Kautantowit's Mecautea is in no way, shape or form able to Guarantee that you or your constitutionally protected rights will be respected or honored by any person of form of oppressive government nor their great many employees.
Kautantowit's Mecautea is NOT CREDENTIALED in Western Medicine, state BAR associations or any other Government Regulated anything, we are absolutely content in the Private side BEYOND the realms they've created to publicly attempt to gain subject jurisdiction over the private. When and as They pose a threat of harm or danger... WE as KM are or will be there, long as Our moral compass remains true North... we Will be there, fighting forward for the greater good of ALL.
Kautantowit's Mecautea can in no way, shape or form give, offer or provide for you that which we do not have to give or offer even for or to ourselves... including guarantees, money, resource or supportive services etc. including any sort of Magickal Wand or tool that can turn back time. Such things are Impossible.
PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES OF YOUR TIME READING OUR FULL DISCLOSURE via the link button Immediately below. It Will open in a new window so your not transferred.
THANK YOU for taking YOUR TIME READING OUR FULL DISCLOSURE via the link button Immediately above, now, all potential children, please enter via the link below and let's begin consideration!