Newborn Child Church
European writers long ago referred to indigenous Americans’ ways as “animism,” a term that means “life-ism.” And it is true that most or perhaps all Native Americans see the entire universe as being alive—that is, as having movement and an ability to act. But more than that, indigenous Americans tend to see this living world as a fantastic and beautiful creation engendering extremely powerful feelings of gratitude and indebtedness, obliging us to behave as if we are related to one another. An overriding characteristic of Native North American religion is that of gratitude, a feeling of overwhelming love and thankfulness for the gifts of the Creator and the earth/universe.
Because KM comprehends that the cosmic visions of indigenous peoples are significantly diverse, that each nation and community has its own unique traditions. Perhaps the most important aspect of indigenous cosmic visions is the conception of creation as a living process, resulting in a living universe in which a kinship exists between all things. Thus the Creators are our family, our Grandparents or Parents, and all of their creations are children who, of necessity, are also our relations.
The Church has no professional, paid clergy, a newborn child church of KM is a very special and joyful blessing we offer to share with mother globe and all her inhabitants of human beings indeed as it means affirms and proves that KM is flourishing as well as becoming a beneficial asset to society as well as to the whole of mother earth. Each of them is born into a community who honor, respect and have it's own destiny regarding its particular purpose for life.
Newborn children have a basic structure of their own. As they proceed to grow, each child church will choose which spiritual religious traditions they will practice.

Determining structure includes deciding who does what, who answers to whom, who has the decision making power and to what degree there are rules in place to govern what everyone does. Just as the skeletal system provides support to the human body, while at the same time allowing it the agility to move and bend, the ideal structure for a church in today’s world would be one that gives it both the stability and agility needed to meet its objectives in a continuously changing environment.
Baby Church
A baby church of KM is very delicate era of their personal growth and development. Rituals, ceremonies and other practices vary within the KM spiritual tribal family.
nativism (the assertion of traditional values in the face of foreign encroachment)
Tiny Tot Church
A tiny tot church of KM is a blessing to the KM spiritual tribal family because it is in it's formable phase of growth and is very impressionable.
Members of a tiny tot KM church believe in the importance of helping the world in order to create peace, health, and freedom. They seek guidance from the Great Spirit in protecting the earth, continuing the ways of their ancestors, and caring for future generations.
Young Church
KM's young children are each a unique blessing to the KM spiritual tribal family as each have their own energy and personality. Although core elements of KM's creed traditions are passed on from mother to child, individual traditions that are being adapted to each of their regional environments.
The rituals of a KM Church allow believers to experience a revelation of mystical knowledge from the Creator.
The objective of a young KM church is offering spiritual guidance and support to its members
Each individual child church community is strongly encouraged to maintain its own spirit and characteristic worldview, and act according to its own fundamental values.
passed down its own myths, conducted its own rituals, Because of this, the most distinctive aspect of American Indian religious traditions is the extent to which they are wholly community based and may have no real meaning outside of the specific community in which the acts and ceremonies are conducted.
Teen Church
Our teen children are truly apples of the KM eye. Teenage children of KM share prominent beliefs amongst their church members that all plants are purposefully created by the Great Spirit for medicinal, spiritual, and healing purposes and choose to actively utilize and benefit from them.
Independent Child Church
Though these of our children have flourished into a strong, independent and confident individual of their own... good, bad or indifferent they are our children and we continue to love and care for them as best as we can and do what we can to be of beneficial service, support and resource throughout the duration of their lives
If you decide to become a chartered child church of KM, additional benefits and instructions are included below. Being a KM Chartered child church gives you more including:
1. Resource and exclusive opportunity to connect with like-minded persons near and far around the globe.
2. Support, encouragement and accessibility to broader scopes of enlightenment and fellowship.
3. An offering several layers of potential protection over your choice of spiritual practice and religious belief.
Child churches
To apply for child church charter membership from KM, please honestly and completely fill out and submit the application and non-refundable token offering for processing. See "How to Begin a Local Chapter" in the manage a chapter section.​