KM Tiny Tot's
Members of KM who request and subsequently approved to be birthed as a child church of KM believe in the importance of helping the world in order to create peace, health, and freedom as wish to initiate a pro-active position within their local community where like-minded and driven people can come together for the greater good of the whole of creator's divine creation. They seek guidance from the Great Spirit in protecting the earth, continuing the ways of their ancestors, and caring for future generations. In addition, they practice inclusivity and new members are welcome to join the church.
The tiny tots are our young ones striving for the education and wisdom teachings of themselves as a whole. Luckily they are of a big loving family willing as well as eager to help and watch you and watch Over you while you grow into honorable warriors that will bring about positive changes to mother globe for the future generations no matter how big you flourish!
Many denominations of mainstream religion discourage and even constrict individuality including in evolution but we as KM do not... we love you just as beautiful and fragile a spirit as you are, and it's beyond absolutely ok if you decide to stay a tiny tot ever how long you choose and feel comfortable too... there's no hurry nor expectation at all on KM's personal part... it's all on and up to you.
The tiny tots are in their formable growth phases depending most on care, attention and guidance.
With so many differing denominations of mainstream "religions" and so many requirements and expectations to become a free-standing adult church, it takes time, energy, focus and true sincere devotion.
Fortunately, as a child church of KM you have leeway and right of individual choice and decision as to when and if you wish to ever grow up or would rather just stay a kid forever and safely honorably flow from under KM's wing.
What do you want to grow up into? For example, not every child church will choose to conduct weekly sermons... from a pulpit or otherwise. Some may instead choose to hold fellowship gatherings. One child church might only choose to conduct traditional religious ceremonies while another may only choose to do New Age while another offers both and the next don't offer any. Then there's ritualistic ceremonies which include using hallucinogenic effects... one may offer them while another flat won't... these are but some of the great many decisions momma KM leaves for you to make, with full support for whatever your honorable decision.

Gifts of Gratuity
Because most pastors/ministers/officiants offer many basic services to the church family for free, it’s common for them to be given something by way of thanks such as a thank you card with some tokens of gratuity, it’s important to show how much this service meant during a difficult time.
No matter how big or small of a role the pastor, minister, or celebrant played on this day, it's customary to give them a heartfelt thank you bare minimally.
Token offerings of gratuity are and should always be greatly appreciated no matter how great or small they might be.
Mandatory Service Charges Are Not Tips
A mandatory service charge, which is added automatically to a customer’s bill, does not constitute a tip under the law
Under the California Labor Code, a gratuity is defined as money left for an employee by a customer above the actual amount due for the underlying good or service.