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Our Hemperor

No One Can nor should Try to take the place of our beloved Hemperor, nor should we his "Canna-Family" try to put or allow ANY to stake claim to  his throne, especially those he was adamantly Against even having a place in our community at all - there is


Hemperor Herer will forever prove to be One-of-a-Kind, and never was he more Happier than when he was with WE HIS PEOPLE!

If you knew him at All then surely you know THAT,

if you didn't know him, then please not only get our book "Hemperor Herer" which contains a copy of "The Most High" cannon. JOIN Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church


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HUGH DOWNS  did a report on our Hemperor,  and here it is immediately below for Your Convenience, we Highly Encourage you to listen to it if you would be so kind, much Appreciated.

The next video, which is immediately below again for Your Convenience, is what he declared to be the Best documentary ever made in regards to his life and transformation into the Hemperor. It is just under one hour long, but we highly recommend especially our members to take the time to watch it and learn about the inspiration of our drive when it comes to the preservation and Liberation of our beloved mother medicine.

This is a well known interview our Hemperor had back during his beginning years educating and striving to liberate our beloved mother medicine , it's just over 29 minutes but contains much wisdom we Hope at least our members want to take the time to hear first hand from our man himself.

Now, take about 15 minutes to hear from the Hemperor first hand about the forgotten facts of our beloved mother medicine cannabis and it's Industrial history as hemp BEFORE it was GMO'ed into the Hemp of today in the United States of America.

Per his direct instruction request to we and many Other of his community family, our Hemperor wanted a social media platform which he had planned on using to establish a direct Personalized connection with ye he people... however, as many know the cat fight circus show that went on up until the point he was Murered literally ended up cock-blocking Many of the things he wanted done for him to get done. There Was a platform built BUT the enemies of our beloved Hemperor threw their fits and undeserved power arond and so ultimately the platform is no more... BUT we DO maintain This one thus far despite their wimperings, so if you'd like to check it out and enjoy sharing the memories of him, please feel welcomed to do so, And to contribute to it because those of you he shared our passion with really were to him "The real family we all want and deserve, not the Legal ones we were dealt" and so we KNOW it would warm his as well as his peoples hearts knowing you haven't forgotten him!

We also have a facebook platform for the book & cannon too if you'd like to check it out:

Know that you're welcomed to check out our "Jack Church" as it's known via our direct links below... KM is our short name.

KM Church Facebook
KM Church Twitter
KM Church Website

© 2010 - 2019 by Joy Maxine Graves AIF DURABLE POA for Jack Herer

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