Start thinking through the public presentation of and for your location. Start with the approach To the entryway, what you want people to see and experience as they approach. For example, you might have the ability to place some sort of living plants near to the doorway, and hang some hummingbird feeders on either side of a windchimes overhanging the main door's entry, and include some bells on the door itself as such dispells and keeps negativity at bay, which you don't want creeping into your sacred space or be inflicting those within it.
On the door entry itself, we highly encourage you to present the name of your church and some sort of spiritual artwork such as your insignia for example at eye level so that those who enter are clear as to entering into your sacred ceremonial space.
Upon entering, we highly suggest that you make a prideful effort in what your members and other guests will see. All things earth are encouraged, such as plants, crystals, a fountain flowing water, a small "public alter" with some candles, an abalone shell with few different smudge options with feather(s) to smudge with, a small dish of holy water, and so forth.
Walls are very important when making a first and lasting impression on those who enter your church. For this reason we emphasize pride. We discourage having bare White walls but we also discourage considering the walls decorated with graffiti spray-painted in gang script (which we've had presented and REFUSED to proceed forward).
Given that our child churches are Un-constricted, it shouldn't be hard to find a tapestry, some posters or other tasteful artwork that would depict a connection to your sacred space being sacred.
Shelves, countertops and such are also commonly overlooked at how SIMPLE it is to put something like a rabbit fur with a small dish of various crystals or even pinecones as a centerpiece can help to make that spiritual connection
We also highly encourage some reading materials such as pamphlets about the church, magazines and or books which encompass the churches beliefs and practices, stuff like that as deemed appropriate. Make sure you note on the cover of your books that they are Church property and NOT to be removed from the property without prior permission on some tape so to not damage the book.
Lighting is also a factor as well that should have a little thought put into it. One suggestion we commonly make is to include a Himalayan Salt stone light to spiritually illuminate and eccentricate the common area where the public may enter. A small Zen sand garden on the table or counter to occupy a waiting individual.
Don't forget contact information... Business cards with contact information including website and emil addresses!
Decide the best way to communicate the vision, purpose and function offering of your church in both your presentation (inward and outwardly) as well as in your and your congregants actions and conduct ESPECIALLY while at and near to the church location.. We also suggest you consider placing a kitchen sized garbage can as well as an ashtray offset from your doorway so to encourage the shedding of unnecessary burden's before entering the sacred space.
Also the church leader and officers might want to start pondering how to get the word out about your church? It is important to seek the support of your current congregation when launching a new sacred ceremonial space. Word of mouth is good, but fliers can help make a church better.
Set a time and location for the church officers and staff to meet with the churches spiritual leader, on-site preferably. Share the vision, provide some refreshments, and encourage table interactions among the congregation. In the vision meeting, church planting and going multisite is no longer an idea. It is a reality. At this meeting, announce the timeline, the staff, and the launch date.
Start thinking through the leadership roles needed at your location. Who could fill the role of on-site spiritual leader, conductor, medicine facilitator? Will your location need to have a Children’s minister?
Set a time and location for the church officers and volunteer staff to meet with the churches spiritual leader, on-site preferably. Share the vision, provide some refreshments, and encourage table interactions among the congregation. In the vision meeting, church planting and going multisite is no longer an idea. It is a reality. At this meeting, announce the timeline, the staff, and the launch date.