Church identification cards
KM is offering high quality membership identification cards.
In addition to the membership identification card options, KM have different types of members who do different types of services for the church.
Each of service provided by members has a title description on the church Identification cards. These titles are Administrator of Traditional Plant Medicines/Ceremonies, Facilitator of Traditional Plant Medicines/Ceremonies, Cultivator of Traditional Plant Medicines/Ceremonies, Basic Member ID, Media and Press ID, Administration ID's and Ambassador ID's.
KM offers an official imember dentification cards that informs law enforcement and government that you have the legitimate and legal right to grow, possess, and use sacred nedicines as part of your sincerely held religious beliefs.
Thousands of Americans have been been released by the police after asserting their religious right to possess cannabis. In most cases there is an hour or two delay while the law enforcement officer checks with supervisors. In one case of lengthy hassle, one Arizona man spent was ordered released from jail and the judge ordered the sheriff to return the one pound of religious cannabis.
This hour or two delay is the result of police being skeptical of the claim of a religious defense for possession of cannabis.
religious cannabis identification cards
this item is not offered at this time
Pr Ntr Kmt plans to offer an official identification card that informs law enforcement and government that you have the legitimate and legal right to grow, possess, and use cannabis as part of your sincerely held religious beliefs.
Thousands of Americans have been been released by the police after asserting their religious right to possess cannabis. In most cases there is an hour or two delay while the law enforcement officer checks with supervisors. In one case of lengthy hassle, one Arizona man spent was ordered released from jail and the judge ordered the sheriff to return the one pound of religious cannabis.
This hour or two delay is the result of police being skeptical of the claim of a religious defense for possession of cannabis. Pr Ntr Kmt is offering a high quality identification card to help solve this delay problem.
The identification card is made to the highest modern security standards, inlcuding an embedded picture, embedded signature, security hologram, magnetic encoded strip, made on the same materials as state identification cards and driver’s licenses and made by a company that makes high security identification cards for government and business.
In addition to the religious cannabis identification card, you can also receive a full color certificate validating that you use cannabis for religious purposes as part of your sincerely held religious belief.