Introduction to the book of Revelations
The Book of Revelations, also known, as the Apocalypse is the most mysterious and challenging book in the Bible. This is most likely the reason that some Christian cannons do not even contain it. It is easier to ignore the book for some people than to even scratch at an attempt to explain it. From the casual studier of Bible texts to the most adept scripture interpreter this book has astonished and mystified the hearts and minds of humans for thousands of years. There are several methods used for this book’s interpretation that have garnered support over the Centuries and we will discuss some of the most popular of these shortly. Revelations is the very last book of the King James Version of the bible, as well as several other translations, and this indicates clearly that it holds a position of high eminence. It is the headlining act to a miasma of creative depth. It is the ultimate climax of the entire content, symbols and information contained within the texts of the Bible. The entire message of the Bible winds up in a series of elaborate grand visions condensed into twenty-two chapters of explosive presentation and interpretation. It is a marked testament to the states of consciousness variously applied to God and those touched by God throughout the old world. So too do the readers of this text often experience a type of direct gnosis brought on by the complexity and intensity associated with reading this book. You can hardly help but notice the knowledge underlying this presentation comes from somewhere beyond. The book demands recognition as originating from a somehow advanced intellect that relates these tomes with a grace and eloquence that is tough to outshine. Whoever these folks were they have raised the intellectual mark to a new level. They have left behind a complex mystery. One which has been studied by millions, now we too will take on the challenge of understanding what it’s all about.
Anyone who has taken psychoactive mushrooms; Amanita or Psilocybe can tell you putting the experience into words is incredibly difficult. More difficult still is writing the experience down in a semblance of adequacy. Most people say it is impossible, or seemingly so. If it were possible to transfer to paper or into words the mushroom experiences, it has always been a point of speculation what insights could actually be attained through the writing and visionary representation? Revelations is exactly this, a book written as an attempt to put into words the mushroom experiences and the visions produced in the author’s mind. This is precisely what we are saying, “the visions written down in the book of Revelations are produced by the Amanita muscaria experience”. The visions are also influenced by the author’s surroundings, political and religious struggles and personal psychology. Essentially these texts describe man, the mushrooms and the relationship between the two. The visions are expressed between people as things familiar to people. This can be problematic because most of the things witnessed in the mushroom consciousness are unfamiliar to the observer. Trying to put into familiar terms things that are entirely unfamiliar is not easy. The visions and perceptions of things seen in the mind are described within the texts as something familiar to the reader. Symbolic pictures drawn in the imagination are a great medium for describing visions so the plan of the book stands upon firm ground. It is really expressing the depth of the experience itself that is most difficult to extract and exactly the thing that man must attempt to do. In fact, some feel deeply compelled to do so, once you have experienced the visions yourself. The authors of this type of text receive their inspiration from the mushroom experience directly and this is an attempt to explain what happens (or what you perceive). It is often described as indescribable, so too is the depth of the text of the book of Revelations.
The book is very similar to and perhaps is a rewriting of other apocalyptic books containing similar characters and themes. Some Apocalyptic texts are contained in the Old Testament and are often compared to revelations for reference, the book of Daniel and the book of Ezekiel etc. There are literally dozens of these types of apocryphal texts dating back beyond 500BCE, most of which were never even considered for inclusion in the cannon of the Latin Vulgate Bible or the early Latin, Syriac and Coptic translations. The canon of the Old Testament used by Catholics is based upon the authorized and canonized texts approved by Alexandrian Jews and included in a version of the Jewish Bible known as the “Septuagint” (otherwise known as “LXX” or “The Seventy”). This Jewish Bible was advanced around 275 B.C.E. and is a translation of Hebrew texts into Greek by 72 Jewish scribes that first translated the Torah and then eventually the entire Tanach. During this time period, Jews spoke Aramaic, Latin (the official language of Rome), and/or Greek. They did not speak Hebrew except in certain instances. Hebrew is considered a sacred and secret language used only in religious study and the services of the Hebrew liturgy, specifically the various types of Eucharistic services. (The Eucharist is an ingested sacramental substance; to the Catholic it is the Holy Communion.) Non-Jews were never taught Hebrew because the language is the means for them to communicate with their God and so they kept it to themselves. It is not possible to convert to Judaism. Either you are born a Jew or you aren’t. Jews have always been known to be adept at languages and mathematics and they are one of those social orders that developed elaborate schools and means of education. Every Jew was blessed with the gifts of learning and knowledge; hence many Jews consider themselves to be “The Chosen People.” To properly translate the Old Testament of the Bible, we look at the English, the Greek and the Hebrew. By translating the Old Testament in Hebrew, we can get a first generation idea of what the book is really all about. This, by no means, should imply that we accept the Hebrew as the original version of these books but this is as far back as we can trace the origins without deviating into Sumerian, Cuneiform and Sanskrit texts. For our purposes, it is sufficient to translate the books back to Hebrew. We can suppose to obtain a consistent and concise understanding of the books by translating the Hebrew versions partially because Hebrew never changes; it is what scholars call a dead language. A dead language is one that is no longer in common use. It has been removed from the public domain so the meanings of words do not change with the times. As an example, Latin is another dead language and since it never changes it is used in religious texts and services, science and law because it is standardized. The only drawback to communicating ideas by using a dead language is sometimes there are instances in an evolving world that require new words. In these cases combinations of dead language words are used as an option.
The New Testament (wherein we find Revelations) must be translated from the original Greek. The Old Testament boasts containing the apocryphal texts of Ezekiel and Daniel and conversely the New Testament presents us with the book of Revelations. These were the main three Apocryphal books considered by the Council of Nicea (circa 325 C.E.) or later Ecumenical Councils for serious consideration and inclusion in later Bibles. The Protestant Bibles eliminated parts of the book of Daniel and seven other Old Testament books under the reformation of Luthor who based his inclusions into the cannon upon the “Council of Jamnia” (circa 90 to 100 C.E.). It was the “Council of Jamnia” where the highly respected Rabbi Akiva insisted that the “Song of Songs” be included in this new Jewish Bible. In fact Rabbi Akiva (as previously explained in the introduction to “Song of Solomon”) stated emphatically that it must be included because it is the most important of all Jewish holy books.
The authorship of the book is another item of great contention but it is not important to our study to know exactly who the author was. Few serious Biblical scholars think that the books of the New Testament like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were actually written by someone named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Much less do they claim these books were authored by so called apostles of the same names. There are, however, myriads of fundamentalists who choose to ascribe authorship of the book to an actual historic person and biblical character named John. Their assertions that some of the same words are found in the book of John that are also found in the book of Revelations proves that they are written by the same author are indeed surprising. We will argue the points that no one knows for sure and that it doesn’t even matter simply because it is not important to our method of interpretation. Many historically famous figures in church history have attributed the penning of the book to John the Apostle such as Justin Martyr, Eusebius and Tertullian. To such it was important to discover an historical single author for the book because this fits within their frameworks of reference. But we have a unique perspective that does not rely upon there ever even being a John the Baptizer, or a John the Apostle as real historical figures to give a type of validity to our understanding the book. Many other historically important secular figures who claim there is “no solid historical evidence for the existence of these Biblical (John) figures” include Gerald Massey, Jordan Maxwell, Godfrey Higgins, Acharya S. as well as many others.
So there is no “It was this John” or “It was that John” assignment to be made by us. Suffice it to say that the book was not likely to have been written by a mythical John the Baptist nor one of the Astrological twelve Apostles. As you shall soon see, this book uncovers much in regards to understanding the mushroom as both the god and the devil, goddess and harlot, savior and beast. John as (the common name is used as an Archetype) character represents the man who is thought to be the Savior and therefore is followed by many, but defers authority to something or someone else (Jesus). He says I am not he, as any true witness must confess, but the mushroom is the true god and the great “I AM”. Because the figure of John the baptizer also represents the mushroom as a “voice of one crying out from the wilderness” he gives the mushroom a voice. He is the spokesperson for the mushroom and says “behold the lamb of God”. This statement is very clearly descriptive of the man having been filled with the spirit of God, making an impact upon those who listen to him, yet he is not claiming to be “the one”. Instead he explains what he sees in a vision about the mushroom, the persecution and cursing (religious prohibition) of the mushroom, the withdrawing of the mushroom from humanity and its return in due season. The voice calling from the wilderness interpreted into our own times is the voice of the mushroom calling to all of mankind and saying “Remember me, I AM”. It calls to us from the past, it calls to us from the future, it calls to us from a state of being unknown to us because the fact that a mushroom can speak to humans, show humans the glories of the heavens and the depths of hell has been ostracized, cursed and forbidden by those who could not understand the voice. The mushroom has been cast out of our common cosmology by a religious pharmacratic inquisition. Now the voice is only known to those schooled in the mysteries or gaining an anomalous introduction of another propitious sort. Even then the potential of hearing is not necessarily understanding, and this underlies many of the current problems.
Misinterpretation of the Bible and incorrectly adopting its moral dictates has given birth to a great beast of deception and it is our hope to disempower the beasts of misinterpretation and explore and adopt a new view based upon our promised freedom. This is the problem with taking these plant psychoactives for the religious. Anyone yoked to a dangerous and incorrect system of dogma and belief enters a long struggle with that voice, perpetuated by an internal struggle between the perceptions of good and evil. The longer one fights the voice the longer the experiences altering between heaven and hell, bliss and torment continue. Those unwilling to let go of beliefs in a false morality realize the profundity of the term “eternal torment”. This must be considered as a potential candidate for reasons those in religious authority have cursed the mushroom as the devil and driven the knowledge of it into near obscurity. There is no wavering in our understanding and there can be no doubt that the status of the mushroom as the thing which provides mankind with immortality must be understood if the interpretation of this book is to enter the realm of accuracy. To reject it because of a lack of physical evidence (like no apparent immortals living in the flesh today) unnecessarily restricts its effects upon the physical universe. Immortality should not be thought of in terms of our limited physical universe. In fact considering the predominance in the old world of a belief in reincarnation, it is not. We must consider the potential amount of self that can remain after death, and the quality of that remnant that passes from one physical body to another, as the real thing the mushrooms may very well affect.
Apocalypse (Apocalypses in Greek) means an “uncovering” (of that which has been hidden) or a revealing (of something previously unknown). The Latin name of Revelations (a revealing or uncovering) means the same thing and is the name in English ascribed to this book. Revelations is used as the title in the Latin Vulgate and in Latin “revelare” means “to reveal something which was previously hidden”. The “previously hidden” definition is of note here so please keep this in mind as you read on. Expect to find something being hidden (cursed, repressed, forbidden) during the course of the book and something that this book “reveals”. The word “Apocalypse” has come to mean a lot of things to modern day Christians, mostly it is perceived to mean the end of the world, a great battle and to many it means the same thing as Armageddon. Interestingly the word is used as a noun in the title of this book but it is not found used in this manner anywhere else in Greek literature. The word is used in a wide variety of applications as a verb throughout the New Testament, primarily indicating a divine revelation to man. In the Greek text of the Old Testament book of Daniel it is often used in reference to the revealing of secrets and the interpreting of dreams.
In the King James Version of the Bible the title of this book is “The Revelation of St. John the Divine”, and in the Greek the title is “Apocalypses Ioannou”, and simply means “Revelation of John”. We shouldn’t gloss this over; because this is an important statement, it says, “John is Divine”. The title ultimately does help us in our understanding of the book because it leads us into the question, “who exactly can be divine?” Apparently the author of this book, John, can. Otherwise why would the presumed author be called divine? It also must be queried, “If this John can be divine, what exactly does it mean to be divine?” The Greek word translated here as divine is “theos” and it means “God”, “Godhead” or “Godly”. The simple answer clarifies the statement because the mushroom was (and is) considered to be “divine”, “God” and also reportedly endows the partaker with the understanding of being divine directly (becoming Godly); therefore we may understand this multiplicity of the term “divine” as attributed to both the mushroom and the mushroom experiencer. John Allegro in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross deciphered the name John (Ioannou) to be a name for the Amanita muscaria mushroom so that we can now realize the title of this book is “Uncovering the Mushroom” (“Apocalypses Ioannou”). This will become very clear by the end of this exposition, when the whole hidden (sealed) story this book tells is revealed. The very first verse of this book tells us that this is “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” so this book is, in reality, both the Revelation of John and the Revelation of Jesus Christ. John Allegro in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross deciphered the name Jesus for us as another name used for the mushroom. This is very significant and important because when it is known that these names (and others) have direct linguistic links to names of the plant Gods in pre-Christianity, and these names and stories associated with them remains the same as they are later incorporated into Christianity, we can understand the first verse of this book to actually be “The Revelation of the Mushroom”. This is simple enough and helps to explain why the book is fraught with strange visions, things being eaten that make the belly bitter, vomiting and the like.
This book is a book of symbols. It is mostly understood by the studying Christian that these symbols point towards something in the future. This is one of the most common methods developed specifically geared towards interpreting this book. Most Christians also agree that the book is symbolically explaining the events to come regarding the return of Jesus and the setting up of his kingdom on earth and the unveiling of his kingdom in heaven.
We must also consider the Astro-Theological symbolism in this book and those things up in the heavens that they point to, namely the Sun, Moon, Stars and Constellations. The ending (Omega) of the time period referred to in this book as “the end of days” is known as an “Age”. The twelve Ages are the twelve houses of the Zodiac. This is the band of stars composed into constellations that the Sun apparently cycles through one time in a year. It is composed of twelve constellations called “houses’. Our position in time, moving through the ages is calculated by measuring the exact spot of the Sunrise (in the houses) at the spring equinox. The Precession is the grandest measuring of time known to the old world, as the Sun moves through the zodiac in a large precession of the stars. This movement (cycle) through the twelve houses of the Zodiac takes twenty six thousand years to complete. This cycle is caused by the wobble of the earth. Each age (one twelfth of the cycle) lasts two thousand one hundred and fifty years (if you divide the houses equally). Currently we exist in this reckoning of time at the cusp between Pisces and Aquarius. We are leaving the old age of Pisces wherein the Fish has been the symbol predominantly used to represent God for the last two thousand one hundred and fifty years and we are proceeding into the Age of Aquarius, the new age of enlightenment represented in the Zodiac symbolism as the Water bearer. Keep in mind this is no ordinary water, but these waters borne by the bearer are the waters of life and we will see this ultimately as the new age is established in this book (The waters of life will run freely) and the kingdom of Jesus, the New Jerusalem is established on Earth where we discover the center of the “Kingdom” (the King-Dome), as the “Throne” (Three-in-One), is the “Fountain of Living Waters” also known as “The Fountain of the Waters of Life”. These metaphors are so direct and profound as descriptions for the mushroom it cries out to us as a voice crying from the wilderness to find out why.
Types of the interpretation of Revelations
The “Futurist Scheme of Interpretation” looks at this book as a prophetic text describing future events that “must shortly come to pass”. Looking at the texts, as an unfolding vision exclusively in the future can be a good guide if you see the events can happen in a metaphorical way to you directly. This is the wildcard that the mushroom provides, an unprecedented understanding of the texts and a means whereby they relate directly to you. Not very many people find merit in denying that this book clearly attempts to predict the future but it is specifically what and how the events are to unfold that draws controversy. The style of the book is evident as prophetic and the overall theme insists this is the case. To the Futurist there is little credence given to any theories and conjecture regarding things in the past that may be aligned to correspond with events portrayed in the book of Revelations. These events must be projected into the future. They believe all the events are destined to take place just before the return of Jesus. Consequently, because Jesus (as they understand or expect him to be) has not returned, events described in the book that seem to correlate to actual events over the course of two thousand years must be relegated to mere coincidence. Many Theologians and Biblical scholars have rejected the book of revelations because of the claim made in the texts that “these things must quickly come to pass”. And yet they did not. The things supposed to happen without hesitation have not happened in two thousand years. Although primarily this is in relation to the return of Jesus, they dismiss the (Revelations) prophesy as a false teaching. If only they understood that it does quickly come to pass. If they only realized that when they understand it correctly, it is upon them “now”, then the events projected into the future have all the more meaning.
It is clear that many of the events described in the book could not have taken place in times past because there was no way to, for instance, enforce a buy and sell mandate upon the whole world. The book certainly describes a one-world condition, if not a one world government then a stage wherein the entire world is aware of and controlled by events on a global scale. The world prohibition on drugs and the pharmacratic inquisition enforced upon all the governments of the planet by the United States, Britain, The Vatican and the United Nations as well as the E.U., the International Monetary Fund and N.A.T.O. (as well as many other organizations) is as close as one can get to a one world dictate imposing the religious prohibition upon practicing indigenous religion (singling out and persecuting any world religious practice that incorporates real entheogenic plant sacraments). For merchants who bought and sold during Biblical times plants and herbs were a primary commodity and a worldwide means of trade. We will make a case for this being the reasoning behind the religious and governmental prohibition (curse). Today the pharmaceutical industry boasts trillions of dollars in profits every year and you must be authorized to participate in this very lucrative business of buying and selling them. The symbol of this drug trade is the Caduceus and we will explore this sign much more within these chapters.
Another method developed for interpreting this book is known as the “Spiritual Scheme of Interpretation”. This method insists that the book does not predict the future or events to come but to teach fundamental spiritual principles. Even the greatest proponents of this scheme must admit that the book is talking about the “second coming of Jesus”. We think that the real soul of the book is revealed in an understanding somewhere in the middle of these seemingly contradictory points of view. It also must be seen, as something that we are all a part of and interpreted correctly will do exactly that. Superfluous is the notion of good versus evil, black and white, dark and light where the good guy wins and is so almighty that there is nothing left of the other side standing. But the greatest revelatory twist of all comes when you understand that God is not only good but is all things (good and evil). The bad guys (and girls), vilified, cursed and damned for all eternity in this book just may be the good guys too, it is all a matter of perception and the words of this book combined with an honorable sense of freedom and justice teaches us discretion as to whose side we are on at every turn in the saga. It’s never been as easy to discern good from evil, as it seems. And the concept of discernment between right and wrong, in every instance by determining the merits and consequences reminds us of the earliest of stories (Adam and eve and the Garden of Eden).
Good and evil are perceptions of the mind, reflective representations of the same coin. We must not take it for granted that every time something is presented to us in the Bible as being from God or on the side of God that it is unerringly good. Just as we must see potential schizophrenia in the story of Abraham (hearing a voice in his head to kill his son), or just as we must consider the homicidal nature of the taking of Moab (the Promised land) by the Hebrews under the guidance of Moses (who ordered the murder of every inhabitant of the land except the young girls who were verified virgins; those to be taken as possessions) we must resist the easy path of alignment with evil deeds just because they are being committed by some ones portrayed as being under the protection of God. In every mythological tale both sides presented in the stories may merit equally and it is up to the individual to decide right from wrong. The tales and parables conveyed for centuries throughout the world teach the student of mythology to discern and learn, not to blindly follow. If it is true that Christian texts do not allow for discernment, but rather demand strict obedience to dogma, what is there to learn besides how to obey? The stories in this book are no different in this regard than other myths and blind loyalty is as big a stumbling block as any other to understanding this book correctly. All the visionary perceptions represented here possess a common theme, the mushrooms and plants (Gods and Angels, Devils and Beasts), humans and the relationship between the two. Representations of phantasmagoria can be easily recognized as anthropomorphisms of the mushrooms personified and written into the book. They are all (both good and evil) precepts of the same things.
The “Preterists” have another attitude towards interpreting this book. They assign anything and everything described in the book to relate only to the specific person writing, his times and events current to him only. Therefore they believe that Rome described in this book meant only the physical Rome (The Roman Empire) during the first few hundred years C.E.. Thus preventing any persons or their faith (or their church) from being suspect as one of the Churches that has fallen away from the truth described in the texts. This scheme was primarily invented in response to the arguments of Reformers who claimed the book describes the corruption and fall of the Roman Catholic Church, most specifically in the few chapters devoted to Babylon. This type of interpretation has brought up the apparent associations with the Pope and the Beast, The Popes Tiara and the number inscribed on it, 666, the Roman Catholic Church and its association with the Harlot of Babylon and the like.
The Earthly wars fought by men during the first few centuries were also associated with events in this book by Preterists. Warlords like Attila the Hun become Antichrists and beasts and kings of the Earth. The invasions of the Goths and the endless waves of Muslims invading the West are prime material for alignment with symbols in this book. Likewise the serious diminishing of the forces of Paganism by Constantine has been associated with the opening of the sixth seal. The second vial has been associated with the uprising against orthodoxy of Martin Luther. Napoleon (and the French Revolution) having sacked the Vatican and imprisoned the Pope became the presumed instrument for the death of the little horn that is stricken (given a mortal wound) and rises again. This horn is understood as being the office of the Pope rather than a particular Pontiff. Of course we can find no particular criterion of judgment or fundamental principal whereby it can be determined exactly what people or historical events are referred to in any given passage. This has created a huge amount of bickering, arguing and flat out confusion among those who hold this view. It has also led to a great deal of manipulation, scheming and conspiring on the part of man to fulfill these events as prophesies. It just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense that a book this complex and replete with symbolism, seemingly written for the whole world, would require the reader to be up on current events in world government, world history and Ecclesiastical proceedings. If this is all the book is about it would render it virtually useless to the common man, most of whom were poor and isolated from world events and unaffected by them anyway. Even if those few who claim to be qualified to do so recognized certain principalities and dominions (Kings and Kingdoms – Churches) as fulfilling these prophecies, it has little effect upon the general populace of Christendom. Most of the population of the world is poor and unlearned and would have no idea about the supposed historical events alluded to. People living in small villages had no concept of prophetic fulfillment when a horde of marauders trampled their village, murdered their friends, families and livestock. Nor did it matter much to these victims which banner of war the invaders were carrying. So to limit the interpretation of this book to the Preterists system limits the understanding to an extreme.
The book of Revelations is classified as Apocalyptic literature and Christian apocalpyticism is actually a continuation of older Jewish beliefs and much older Iranian Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster (circa 500 B.C.E.) popularized belief that there is an ongoing spiritual war between light and darkness, good and evil and that there will be a war at the end of the world between these two forces culminating in, as the Islamic world calls it, a “Jihad” or “Holy War.” This type of belief has been at the core of wars throughout human history and will certainly be the cause of more until this mythological tale can be understood as simply that, a myth, and humanity finally comes to grips with the unifying principles that reconcile good and evil, god and the devil, light and dark to be all part of one all embracing nature of life. The mushroom itself provides this very thing; the revelations that consist of alternating perceptions between good and evil that alternate back and forth like a Yo-Yo ride.
There is another method of scriptural interpretation that does not specifically associate itself to apocalyptic texts. The belief in Scripture and prophesy brings individuals into a mind set conducive to the “pescher’ method of scripture interpretation causing the search for correlations among the reader’s present day world, it’s governments, religions and public figures and the coded scriptures deemed prophetic. The pescher method of scripture interpretation became better understood after the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls and the lives of the Essenes (who were thought to have deposited the scrolls) were examined much more thoroughly by anthropologists. This type of scripture interpretation may very well have been developed because of the particular characteristic common to Amanita use. When you are in the Amanita consciousness you become a part of whatever is happening around you. If you are watching a movie you become the movie. The experience is just as real as it can be. You believe yourself to be living the movie you are watching. People have been taking the Amanitas for thousands and thousands of years and have been attempting to understand these aspects of the experience. So it is a logical progression for us to consider people relating scriptures that we think are inspired by the mushroom experiences to relate the stories into their own lives. Two thousand years ago it was entertainment to read scripture for the Essenes and others. This phenomenon of relating oneself into stories can be witnessed in the natural world through children observed watching a movie who associate themselves with characters. They can be heard saying things like “I’m the kid with red hair” and “You are the girl having the party”. But as we grow up we typically don’t continue this behavior. Still, relating with a story (told by another, read or watched on television) can still cause tears, fear, surprise etc. in young and old. Being on the mushrooms exacerbates this condition in the extreme; it is really quite the experience. Once a friend watched a boxing event on television and believed he was beaten up. This is not a good idea for future reference. Another friend watched the movie Dune and became the Quitsatz Haderac (the hero character, the Universe’s Super-Being). Understandably if you are listening to a book on tape or someone is reading to you, it is the same thing. So it is a logical progression for people to relate modern methods of storytelling scriptures into their own lives. Even before the Christian world existed the Jewish apocalyptic texts such as the book of Daniel, the Book of Sibylline Oracles, Ezra, Apocalypse of Baruch and others had many a Rabbi claiming the end was near.
Apocalyptic writings contain the good versus evil mythology reminiscent of the Egyptian and Babylonian hero and villain stories but rather than viewing these writings as myth they are instead viewed as prophetic. Prophecy is often explained as valid by religious authorities but most religious apologists claim that there is no more valid Prophesy in the modern world. Muslims emphatically believe there could be no prophet after Muhammad
Throughout the course of history, fanatical believers have even attempted to bring about the events within these types of stories by manipulating governments and leaders. This believer-oriented conscious manipulating of the physical universe, governments, political unions, contracts, wars, conflicts and media continually feeds the imaginations of people unaware of this type of puppeteering. Unnumbered televangelists bilk the public out of millions because they appear to be tapped into the secrets of these books. However, rather than divine prophecy coming true, because it is divine prophecy, the seemingly prophetic events align because people, real human beings believing they are fulfilling prophecy, consciously follow these books as blueprints. It can be argued in a convoluted manner that these people are doing what they do because they are fulfilling prophecy and they must act out their role, that there could be no other reality because, as emphatically insisted by religionists, “it has thus been written”. But it is exactly this type of circumambulatory reasoning that has kept the churches in business and logic at bay, if not illegal, and perpetuates the bloodshed, intolerance and faith-based insanity.
The Jewish revolt against Rome of 63-70 AD was a product of this type of apocalyptic belief and resulted an a complete and utter disaster for the Zealots and Essenes as well as the Jews that thought the end was at hand and the time of their liberation imminent. In spite of the scriptures lining up with the current events the Jews were doomed. It seems that they did not learn the lessons of their previous candidates or pretenders to the messianic role. In fact the Jews have a long tradition of looking for the messiah. The word translated as ‘messiah’ is the Hebrew “mashiach” and means anointed (with holy oil or semen) and was used for historical personages such as the anointed kings and priests of Israel. The Jews saw potential in several leaders such as Zerubbabel and Joshua ben Jehozadak who fit the model of priestly and political rulers in about 550 BC. The revolt of the Maccabees against the Greeks in about 160-170 BCE saw potential of the expected messiah in Matthias and groups of Zealots recognized many messiahs over the years.
The Year 1000 was thought to be the end of the world as well. The times at the end of the first millennium as predicted by the apocalyptic scriptures were full of iniquity and those who were looking for it observed a falling away from religious propriety like never before thought possible. Those of the ending millennium that were programmed to do so believed wholeheartedly that the end must be at hand. In similar manner the Y2K craze of the ending second millennium rattled the cages of religious zealots and doomsayers alike. All bets were off as property went cheap and the biggest selling items were emergency supplies. Once again the gullible filled the pockets of those who discount such things.
Contemporary mythology feeds the imaginations of believers and movies such as Logan’s Run, 1984, THX-138, Star Wars and The Matrix are seen as apocalyptic prophecy containing secret messages complete with hero, heroine, villains and beasts that parallel the Bible’s predicted end-days scenarios. These tales also follow the blueprints and archetypes of mythology and this is why they seem familiar, not because they are prophetic visions of future events. In the beginning of Star Wars we see the great opening lines “In a Galaxy Far, Far Away” and it serves as a reminder that fantasy only remains potential reality as long as we keep our perspectives under control. We must refrain from believing and see it as a story that could be possible (in other words, we view it as a myth).
How many times the end of the world, as described in the book of Revelations, appeared imminent to those who were reading it and connecting current events with scriptural metaphor is impossible to estimate. But consider there are millions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims who believe that these prophetic visions describe an actual end to the world, a literal battle at the end of days and actual people walking in the shoes of the characters within these stories. In reality the number of people who died knowing without a doubt that the end was near only to have their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren die without the end happening is astronomical. If you want to put your money on a sure thing, don’t bet on the events of Revelations, or any other apocalyptic book, being literally interpreted by so called religious experts who say it is prophetic and eminent.
The fantastic visions of things appearing as opposites throughout the book of Revelations are merely different perspectives of the same things. This is one of the true keys to understanding these apocalyptic, drug induced visionary books. This book is a story of the illusionary beliefs in conflict and resolution, the exact teaching that is given through direct experience of the mushrooms themselves.
The mushrooms and other visionary plants are represented in the visualizations as gods, thrones, beasts, elders, virgins, harlots, dragons, serpents etc. The typical Amanita muscaria/pantherina mushroom visions are related in this book as segments alternating between emanations of god and goodness and emanations from the devil and evil. The experience is exactly this; unfolding visions accompanied by a feeling of going downward and the perception that everything is a manifestation of evil, then unfolding visions accompanied by a feeling of going upward and the perception that everything is a manifestation of good. This is because the mushroom experience is like riding on a universe bound Yo-Yo. It is like going down to the depths of hell, despair and death until there is a leveling-off or bottoming out and then the ride begins upwards towards the heavens, bliss, acceptance, light and happiness. This proverbial ride to heaven and hell continues until the perception is resolved.
The beautific visions of the gods, angels, acceptance and all that is glorious and pleasing results from the upward traveling elevator until once again there is a leveling-off or plateau followed by a downward plunge back into the depths of darkness , despair, unworthiness and demons, beasts, dragons, serpents and apparent spiritual death. These two extremities manifest in the visionary state as an unfolding phantasmagoria followed by a collapsing of the vision and repeated unfolding and collapsing, just as happens within the texts. Solving the riddle of this book requires knowing these emanations are both from the same source and then realizing why they appear as good and evil.
Religions based upon the lineage of Ambraham (Abrahamic) are notably anti-feminine. They fanatically adhere to a concept repressing human sexuality that festers with inhibition, guilt and mental trauma. Somehow these are the religions that have grown in popularity exponentially. Yet the reality of the psychologically damaging effects sexual repression and historically produces is blatantly ignored. Likewise the plant prohibition has destroyed the ability to heal for humanity; these prohibitory religions exterminated the herbalists. Unfortunately the demands of these Jewish authors are one of obedience to the laws as set out by their predecessors. Likewise Christian translators added their own portions of hellfire and brimstone to the texts. Consequently Christians who have adopted these texts themselves hold to the law for fear of eternal torment. Muslims are fanatically intolerant of anyone who does not respect the laws of their faith. These hold fast to religious law and prohibitions regardless of the oppressive, unhealthy and repressed societies they create. Any questioning of the law is explicitly forbidden and classified heresy and blasphemy. Few dare criticize the law for fear of the consequences. Herein lies the heart of the conflict and in the end, understanding this holds to key to resolution. Other people around the world used the same mushrooms and plants religiously but they were not under the iron rod of law that these unfortunate ones are. Still today this type of repression of the human mind, body and spirit manifests in violence, bloodshed, sexual mutilation and a world that glaringly resembles a bad nightmare.
We observed previously in the chapter on the “Song of Songs” the internal conflict one must struggle with if you try to shove a square peg (false laws and dogma) into a round hole (mushroom revelations to be free from these beliefs). The mushroom experience is revealing that the things perceived as evil and wrong are the result of misguided judgment, “judge not, that ye be not judged”, and the hatred garnered towards those who disregard the order of law adhered to by the believers are called liars, deceivers and evil-doers.
If it were only possible to stay in the blissful realm these mushrooms would be far more popular but it is conflict between beliefs and facts, truths and lies that causes the roller-coaster ride and therefore one must work towards this goal rather than receiving ultimate bliss and resolution on a silver platter. If you take the mushrooms unwilling to consider that everything the religions have taught you is wrong then you are in for a long Roller-Coaster ride. The mushroom will show you but if you are unwilling to learn the lesson you will become as Job, enduring torment of the soul because of conditioned stubbornness.
To really understand the book it is also necessary to know the metaphors used for the mushrooms and the various anatomical characteristics. Some of these have been previously discussed and the themes repeated will be noted. Others are new and interesting in this book and will be explained as we go. It is also necessary to know the mushroom experience firsthand quite well in order to fully realize the descriptions of the experience in the book. But since it is unlikely that you, the reader has ever done these mushrooms, let alone done them repeatedly in order to really understand them, a first-hand explanation based upon empirical evidence and must suffice. It is not surprising that this type of explanation has not been previously given considering the pharmacratic inquisition and attitude towards drugs.
The blatant Astrological references within this book clearly wave the red flag of the New Age to fundamentalists. They either reject the fact that the references are there or discredit the book on this basis. The fact of Astro-Theology being woven right into the cosmological quilt of Christianity is a problem for some because standard teachings today refuse to accept anything associated with Astrology as part of Jewish and Christian theology. Recent Archaeological discoveries
There are also unconcealed references to gemstones (crystals) that comprise the foundations of the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city. Even the city of God coming down from heaven to earth has at its foundation crystalline materials. The powers of crystals is another of those new age references that baffle fundamentalists because beliefs in the dangers of new age philosophy. But today crystals are utilized in a myriad of ways. Crystals are used for radios because they vibrate at specific frequencies inaudible to the human ear. Signals can be sent through space between two crystals vibrating at the same frequency. This can be looked at as a psychic link although if you understand the underlying principles it is understandable. Crystals vibrate with energy as does the human brain, especially with the added enhancement of crystalline substances. These crystals are found in the plants of the Gods. At the center of the City is the plant and it is this source from which all things that exist emanate. This plant is the mushroom.
For a couple of thousand years people have been trying to understand what the strange visions described in this book actually mean and what or who the cryptic texts are referring to. To add to the confusion this book has seen enough translations to where it now potentially deviates so far from its original meaning that the truth behind the intention has become incomprehensible. But the texts have been translated, rewritten and retranslated again several times just to find themselves in Greek and then another time to find themselves in English. Every successive generation of translations is potentially the final nail in the coffin that obscures the books meaning forever. Fortunately we think we have decoded the book through a comprehensive study of the English as well as the old Greek enough to put a major foot forward. Successive generations will have this book as a reference work for further clarification as to its full meaning.
As you will see the book of Revelations is a story of the transformation of the world from a world of oppression fueled by religious prohibition (the curse) and driven to the brink of destruction before there is a great leap of understanding that frees the world, releases the curse and heals mankind. The Tree of Life and the Fountain of Living Waters are the core of the new world. Plants are the true source of healing and this is made clear. The great spirit of evil and oppression is the spirit of prohibition and the minions of evil are those who accept the mark and attempt to vanquish freedom forever under the guise of truth and law.
The WAR ON DRUGS is the great battle waging between truth and the great lie. Those who are on the side of oppression will find themselves as those who have accepted the mark of the beast.
Revelations is death/rebirth, mushroom experiencing at its finest. There relates seven visions comprising seven parts, each which equates to the 49 days of Pentecost.