All of the earth and All Living Breathing Beings (Including we the Human Beings) are of and among the Creation of Great Creator and we CANNOT AFFORD to allow ourselves to be Disconnected from that fact of Reality. And with the love of Father Sky, Mother Earth continues to provide and bestow upon us All the great many Gifts NECESSARY and ESSENTIAL to the whole of earthly creations web as without it We nor Any can continue to exist as living breathing earthly human beings!
The common oppressor we all share in common is damned and determined to ensure in every underhanded way and tactic to ensure that we continue to be Disconncted, not only From Great Creator and the whole of the earthly web of Creation, but even from our ownselves as we can easily see and deduce in their ways called "Western Medicine", specifically in their "Mental Health systems" as well as their "Legal systems"
This is Why it's ESSENTIAL that you Know and keep frequently in your Minds that

This is Why it's ALSO ESSENTIAL that we as the Kautantowit's Mecautea Continue to maintain the front lines when it comes to preserving and protecting the order and expectations set upon us by Great Creator ESPECIALLY when it comes to the sacred medicines such as our beloved Mother Medicine (Cannabis) as well as with and for our sacred Manna (Mushrooms) as they are not Only the "Bread of the Gods" but also Essential to our health and well-being and among the most important of our connection to both Great Creator as well as the whole of Creation, especially earthly creation, and so we shall, and we HOPE that as you become Enlightened to the significant importance of this as well as this sacred wisdom that you Seriously will Consider joining with us in our efforts as Collectively we CAN, Will and ARE making the "Good Medicine" difference for we as well as our descending generations. Today is not Given to us, nor Promised to us... it is Borrowed from both our past as well as our future generations and we as Individual Human Beings DO HAVE Obligations and expectations set upon us by they as well as Great Creator!

This is why when it comes to our beloved Mother Medicine (Cannabis) we continue to say,
and with great Emphasis especially during our sacred times:

And the same with ALL our inherent Rights of claim, and Especially to ALL the sacred earth-given Unadulterated Medicines - All of our Rights, Liberties & Freedoms DEPEND on YOU to Protect, RESPECT and Preserve them, including our descending generations!

Now, if you would, please...
Take less than 10 minutes of your time and learn how to make canna-paper! The back then "Hemp" paper was the primary ground that Thomas Jefferson took to declare "The United States" as an independant nation when he established our nations very first papermill. Our beloved elder member Agua Das has and will be sharing a great many lessons such as this with our members via our school, so if you want to learn more like and about this and you haven't already, Join us.