Manna Medicines
Fungus is more common than you may realize and includes things like mushrooms, mold, and yeast. That’s right, the thing that makes your bread rise will also ruin it a few weeks later.
Though they grow in nature, in the form of mushrooms, they aren’t plants at all. Unlike plants, mushrooms get their energy by consuming “food” like an animal. They commonly grow on logs and decaying plant material that they break down as a source of energy.
Psilocybin spores are how the species both reproduces and moves. Other forms of fungus locomote through growth, spreading to new places as it grows. Mushrooms release spores into the air or water in order grow in new areas.
The Manna
The Holy Bible talks about sacred “Manna” that the Israelites ate in the desert. Many clues are given as to just what Manna is. The Bible says Manna was a small round edible object that appeared on the ground after dew had fallen. If the Manna was left out in the Sun too long it would breed worms and stink. Exodus 16:14 reads, “And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.” Exodus 16:20 continues, “…some of them left of it till the morning, and it bred worms, and stank.” The small, round, edible objects which when left in the Sun rot, breed worms, and stink are none other than the Food of the Gods, and we as Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church know and teach that these Foods are in fact mushrooms.
“Manna was thought of as being produced miraculously (IE: birth without seed). This is a perfect botanical description of a mushroom. Birth without seed (miraculous) is due to spores being microscopic and not visible to the naked eye. Jesus describes the Mannas in detail in the book of John. In this story Jesus attempts to make clear; of manna, there are two different ones/kinds. He describes the manna that he is giving the disciples (last supper) as the Manna that bestows immortality. His statement, unless you have eaten his flesh/body (Soma/Manna), and drink of his blood (Soma Juice), you have no life in you, takes on a whole new meaning in light of this discovery. The Manna is directly associated with the fruit of the Tree of Life in the 2nd chapter of the book of Revelation. It is the reward for those who overcome (the lies of the world). The ‘Fruit of the Tree’, the ‘Hidden Manna’ and the ‘Small White Stone’ are spoken of separately, but in the same context. All of these are symbols for the Amanita muscaria.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (16-17) and Co-Author of our churches sacred wisdom cannon "The Most High".
John 6:31-41 reads, “Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. Then Jesus said unto them, verily verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven … Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life … The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread that came down from heaven.”
Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) American Native Church teaches that Manna is in fact foodstuff from the galactic core which helps us attain Spiritual bodies.
The True Communion Substances
John 6:53-6 reads, “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily verily I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.”
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross which is a bookthat was published in 1970 by the British archaeologist John Marco Allegro is a very important source for "The Most High" cannon's text. His early career focused on studying the earliest manuscripts of the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls. With this book, however, after requested by the Vatican to "De-code" the Dead Sea Scrolls to which he spent20 years doing, led Allegro to the conclusion that "Jesus is a Mushroom" and many many say that it ruined his career, although others including our very own Hemperor say it gave him the fame that he deserved.
The basic idea behind the point of this book is that primitive religions were based on fertility rites (rituals that recreate the reproductive processes of nature either symbolically or through sex). Allegro believed that fertility cults like this used the hallucinogenic mushroom, Amanita muscaria (or fly agaric – the red mushroom with white spots).
Allegro also said that these mushrooms are at the root of many religions, including early Christianity which you can Imagine how it sent them straight through the Roof and screaming "Blasphomy!". You see, th truth of it is that Christianity was essentially the product of a sex-and-mushroom cult, and the mushroom was seen as the gateway to understanding Great Creator, or as they say "God.".Through this understanding, it was believed that fertility would also be promoted.
In his own words: “This is the basic origin of the stories of the New Testament. They were a literary device to spread the rites of mushroom worship to the faithful.”
Professor of anthropology John A. Rush, in his book The Mushroom in Christian Art, attempts to bolster Allegro’s position that Jesus was not a historical figure, but a psychedelic mushroom.
Earl Lee author of, From the Bodies of the Gods: Psychoactive Plants and the Cults of the Dead explained in an interview "My theory is that in ancient times there were people who were identified as a Shaman, either male or female, who was the person who would consume the mushrooms in order to prophesize the future, whether it was good crops or they needed to travel to some other place, and that sort of thing."
"Actually, the use of hallucinogenics in Christianity goes back to the very beginning and earlier than that. According to the theory I’ve worked out, when the Jews first moved from Egypt to Palestine they took with them a religion that combined their sort of ethnic ideas about religion along with a layer of Egyptian ideas. They actually created kind of a hybrid religion that I guess I would call the Hebrew Cult of the Dead as opposed to the Egyptian Cult of the Dead, or the Semitic version. This is kind of a merger of the Semitic and the Egyptian together. That was what the Hebrew religion really was in the beginning, a worship of the dead who they called the “Elohim.”
In October 2008, Jan Irvin published "The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in Judeo-Christianity" which was the first book to present texts which supported Allegro’s theory. For example, a 16th century Christian text called The Epistle to the Renegade Bishops explicitly mentions and discusses “the holy mushroom”. Irvin provides dozens of Christian images to support Allegro’s ideas – images that weren’t available when The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross was originally published in 1970.

Take note that Jesus, like Krishna, Dionysus, and the other "mushroom gods" are always depicted standing with their legs together, wearing a crown of thorns, and has a sash on his waist while being crucified. His legs together with arms outstretched on the cross make the same “T” shape as the mushroom during its optimum Round Table stage. The sash worn by Jesus is seen as being the ruffle found halfway up the stem of all amanitas, and Jesus’ thorny crown is the thorny mushroom top that the "White Stones" mentioned in the book of Eodus, or as we know them the "Warts".
At the "Last Supper" as it's known, Jesus instructs a ceremony be established as tradition whereby he tells us to "eat his body" which of coarse we Know he wasn't meaning his literal human fleshly body, but the symbology is that the flesh of his body futuristically that proceeds his crucifixion is the mushroom, as like he was about to do physically, so to must the symbology of his being (the mushroom) must die and be hung to dry for us to eat it safely and therefore attain spiritual enlightenment. Again we turn and quote the published words of the co-author of "The Most High" cannon taught by KM:
“The fact that the mushrooms must be dried before consumption is another euphemism of the god needing to die, or sacrifice himself, to save mankind through atonement (at-one-ment) … It can be argued that if you trace all of the gods back through time it may be possible to find the original. This original resides in the myths of the gods themselves, as those aspects that remain the same. ‘Take and eat, this is my body’ is the central theme. All of the ancient god myths contain some sort of a sacramental food, and anthropomorphically this food becomes, at some point, a personification of the god itself.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” page 53
As our Hemperor forewarned us, it's likely that the majority of you reading this are emotionally instinctively responding with emotional defensiveness to this concept right about now, even those among you who don't consider yourselves "believers of the Christian faith belief system" because in Your minds "Religion" processes the conclusion of the Holy Bible and it's characters (God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Adam & Eva and so on) but we ask you to Instead of feeling offended by the thought of Biblical people being high on psychedelics, that you instead ask yourself = How Else would it be possible for the human brain to allow you to see into the other world? Even in the Holy Bible they reference to Great Creator as "The Most High" in multiple places... cou'dn't it have deeper meaning, especially considering that the Majority of the Adamite's creed was intentionally attempted to be hidden in parrabils as well as in symbology, and such was notoriously hidden in plain site in their texts with the anticipation that the majority would never see or get it... including us meaning you and we!
If we reflect back to the conversation said to have been had between Jesus, Moses and Elijah identifies this as a Merkabah ascension text in which 10 of the disciples are awakened to the existence of higher dimensions, and this journey as an ascent to the dimension (called Paradise or Eden) where these righteous ones dwelt. Remember guys, unless you contain the bloodline of the Adamite (Jewish) tribes, you have NO CONNECTION once-so-ever to the garden of Great Creator known as "Eden" as that place wasn't established until what they call "The 8th day creation" whereas the rest of us "Gentiles" or "Goi" as they call us were brought to the earth and put into physical exisence as the species "Human Beings" back during the "6th Day Creation" and according to the Holy Bible, each of those earthly creation days are as 1,000 of our years here On earth, so we're talking about a good 2,000 year difference from the creation of us and then the Adamites!
Hechalot mystics, which learned from the gnostics, who learned from the Essene mystics, who learned from the Babylonians all are believed to have percieved it the same way. Medieval Kabbalists who learned from the Sufis, who learned from the Hindus, who learned from the Buddhists, who learned from other Hindus also have concurring accountings as well, in fact, Mystics across space and time have understood themselves to be gesturing toward the same truths, albeit in very different ways.
The Kabbalists talk about the concept of “worlds” as emanations from the Ein Sof or Divine Infinite. Higher realms represent other dimensions, and least we forget Enoch, the only living breathing human being who was taken thru the many realms of the Heavens, to the face of Great Creator and from their into Creators sacred Akashic Library with instruction to "Copy" the wisdom from certain of Great Creator's sacred record books pertaining to the whole of Creation, and then to bring that wisdom back so it could be made known and taught to the people! Why King James chose to leave that event notation of Enoch and his ascention in his version of the Holy Bible but to then NOT INCLUDE the knowledge Enoch copied and brought back remains a mystery without conclusive answer but we as Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church DO include the book of Enoch in our wisdom teachings for those interested in enlightening themselves to it, along with other "uncannonized" texts.
Here nor there, most of the "revised versions" of the Holy Bible still Do contain the wisdom to be had encompassing Jacob, and in this point Jacob’s vision so noted in Genesis 28:12 of a ladder between Heaven and Earth with angels ascending and descending is a good example. Most christians give high respect to Jacob yet don't seem to acknowledge at all another good point he is going to prove to make in KM's position on this which we're going to get into with a little focal depth below here very shortly, just keep he and his family in the back of your minds for a minute as we continue on our present point.
Please know that we Know there are a great many people who would never consider the use of visionary plants to be a spiritual experience, and that we as KM do not frown upon you whichever choice you personally as the unique indiviuals choose to make regarding whether or not you'll ever decide to partake in the true Communion ceremony and substances - but know that those of you who Do, that we as the whole of the KM Spiritual tribal "church" family are here for you and willing to properly lead you through it should you wish to seek such a connection with Great Creator.
Though many people believe that spiritual experiences must come directly from God and that the use of visionary plants goes against the teachings of the Bible, we know that it is only because of intentional False Indoctrination so to DISCONNECT the masses not Only from Great Creator but from the entire Web of Creator's creation, which saddens us more than Anything because not only is it Contrary to this notion if we comprehend not only Genesis 1 but too when it was stated that "Any who smite" Creators creation, smits too the literal Face of Great Creator himself, and that's not something we suggest ANYONE choose to willingly do, be it fed by personal Ignorance or not! Also too it's important that we point out that the MAJORITY of the plants noted throughout the Holy Bible are what society declares "Drug Substances", and too, the Bible never explicitly prohibits the use of visionary plants or potions.
Clearly there was evidence that at least one group of early Christians (a gnostic branch, who showed an emphasis on mysticism) may have engaged in the use of hallucinogens. They apparently didn't seem to think that was at odds with Jesus' teachings. archeological evidence suggests, many cultures around the world have used mushrooms for ritualistic and sacred practices for Thousands of earth years. The earliest depiction of the shamanic consumption of mushrooms is thought to be a cave painting located in the upper Tassili plateau of northern Algeria. The painting dates back to at least 5,000 B.C.!
In Acts 2:17, it reads: “‘And in the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.”
Turning to Hebrews 9:3&4 we find:
"And after the second vail, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all: Which had the golden censer and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna..."
Here we learn that manna was to be kept in the Holiest of all, the Ark of the Covenant. Clearly, the manna was something of great spiritual power since the Hebrews treated it with such reverence and even went to such great lengths to see that manna be given to future generations along with the original tablets containing Creator's Ten Commandments that Moses brought down from the mountain.
And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning (16:19). Notwithstanding they harkened not unto Moses. but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms and stank: and Moses was wroth with them(16.20). And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating. and when the sun waxed hot it melted...(16:21).
Anyone familiar with wild mushrooms knows that they go bad very quickly and shrivel up under the heat of the sun and before you know it, have all seemingly literally Melted away as if they were never there, exactly like manna is described to... especially the "Blood Communion" ones, right before you're very eyes, same way as they appear if your out in the pastures as the morning dew rises from the ground (and dung) upon it.
Hallucinogenic species of Psilocybe have a long history of use among the native peoples of Mesoamerica for religious communion, divination, and healing, from pre-Columbian times up to the present day. For those of you who who would like further confirmation of this, we Highly Encourage you to research a lady shaman known as "Maria Sabina" as it was among her more renoun practices during our current generations.
Mushroom-shaped statuettes have been found at archaeological sites that seem to pretty clearly indicate that ritual use of hallucinogenic mushrooms is a quite ancient ceremonial practice. Mushroom stones and motifs have been found in Mayan temple ruins in Guatemala that really make it undeniable for many who look at them for themselves, which of coarse we Highly Encourage you to personally consider doing if given the opportunity to do so.
Truth be told, ‘Mushroom cults’ in Mesoamerica are proven to historically date back to at least 1,000 BC, clearly indicated by mushroom stone effigies found in the Guatemalan highlands. We know this because Bernardino de Sahagún reported ritualistic use of teonanácatl by the Aztecs, when he traveled to Central America after the expedition of Herando Cortés. The Spanish believed the mushroom allowed the Aztecs and others to communicate with "devils". In converting people to Catholicism, the Spanish pushed for a switch from teonanácatl to the Catholic sacrament of the Eucharist. Despite this history, in some remote areas the use of teonanácatl has remained. This is when the spiritual denouncement of the sacred Manna's truly began, especially here in the America's.
“They (the Chichimecas) possessed a great knowledge of plants and roots, and they were acquainted with properties and virtues of them; these same people were the first to discover and use the root which they called peiotl, and those who are accustomed to eat and drink them used them in place of wine; and they did the same with those which they call nanacatl, which are harmful mushrooms which intoxicate in the same way as wine…”.
~Spanish priest Bernardino de Sahagún (De Sahagun & Anderson, 1975), who traveled to Central America after the expedition of Hernan Cortes
In addition, the frescoes from central Mexico dated to 300 AD show signs of mushroom worship deeply rooted in their cultural creed as well. ‘Sacred mushrooms’ feature in Aztec texts as well – the Codex Vindobonensis, for example, visually depicts the ceremonial use of psychedelic mushrooms. The Aztecs called these mushrooms teonanactl which literally means “flesh of the gods”. More concretely though evidence-wise, is a statuette dating from ca. 200 CE and depicting a mushroom strongly resembling Psilocybe mexicana was found in a west Mexican shaft and chamber tomb in the state of Colima.
Hallucinogenic Psilocybe were known to the Aztecs as teonanácatl (literally "god's mushroom" or, more properly, "mushroom of the gods" - agglutinative form of teó (god) and nanácatl (mushroom) in Náhuatl) and were reportedly served at the coronation of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II in 1502. Aztecs and Mazatecs referred to psilocybin mushrooms as genius mushrooms, divinatory mushrooms, and wondrous mushrooms, when translated into English.
At present, hallucinogenic mushroom use has been reported among a number of groups spanning from central Mexico to Oaxaca, including groups of Nahua, Mixtecs, Mixe, Mazatecs, Zapotecs, and others without any legal attack. There has not, however, been any confirmed observations of hallucinogenic mushroom use among the Maya peoples, either in the pre-Columbian or post-Contact eras.
Christianity is just truly but one more example of a religion which at its core involves the use of psychedelic plants as a way to access the ‘divine’, and this means that the Koran, Bible, and Torah were all inspired by psychedelically induced visions. The very foundations upon which these religions rest were derived from the mushroom experience. Moses and the children of Israel used the mushrooms as true sacraments to communicate with a Higher Power, also known as Allah, God and Yahweh which to us is Great Creator.
The "Flesh" Communion Substance
It's best stated by our Hemperor's Co-Author to address this, which we will do by quoting from his own published work regarding this topic:
“This is saying pretty clearly that the eating and drinking is physical. My body is flesh indeed, and my blood is drink indeed, and the added statement that when you eat, it is inside of you leaves little room for debate that this is a substance, not a phantom symbol alone. For those who choose to debate this I ask that they show me their substance because according to Jesus' words unless you eat and drink of ‘It’ you have no life in you. By the way, do I really need to mention that this is not some strange reference to Cannibalism? I sure hope not, if you still think this, read on. Somewhere, some of this must convince you that he is not saying to take a bite out of his arm, or any other piece of his actual anatomy … In my opinion, the magical act of ‘Trans-Substantiation’ has no merit. The statement that Jesus makes ‘Unless you eat and drink you have no life in you’ would seem to condemn the replacement of whatever the real thing is with a placebo (substitute).” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (29-30)
The amanita had long before Christianity been known as “the flesh of the gods” and “the blood of the gods” and this is what is meant.
The "Blood" Communion Substance
The Old Testament even tells us what this manna looks like, “the manna was as coriander seed”, and the color thereof. When psilocybe mushrooms are dried
the blood of Christ is the way to enter into the holy presence of God and the blood of Christ is magic mushroom is the only way to the kingdom of heaven in the presence of God filled with the holy spirit and there is no other way to have Jesus in you and you in Jesus------there is no other way to be filled with His Holy Spirit.
When psylocibin mushrooms are dried and bruised they turn blue which is likely why you see blue Hindu gods hanging out with cows (the mushrooms grow from their holy cow shit).
In Book 9 of the classic Hindu text, the Rig Veda, a “pressed juice” called Soma is mentioned as something drunk by priests. Some sort of visionary state is reported: “Make me immortal in that realm where happiness and transports, where joys and felicities combine, and longing wishes are fulfilled.”
In 1955, Valentina and R. Gordon Wasson became the first Westerners to actively participate in an indigenous mushroom ceremony. The Wassons did much to publicize their discovery, even publishing an article on their experiences in Life in 1957. Then, In 1956, Roger Heim identified the hallucinogenic mushroom that the Wassons had brought back from Mexico as Psilocybe and in 1958, Albert Hofmann first identified psilocin and psilocybin as the active compound in these mushrooms.
n the next passage, the Bible describes manna as having light tan color and texture like a wafer, certainly an accurate description of the color and texture of a dried Psilocybe mushroom. We also learn that the taste of manna is no longer that of fresh oil but rather that of honey. According to McKenna's re- search', honey has long been used in Mexico as a preserve medium for psilocybin containing mushrooms. Perhaps the children of Israel had begun to mix honey with the manna to preserve its potency. We find that Moses announced that manna must be kept for future generations:
And the house of Israel called the name there of manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey(l6: 31). And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth. Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations: that they may see the bread where with I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt (16: 32).
Again we are told to fill an omer with manna But how much is a omer? Isaac Asimov, in his book on the Bible, concludes that an omer is about four liters, while the King James version of the Bible estimates an omer to be six pints. Psilocybe mushrooms are 92% water and only 8% remains when they are dried. Also, fresh mushroom take up a lot of space, due to their shape. So four liters of fresh magic mushrooms would yield less than a tenth of a liter, or about 1/4 cup of dried, powdered manna This corresponds closely with the amount of magic mushrooms required for a moderately strong dose when used for baking This is important because it clearly shows that not only does manna have similar qualities to magic mushrooms, it also shows that it was also used in the same quantity as mushrooms. So manna matches Psilocybe mushroom on both a qualitative and quantitative analysis providing a compelling argument that Psilocybe mushrooms are in actuality "manna from Heaven."
Terence Mckenna in Food of the Gods says that a more likely candidate for Soma, due to its better efficacy at inducing psychedelic states, is the Psilocybe cubensis mushroom. This mushroom can grow in cow dung in certain climates, which may explain why the cow has gained such a sacred status in the Hindu tradition.
It is interesting to note that the Hindu Gods are usually in blue in colour o indicate they are made of transcendental nature and not material. This is obviously understood more easily if you have experienced mushrooms as the western mindset is not wired to think transcendentaly.
However this is common knowledge in the Hindu tradition and does not require mushrooms to comprehend.
The Manna (psilocybin) is used, and precisely, to awaken us to the Reality of Who We Are.
Martin Freud’s memoir described his father, Sigmund Freud, taking him and his brothers and sisters out into the woods in the mountains and hunting for these red-and-white mushrooms. It’s pretty clear that’s what they’re looking for except that Freud was kind of deceiving them, too, because he was saying, yeah, we’re looking for these red-and-white mushrooms but we’re not going to eat those. We’re going to eat these other mushrooms that grow nearby.
The "Pineal" Connection
According to the biblical story, the place that Jacob saw God face to face, and called the place Peniel
And Jesus also identified it as the place of enlightenment.

Reuben gave mandrakes to his mother Leah. Surely you as he knew that these are psychedelic plants.
Jacobs wife Rachel wants them so much that she tells Leah, his ex wife, that she will
let Leah sleep with Jacob tonight... If Leah will give her some of the Mandrakes. This is a clear tale of sex and drugs is recorded in the Bible, and in this particular case it was over a bunch of mandrakes.
Jacob, the hero of the Bible who was into wife swapping was also into smoking psychedelics.
This is likely why it is that the Bible has stories of him wrestling all night with an angel and then watching angels going up and down a ladder in the desert.
Think of it, the guy in the Bible who had psychedelics used in his home,
wrestles with an angel, observes angels going up and down the stairs,
and sees God face to face.
Your whole body shall be full of light says Jesus,
and the single eye or Pineal, secretes DMT into the brain,
and DMT is an illegal hallucinogenic called dimethyltriptamine
It would seem reasonable for us to assume that there is
set apart from our 3 dimensional physical reality,
a reality where God dwells, and which is only accessible
when one transcends the limits of the human brain.
After the wilderness excursion, the manna was reserved for the high priest, and only By the Priest lines (Leviticus) was the secret sacredness of the true manna substances known, to which our beloved Hemperor Jackie Herer is Direct Descent of, and why we hold his wisdom teachings as truth as far as the whole of Kautantowit's Mecautea AmericanNative Church is concerned, and "The Most High" cannon is of our Core Root teachings and ceremonies.