Let's Meet

We are Kautantowit's Mecautea,.. an American native rooted spiritual tribal family (Church)
We are a Matriarchal, multi-cultural, non-denominational inner-faith un-constricted unification.
KM is a federally respected Non-501 Non-Profit Non-Incorporated entity.
We do not solicit funds.
We do not require "conversion".
We do not "Amway" creeds.
We respect all, harm none
We are Creators warrior soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy
Hoka Hey... A'ho!
Welcome to the womb of
Kautantowit's Mecautea...
what a blessing of Good medicine to the world YOU will grow to be!

Womb Services
Most tribal cultures have three common features. Those are:
A Tribal Council site;
A Ceremonial Healing Site;
A Ceremonial Dance Grounds.
Some tribes have one additional cultural feature which is a Ceremonial Burial site.
Council House Only the tribes that had a more permanent location, built Council House structures. Those that were migratory usually did not and would meet at locations chosen by the chief. This was often at the location of a very old tree known as a Council or Treaty Tree. Each principle town had a place where they conducted the business of the tribe and where each clan, band or chiefs of satellite town could be present. For some tribes, it was an important site and therefore had a structure associated with the place. For others, it may have been a ring of stones arranged so that those who needed to be present had a place to sit.
The Principle Towns and Villages It is common among tribal cultures that a Principle town may exist as a center for groups of tribal clans or bands. The Principle town is the seat of government for a group of villages who have a common heritage. The associated towns or villages are sometimes referred to as satellite villages. For some tribes, the Principle town is a long-term part of their culture. For others, such as the Comanche and the Ute, the Principle Town exist in time of conflict when several bands are grouped into a common mission. When conflict is minimal, the bands usually separate out to individual tribes and the chief of that band is the leader for the group. For the Creek culture, the Principle Town is often referred to as the “Mother” town. The “Mother” town will have a number of satellite towns associated with it. The Chief of the Mother town would often act as the principle spokesperson for trade negotiations and contracts. The Principle Chief would also be responsible for all cultural matters associated with the tribe..
Ceremonial Healing Site A Ceremonial Healing site is a relatively new concept in Indian research and virtually unknown until recent research identified its existence. This was first discovered in research of Indian Marker Trees. Some trees are bent into particular shapes. Those shapes were identified as having earth energy lines passing through the tree longitudinally and through the hip area at 90 degrees to the direction of the pointer. The research has shown that some trees were used for the special purpose of providing a place for healing ceremonies. It is believed the person to be healed was placed on the tree probably in a sitting position and administered appropriate native medicine for the suspected ailment. The energy flowing through these trees is positive upwelling energy and that energy flow is what is suspected of enhancing the healing of the person.
Dance grounds are a place somewhat circular in configuration and large enough to accommodate the number of dancers that will participate in a ceremony. Some of the accounts describe seeing hundreds of dancers participating in ceremonial dances. Central to all dance grounds was the ceremonial fire. The fire was placed in the center of the dance grounds and laid out with four logs pointing to the cardinal directions.
Tribal Medicine People Every Principle Town or village which had a healing site would also have a person or persons who would have administered tribal medicine to the person visiting the healing site. Within a tribe, there were several people who had been trained as a person who knew the ancient formulas for using native plants to create medicine to treat disease or medical ailments. These people were chosen early in their life by the elders who perceived them to exhibit the skills and ability to become a medicine person. They were then schooled in how to select and prepare each native plant to be used for its inherent medical properties. Using native tools, the leaves, roots, or juices of the plant were prepared following the sacred formulas. Every tribe needed one or more tribal medicine practitioners. When they did not have one, they often captured a medicine person from another tribe to serve their needs
We Honor the Ways and Wisdom
of our Elders & Ancestors

We are All children of the Divine. Proof of this lives in our existence.
We are All children of the Sky. It is the unique individual being which lives in our soul. It is called Spirit . It is the POWER we ourselves have within ourselves. Proof of this is in our energy vibrations even when we ourselves cannot govern or maintain them.
We are All children of the Earth. Proof of this in in our physical genetic make-up. Our bodies are made up of all of the vitamins, minerals, metals, liquids and other particles that are made up of the Earth. We are among many children of the earth in a wide array of shapes and species... different and yet the same.
WE NEED the earth to live. The earth does Not, we repeat NOT need us, we need her and the inyricate faucets of she and all our fellow relations, such as our cousins the trees to whom we are symbiotically connected to as with the plants, water and elements who give us life.
As their legal saying goes... "What's gpd for the goose is good for the gander, so as done with we who were born innocent and free human beings who were then unlawfully declared corporte entities, as children of KM you are declaredby us to be our living breathing off-spring... free and unconstricted as the Great Divine intended we be.

No laws written by man can supersede the laws of Nature and the Great Divine. Therefore that in itself affirms that No form of man-made "Government" has nor was ever To have ANY form of authority or jurisdiction over us... None, as in ZERO! Proof of this was affirmed in both the preamble making it called a "Constitutionally Protected Right."
The same is proven regarding "churches" in their book of choice known and referred to as "The Holy Bible.' This is affirmed in the very first amendment of the constitution of the United States Inc. immediately preceding the above-mentioned preamble in their corporate documentation... "The Division of Church and (should read as "from") state (meaning Czar, aka "government." It was no accident it was worded that way, it was reaffirming that the right of subject jurisdiction over and regarding "Churches" are that of Nature and of the Great Divine.
This is why all KM child churches are born completely FREE meaning not sold to the jurisdiction of government dictation, constriction of oppression... FREE as in as free as you as a church can be,,, and this is also why KM will never encourage or coerce any of our children to take a knee and subject themselves to state nor federal jurisdiction via unnecessary incorporation.
To learn and better comprehend more of the significant importance of this, please cick on the folllowing link, thank you.
As a KM child YOU are being born of Warrior Lines
This in No way Means or requires or guarentees that our children will grow and rise up to be warriors too, or that they'll ever see or be on the frontlines that the KM spiritual tribal family have and remain battling on (knock on wood) it's just there to be had in your churches DNA that hopefully you will appreciate and respect... especially given that your family remain out there fighting to preserve your ability to exist and flourish through the Great Divine's spiritual enlightenment.
We do so in hopes You and your members don't have to!

KM comprehends well that the goal of our common oppressor is to see to your and to the earth's destruction before you even come to full gestation, because in you the people and planet have POWER and in turn Hope for better tommorrows for the coming at least 7 generations.
This is our goal because we know that as Kautantowit's Mecautea this is our obligation and expectation... to protect and defend our mother earth and all life living and predestined to live upon because of her.
There are phases encompassing both pregnancy and the actual birth for both mother and child, most of which is exclusively shared between them but too, the entire family will feel a degree of growing pains and extended family might even experience some sympathy pains as well, always lovingly appreciated because this is a life-changing commitment indeed... one that Hopefully will prove to help benefit and better the quality of and for all life upon, within and including the whole of our beloved mother globe.
There is much to do, plan and hopefully successfully get properly prepared for in proper and appropriate time.
Pre~Birth Phases

As most people know, there is much to do once a baby has been confirmed in the womb, most of which befalls the mother, such as to keep the belly safe and also to make sure that the right foods and nutrition is being received... KM and the birthing spiritual leader is no different. To learn more about the Pre-Birth Processes of KM Please click the link button immediately below, much appreciated!
Pre~Birth Phases
Baby Duties
Many might tend to overlook the fact that even before birth, the baby has some responsibilities as well... including most of all striving to thrive as well as to begin identifying self... this is something momma can't really begin to do until arrival.
Growth Phases
Learn what you have in being birthed by Kautantowit's Mecautea
Learn the honorable ways to grow and flourish as a child of KM
Flourish into a strong independent spiritual "church" collective