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A Few Quick points we feel you should know regarding "The Most High" Cannon

First, though you're going to quickly see upon entering into the cannon's text that our Hemperor had a "Co-Author" to the texts, it's important that YOU KNOW this was our Hemperor's own personal baby of a project that he had in fact been spending 30 years according to his account gathering and working at assembling this into a book he had Hoped to himself get published before now, meaning Before he died.

It was agreed by both that it was the Hemperor's works and that he alone would maintain ultimate authority and control over the "manuscripts" But that the co-Author would be acknowledged as he is for his contributions to it. This agreement was made BEFORE the Co-Author, James Arthur himself Died, which was well before our Hemperor collapsed in Oregon and determined as he himself described as being seen by those accountable as having be the "cow" who "produced the milk" THEY would conclude would be "Worth more if the cow is dead!"


Don't worry if you don't deduce from that parabyl, the Hemperor Herer book will explain it all to those interested and only slightly sheeple thereby willing to hear some truth and fact about what Really was going on regarding our Hemperor as the Man not our communities super-hero! And in doing so, it will also explain a bit more as to why they did as they did by ridding him including a bit more in depth information specifically about the co-author... some truly Not so helpful to getting your mind to be open to the wisdom at hand indeed, but a setback our hemperor Hoped wouldn't turn his people off to attaining what he believed to be "The Most IMPORTANT INFORMATION they could learn right now... more important that even the emperor Wears No Clothes!"

What is important for you to know and keep in your mind as you begin to check out "The Most High" cannon.... as SAD as it is to have to say, it's INCOMPLETE as far as our Hemperor was concerned, and he was deeply upset and Frustrated that it is so as much as it is because he had spent 30 YEARS of his life working on getting it put together and he HAD it according to him 60% MORE than what he entrusted into Sachem Graves hands for it's safe keeping and distribution to we his people.

To our knowledge and as far as we as KM are concerned, the text aspect is 100% as intact as it's Ever going to be... he never indicated what if any of the text he had assembled for it to contain, other than All of the "Footnotes" and too the photo proof's he had from all sorts of sources including his own family photos now to Never be seen Are Missing because they were literally Stolen out of the boxes he had it scattered and hidden in throughout his garage of his home he had turned into his study, thinking it would keep them safer.

After the movie review for the second Emperor documentary made about him (that he was extremely Disappointed in as he told many) while in route to do the Portland Hempstalk in Oregon, not 5 miles from reaching the border did he get the call from the pair of "house-sitters" he had sponging from Indiana telling him Who and that they were Specifically dug for and stolen by. Within 10 minutes of that call is when he got direct confirmation to that being fact as an extortion demand came with the threat that it would be "Destroyed" if the extortion demand wasn't met by the end of the upcoming festival he was doing that weekend, the one he went down at and wasn't Allowed to recover from, by the decision of the SAME PERSON who had Stole and tried extortioning him while threatening to destroy it and the SAME person who "rushed up to be with him" but whose interest was in getting their hands on THIS and DESTROYING it as well! No bullshit or exaggeration and their remain many who know it first hand!

"I know it's already been destroyed, probably Burned knowing her... she don't want it known or published, to the point she'll kill me Dead Dead Dead if she gets the chance to get me behind closed doors... it's Gone, but it''s gotta get published Quick, times running out!"

Most will never truly fathom how sincerely Serious and adamant about this reality coming to pass as he was, especially to not see the genuine child-like FEAR in his eyes as he'd say it to all the great Many he did, but we know too... there IS recording of he himself Saying it, and a whole lot More in depth detail as to it as well as who ultimately did murder him so to ensure the misconceptions from this topic wouldn't cost them their profits off his name and fame. How it is that his community Continues to REWARD the culprot and Welcome in her enablers remains Dumbfounding to say the least and out-right DISGUSTING to put it mildly to those of us who KNOW the Truth.


It's Hard to continue to bite our tongues and allow SLACK and Undeserved gains and reward to befall them, but we as KM know that it's only because the majority of his people still remain IGNORANT to the truth facts and Reality that encompassed our Hemperor in his life, and don't Know all accountable for his death. Hopefully one day that will change, it's just a damned Shame he won't be able to be here when they finally get it and come back to His side of the line which is where INTEGRITY Matters MORE than Profits!

Another important thing to know is that as far as he was concerned, the text was Not put together "right" meaning the way and order he Wanted it in. He Did have printed some hard copies of this very text as it is now exactly being presented to you and frustrated and would say "Don't start reading from the beginning but from here" which would be so many pages into it he'd open and have the various people read some from.


As said before, he Knew that many including from his own community would "emotionally react defensively" because he was testing like this through the Seattle Fest weekend and ultimately only gave a dozen or two of those copies out, with the instruction that they tuck them away until it was published - Some but not all of those, he autographed as he gave them to these people!

As you will see at the beginning of the text of the cannon, our Hemperor had believed he had found someone to help him get the cannon put together so to get it published, Jan Irvin, but ultimately things didn't work out so Jan was paid for the work he put into it, making it just what it is a presented here to you now, which was straight from Jan's hands to his to the one he entrusted to safe-guard it and gift You with the opportunity of reading it just as he made her promise to via the church He instructed others to help establish For This Purpose should his prophecy of his murder ring true. Jan Acknowledges his efforts in t"The Most High" cannon and affirms the encompassment of it as the "Hemperor Herer" book accounts but let's it be known that he is on to bigger better affirmation sources regarding the subject at hand and because of it's "Sloppiness"in presentation as it is, in some ways wishes he hadn't involved himself with it.

The cannon HAS been officially published as of 2012 FREE OF CHARGE too for those wondering whose making any money off this work... it is published as an inclusion To our Sachem's published book about his life, rebirth into the Hemperor, his MURDER and the beyond, and from what we know, the Second Edition is about to go to publish as well fairly soon which will include even More detailed information about what went on then and too, what's been going on because of His efforts and by who good & bad since. There Are well over 5,000 copies in circulation among his people to date and more Daily that come seeking it.

We Will be including it's text onto this site as well, we just felt it's more important that "The Most High" text be added first as it ultimately is the priority as far as when it comes to the promises to Him being fulfilled, THEN as people become intrigued with him more, then b able to return to us here and  gain access to the TRUTH regarding the accounting of the "highlight points" of his life that ye who RESPECT the man should Know. There's already ENOUGH of his people running around as ignorant sheeple already, we'd rather not see You added to that pile needing correction.

All along our Sachem's position was that it was His Works, no one else's place to further attempt to modify or change it as from when it left his hand unless He Himself said so, which thanks to them will never be an option. We know that there were Some trying to "get it fixed" and "presentable for publishing" but they have no right of say and our Sachem ha Refuse to condone otherwise... so ultimately with the only exception being a slight moment of Guilt by the guilty party choosing to ILLEGALLY publicize a small Portion of the text via the .com website bearing his name, this IS EXCLUSIVE wisdom information, which we've let Slide despite being threatened Multiple times should we state his Name publicly without paying them due to their Copyrighting of his name less than 2 weeks before they killed him, something he himself had Never done to his name, not that it's even his True name mind you, but hey, what should That matter,, it's not like the "Signature" they depict in tht copyright is HIS either, so what the hell,, right!

Last but not least by a long shot, PLEASE make No MISTAKE in that it is No Misprint when we state "over and over and over again" that our beloved Hemperor Was MURDERED - that is what was TESTIFIED TO in court at the prompting of our Hemperor's own independent State appointed legal counsel so that it CAN be openly and publicly said On Court Record because it had Just Happened in their jurisdiction and they KNEW it was because of the on-going of This case and ALL that was coming to light because of it! Again rest assured in that ALL of this as well as proof To it document-wise. Once it's available here we Do Hope you take some time to read it... there's so Much to be learned of him that you otherwise may never know... he's done so much to get the way paved for us, it's the LEAST we can do as a token of our gratitude for he and his sacrifices, including his literal death!

If you knew him at all, you know he Detested facts being overlooked and swept under rugs for others personal convenience and or personal gains... he was a defender of truth liberty and justice and spent more than 40 Years of his life proving it no matter how it'd cut hi own nose to spite his face. He did NOT WANT TO DIE, he expressed this to so Many in so many different ways, including REFUSING a DNR on himself and even publicly on stages and recordings Explained it and WHY.


And too, he made it known to tens of thousands, including again on recording that he Definitely DIDN'T want to die before he had the Most High DONE and PUBLISHED - Period - so, for those of you sheeple mis-led by the smoke of bullshit in that he "Chose to go out on tax day" as some sorta Last Laugh on the government - YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED and the truth is quite CLEARLY the Contrary as you will learn should you Read the Hemperor Herer Book! Hemperor Herer was MURDERED in Ice Cold ass blood plain and simple and it was so so THEY would GAIN off His efforts and sacrifices at the comfort level they had grown accustomed of sucking off and outta him, bottom line end of the story!


It's important that if you're Truly trying to give Honor to the Man, that you Know and help Stop them being rewarded off the sheeple at the expense of our plant and people! THAT'S what He'd want you to do and stop doing after-all - it's His Ass THEY decided to Kill!

So Much Wisdom you're about to stumble yourself into, and in more ways than you even know until you do as he ask and that's "READ READ READ" the book & his cannon!

© 2010 - 2019 by Joy Maxine Graves AIF DURABLE POA for Jack Herer

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