KM Member scheduled for felony assault trial in October
For those of you keeping track of the self-defense case involving two ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea members in Salem, Oregon, member in...

KM President accused of Stabbing Sachem
In a bizaar twist, the District Attorney of Douglas County, Oregon has elected to pursuit formal legal criminal charges against...

Corruption in Oregon "Justice" System
As many of our viewers may well know, Oklevueha Native American Church have been suffering some pretty serious victimization at the hands...

News from the front lines of Black Snake Battle
Sad as it is, apparently too few are aware of the seriousness of battles going on right now for each and every one of our sakes out in...
ONAC KM President scheduled into Oregon court September 12th!
Word has been received that ONAC KM President Timothy Timm is scheduled to be arraigned in Douglas County Circuit Court TOMORROW where it...
KM Member gets confusion from Oregon court
Today proved to be a rather confusing day for ONAC KM member Michael Minter whom has been charged as a criminal for defending his church...
KM Member denied counsel by a Third Attorney
Michel Minter, elder member of ONAC KM of Oregon has been declined legal representation by yet nother attorney. Susan Taylor, a private...

ONAC KM Church Member files complaint with BAR
Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea of Oregon member Michael Minter filed a complaint this morning with the Oregon...

Oregon Member Denied access to Court Appointed Counsel
Salem, Or- An ONAC KM church member arraigned on misdemeanor assault charges continues to be deprived of access to legal counsel. ...

Christie family under Federal Fire
According to Roger Christie, he and wife Share have recently lost their religious freedom case in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in...