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Hemperor Herer


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It's important that you know how sought after this information is by many, and not ll with good intentions. It's also important that you know how important this information was to our Hemperor for you to know, and have  access To. This information, as he knew and Warned, literally cost him his literal LIFE - make NO MISTAKE in that this information coming to light IS WHY our beloved Hemperor Is DEAD... he was Literally MURDERED in the Hopes of they who did and Aided in his MURDER that You nor ANY would EVER gain the access to this cannon "The Most High"... He KNEW and WARNED of this but apparently Damned FEW took him serious, and o now he is GONE, But Because he knew he was going to be Killed in attempt to suppress this invaluable information, he was Wise Enough to do all that he did to legally place it into the hands he knew would Protect it And ensure that all of "My People" such a yourselves as KM members would have access to it... and so it is.

By the Hemperor's Instruction

Our Church was Officially & LEGALLY Established to "Protect our Plants, People and this much needed Wisdom that they Need to know and have access to... it's More Important than even the Emperor Wears No Clothes and Pot (Cannabis) especially Now in these times!" That statement right there is Why the Majority of those among our cannabis community, including especially the so proclaimed "VIP's" we've left who KNOW about "The Most High" cannon have and Continue to DOWNPLAY it and it's importance To Him... but Thankfully even those that Do do NOT DENY it's existence when asked about it- ask them!

john thunderheart dont want us thinking.

By the Hemperor's Instruction

We Remain Devoted to those causes and put our focus and efforts as HE himself Instructed us to do! This is why though we Remain in the battle for Cannabis Liberation, we as KM have taken a step Back from the very front lines of those shallow trenches and Highly Encourage all of you True Warriors to shift your focus to the importance of this cannon and our beloved sacred Manna Medicines as we have, it's Essential!

By the Hemperor's Suggestion

You really Should Consider Opening Your MINDS to his wisdom and "READ READ READ This Book!" He knew that Many would Emotionally React to it's content and Feared it would be in a Closed Minded way that would ultimately DISCOURAGE YOU from reading it - PLEASE Don't is all we can ask and Hope for!


To learn more detailed fact and truth about the topic at hand, please feel more than welcomed and encouraged to click on the following links provided here for your convenience so to learn a little bit about each one of the two true "Communion" substances of the christians "Jesus"

By the Hemperor's Suggestion

You really Should Consider requesting membership into Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church, and we say it that way because as we all clearly know, their Are SNAKES AMONG US And even Deeply rooted and entangled in our Global Cannabis Community and so not ALL who request membership consideration can be Trusted to be among us, as SAD and Unfortunate as that is to have to say because he wanted and Hoped that we would all be as "Family" - what he called "My REAL Family, not my Legal ones, but the ones I can trust to turn my back to without having to worry about being Stabbed in it!"

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Connect with KM


If you have any Questions about this site or it's content, please feel more than welcomed to reach out and we will do our Absolute Best to be of assistance to you so that you have a better perspective to it's important significance... and it's sacredness!

Also let us know if your interested in learning more and or joining our church~


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© 2010 - 2019 by Joy Maxine Graves AIF DURABLE POA for Jack Herer

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