Sachem meets with public pretender for Linn County Oregon expired case
Sicker than a dog and in the middle of a sepsis attack and a COPD flare, mecautea warrior sachem Graves made her way to downtown Albany...

All Plaintiff's are signed onto KM Federal Injunction!
It is with a smile and a sigh of relief that we announce to all of you interested that we have Finally got the ability to get all named...

KM Injunction assigned Court and Judge
We are very pleased to announce to those interested that our federal injunction against the state of Oregon as a whole has officially...

Pappas Mistress Memorial scheduled Tomorrow
As we addressed before in a recent article, Mrs. Carol Colwell of Mission Veijo, and mistress of California cannabis snake-oil attorney...

KM Files Federal Injunction against the State of Oregon
For those with interest including especially our members in and traveling through the state of Oregon, We as the Kautantowit's Mecautea...

Pappas's mistress passes away
It is with some sadness that we let you all know that the mistress of snake-oil cannabis attorney Matthew Pappas, Mrs. Carol Colwell has...

We call it Bad Medicine for a Reason
Many wonder about what our church means when we refer to "Bad Medicine". Bad medicine us that which is detrimental to the will and...

A closer look at the Circuit Courts of Oregon
For those who didn't know it, the State of Oregon has sub-divided into 36 different counties which are then divided into 27 judicial...

A deeper look into the arrest of sachem Graves
For those of you who might have missed the news, KM's sachem Joy Graves was arrested just a few short days ago on what she calls "an...

Sachem Arrested on Expired Cannabis DUII Charge in Oregon
It is with great upset, concern and even Embarrassment on the part of the state of Oregon that we inform you that our sachem, Joy Graves...