can do our very best to accommodate your needs in good medicine way.
These folks are more than happy to offer their ceremonial services to you, it's all matter of which You would like to seek services from. Keep in mind that as a member any one of the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation you are not Limited nor mandated to pledge your beliefs to just One within the collective- All are a your discretion as you are part of a grand spiritual tribal family and we are All your relations!

Outreach Services
In addition to each confederate providing and offering care and services for their own individual members, and extending an olive branch to their siblings within this confederation and their members,
The KM Spiritual Collective Confederation also individually as well as collectively offer a great many of our services to non-members within the communities spread out across mother globes society as well, and so we want to make sure it's said and known that even hose of you Creator has led to our confederation in the right here and now, that you also Are More than Welcomed to check us out and network with us and if and when you desire, proceed to petition for official membership into any of our confederation members organizations as well as to be recognized as being a member within the confederation as well.

Prayer & Meditation
The KM Spiritual Collective Confederation knows that their is great importance that to properly help one another to re-connect to Great Creator and the sacred hoops of Creation accordingly, that one must pray as well as meditate often, and that is why each confederate member organization want o make absolute Sure hat you know they are and remain Always here to help you accomplish this need as best as we are able.
Because of the disconnection over the coarse of our past generations, many feel they do not know how to or have never in their life Prayed or successfully meditated and so they are hesitant and often times dismiss the concept all together, which is a hindrance to themselves that hopefully our being here supporting and encouraging can help remove such an obstacle of constriction from their journey
Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery, Teach me how to trust My heart, My mind, My intuition, My inner knowing, The senses of my body, The blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things So that I may enter my Sacred Space And love beyond my fear, And thus Walk in Balance With the passing of each glorious Sun. ~ Lakota Prayer