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 Child churches/temples/covens etc. of KM benefit from centralized resources (such as teaching materials, administrative support, and branding) provided by the main church. A close working relationship between the “mother” and “daughter” churches/tem9les/covens etc. are essential.  Although the newborn church is autonomous, the sponsoring organization (KM) often has significant influence in the new church (including decision making during the pre-launch phase and throughout its existence)


KM children offer a strategic way to expand our impact, reach new people, and create a sense of community across different locations. While challenges exist, effective planning and leadership can lead to successful satellite campuses within the KM spiritual tribal family across mother globe.


KM's children have more autonomy so their spiritual leaders can lead their staff and congregations. In summary, KM children provide an opportunity for growth, outreach, and resource-sharing. Each child and it's location will usually have its own unique flavor and feel within the boundaries of the church vision and mission.


Please Review the instructions below.

When you are ready to proceed, please follow the link button provided below the instructions.

 temples were meant as places for the gods to reside on earth.

 1. Name: Clearly write your name exactly as the Petitioners, you want it to appear on the Birthing Documents (Charter Blessing and your identification card and certificate(s) etc. (including the exact capitalization).  You may list one additional legal alias or other legal name as an AKA (also known as). Please note that this information will proceed to federal government officials, and that providing law enforcement or government with a false name is a serious crime, so PLEASE be truthful honest and Complete in your answer so NONE of us have any issues or problems.


2. Date of Birth: Clearly write your date of birth. Again, this is pertinent information that the federal officials will Require to achieve this successfully, and providing false information to law enforcement or government is a serious crime which we ALL could suffer adverse repercussions from so PLEASE make sure you are Ready to be upright and provide Honest information and answers forthright, especially through THIS PROCESS, please and thank you.


3. Clearly write the COMPLETE birth name you would like for your church. For Examples and/or suggestions, please cloick the link button labeled "Tips" immediately below, and don't worry, you will NOT lose your place on this page, it will open up in a separate window.



4. Signature: You must provide a copy of your legal signature on the Application Petition document forms or your request(s) will NOT be processed. This must be in done in black ink on  white or near white background. (In other words, do not print and submit your forms on colorful nor stationary type paper- regular white print paper is optimum or at most, an off -white, ivory tinted paper such as some cotton ,bamboo, cannabis (hemp) and even construction paper tends to be or be available to come in.) The signature will be scanned your (and your future child churches) KM file. Make sure there are no lines or other marks in the background or area surrounding your answers OR your signature(s) and please Also make sure all persons HAVE signed on accordingly PRIOR to submitting your request documents for process initiation.


5. Photo: You must provide four color photographs of passport size or larger (not to exceed 8x10). Passport size photos are best (and widely available) and viewed as a serious and legitimate presentation of credential which is what your church membership As well now as your credentials as and within your gestating child church will be upon completion of it's official birth.. Please Note that None of the submitted photos will ever be returned, including photo(s) chosen and/or used). It is important to Us that you know, understand and agree that you will not get your photos back whether or not your petition/application is processed OR denied. For more specific requirements and tips, please click the "Tip's link Button provided immediately below, and again, you will NOT lose your place on this page, it will open in a new window for convenience.

6. Mailing address Include a legible and full mailing address. KM is not responsible for any inability to read your mailing address.


7. Phone number A phone number is optional. KM may use a phone number to clear up any uncertainties.


8. E-mail address An e-mail address is optional. KM may use a phone number to clear up any uncertainties.

    Declaration You need to include a signed declaration. You need to sign a declaration stating “I (your name) have a sincerely held religious belief that cannabis is essential for my religious practice of Spirituality and an inherent right of my personal creed.”


 9. Token Offering of Sincerity: As you may (or may not know or have fathomed, the endeavor of becoming a spiritual leader in itself is a never ending endeavor filled with moral expectations, responsibilities and obligations... to Creator, to society as a whole, to your members and especially so to Great Creator. Most in such shoes as yours, who are willing and feel ready to take such an awesome and important Life-Changing endeavor on, usually then will turn to their church leaders and initiate such process, which you have and are currently in the process of doing.... however, BEFORE such a process and credential recognition as well as trust and respect are Given, damn-near every single church REGARDLESS of teir individual colective creed and faith, they are asked to put forth to the church, a "Good Faith Token Offering" which includes monetary (money).


We Ask of you Before you proceed further, that you please click on the link button provided below where we will go into this aspect of the process more clear and coherently and also too, we HIGHLY Encourage you to please RESEARCH this fact of reality for yourself with at Least a few different church organizations for yourself so we are Clear in that this request/expectation is NOT something we have "Made up" so to try and Get money out of you... and that should you wish to pro99ceed and choose to GIVE to us for this purpose, Everything will be covered in order to ensure we all remain on the same page Honorably and that no one walks away feeling taken advantage of or especially "Ripped Off", especially beings that any and all monetary contributions exchanged Are NONREFUNDABLE, and unfortunately, without any form of exceptions as the church functions as vow of poverty and any funds received are Quickly exasperated to merely keep us afloat.


This package is great for ministers who are just getting started, you will get your official Letter of Good Standing and Ordination Credential with a certificate holder to protect your credentials. Display your credentials at home, office or other special place to proudly announce your status as an ordained minister. Certificates include our gold embossed Ministry Seal. Our standard base package is ideal for newly ordained ministers who need their credentials of ministry for registration and display.

Ordination Package includes:

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