Birth Purpose
The purpose of birthing a child church of KM is for expansion of divine enlightenment and spiritual reconnection to the whole of creation.
Child churches establish to provide our community with service, education, spiritual fellowship and healing. and to preserve the individual and collective right of choice to freely practice spiritual traditions, ceremony, sacred practices, Indigenous and traditional Natural Medicine ways without encroachment or fear of unjust consequence... legally or otherwise.
A tiny tot church of KM is still in it's toddler phase of life, meaning it is still exploring and discovering it's own spiritual self identity.
A KM Birth
All KM Child churches are birthed as Not-for-profit, 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO/ Churches, Integrated Auxiliary of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM).

Birth Process
Pregnancy is a birth and cleansing time where all physical and emotional toxicity are being purged from the system so as to not pass any unwanted or unneeded ill health onto her fetus. A blessing way moves and shifts a woman’s energy in such a profound way that she feels a draw to listen more to herself and her own intuition in the future weeks before the birth and the months that follow after. By listening to her own inner knowing, she then is guided through the steps to create a beautiful pregnancy and birth experience.Auxiliary of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM).
All KM Child churches are birthed as Not-for-profit, 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO/ Churches, Integrated Auxiliary of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM).
All KM Child churches are birthed as Not-for-profit, 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO/ Churches, Integrated Auxiliary of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM).
All KM Child churches are birthed as Not-for-profit, 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO/ Churches, Integrated Auxiliary of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM).
Birth Ceremony
During this sacred ceremony, a mother with the support of friends and family, can open herself to the challenges and joys that lie before her as she approaches birthing and mothering. In this setting, the mother-to-be can gain the confidence, power and love she needs to move forward in her new role with peace and understanding.
“I claim my Personal Belief Exemption (PBE) and State affirm and declare that I, being a person of strong morals, hold my religious doctrine and covenants with a genuine, deep, firmly and sincerely held religious conviction to practice the tenants of wellness and spiritually based healing as authorized by Kautantowit's Mecautea. A bonafide Not for Profit, Church as well as IRS 508(c )(1)(A) FBO (Faith Based Organization) Religious, Church Organization.”
California Massage License is a Voluntary Certification
California State Medical Law:
Note: In California, the religious, philosophical and “other” belief exemptions are all under the umbrella term: “Personal Beliefs Exemption” (PBE).