Token Offerings & Gratuities
Giving is far more than collecting funds for the church’s mission and ministry. It can provide an opportunity to offer ourselves, individual and communally, in the context of worship, with money representing all that we stand for – our values and priorities. The passing of bags or plates can imply that what is being sought is a spontaneous cash contribution towards the church’s running expenses. Yet the purpose of the offering is far deeper than this, and should be an integral part of the act of collective worship. Giving expresses our love for Creation, and responds to Creator's generosity to us. Such grace not only creates a beautiful world for us to inhabit, provides generously for our daily needs and enables us to love and be loved.
Throughout sacred and biblical scripture the practice of giving combines the practical resourcing of priestly ministry and the work of the church with the act of making an offering back to Great Creator (God) which expresses our thanks for the rich generosity to us. Giving has always formed a part of worship.
Token Offerings
Token offerings are monetary (financial) contributions Freely Given By a person (or persons such as in this case) to the CHURCH to help off-set the administrative costs to process petitions, applications, requests and Etc. as well as to FURTHER the church and it's endeavors as a whole.
Gratuities are monetary (financial) contributions Freely Given By a person (or persons such as in this case) to the churches SPIRITUAL LEADER and or conductor of ceremony or services ETC. for their effort, energy and help, to help them live and off-set the living expenses and such for their services in lieu of being unavailable due to having to by other means provide for their living.
Token Offering Services
Token offering services are for actual performing of ceremonial services ETC. that directly go into the General Funds to help cover church expenses.
Confessional Services;
Basic Spiritual/ Life Coaching;
Crisis Counseling Services;
Jail/Prison Visit(s);
Hospital Visit(s);
Home/Retirement Visit(s);
Skilled Care/Hospice Visits;
Last Rights;
The above are FREE Service Offerings (if and as able to be done)
Baptism: $1.00 - $50.00
Engagement Ceremony: $25.00 - $75.00
Basic Wedding Ceremony: $50.00 - $15o.00
Unique Wedding Ceremony: $150.00 - $500.00
Funeral: $100.00 - $500.00
Memorial: $100.00 - $250.00
Celebration of Life: $50.00 - $200.00
Please note that if you and or your members do NOT SEE a ceremonial or service offering option that is believed should be here, that they (and you if need be) reach out To KM HQ and inquire as to what specifically is missing and or being requested so KM can do our best to beneficially accommodate everyone's want's and or needs.
Please also note that the above dollar amounts are beginning BELOW the "average" financial expectation for such services by the majority if not All other spiritual and or religious organizations/ associations than are being SUGGESTED above, that we are offering this as a Basic Suggestion so that all persons involved in such are Respected.
Gratuities are monetary (financial) contributions Freely Given By a person (or persons such as in this case) to the churches SPIRITUAL LEADER and or conductor of ceremony or services ETC. for their effort, energy and help, to help them live and off-set the living expenses and such for their services in lieu of being unavailable due to having to by other means provide for their living.
Confessional Services;
Basic Spiritual/ Life Coaching;
Crisis Counseling Services;
Jail/Prison Visit(s);
Hospital Visit(s);
Home/Retirement Visit(s);
Skilled Care/Hospice Visits;
Last Rights;
The above are FREE Service Offerings from KM (if and as able to be done) BUT that the spiritual leader/conductor's time, effort and personal energy and spirit Is Of Value too if translated into dollar amounts and respected as being a "job" and "on the job" providing the service(s) they so graciously are, and morally speaking SHOULD be Considered be it great or small, in Addition to verbal tokens as appreciation and thanks For their time and official capacity as such... even if it's like $5.00 in a Thank you card a Year later for example... to Show your gratitude and appreciation during such times of need accordingly and honorably.
Baptism: $20.00 - $50.00+
Engagement Ceremony: $25.00 - $75.00+
Basic Wedding Ceremony: $50.00 - $15o.00+
(Wham-Bam Straight Justice of the Peace Style)
Unique Wedding Ceremony: $150.00 - $500.00+
Funeral: $100.00 - $500.00
Memorial: $100.00 - $250.00
Celebration of Life: $50.00 - $200.00
Confessional Services;
Basic Spiritual/ Life Coaching;
Crisis Counseling Services;
Jail/Prison Visit(s);
Hospital Visit(s);
Home/Retirement Visit(s);
Skilled Care/Hospice Visits;
Last Rights;
The above are FREE Service Offerings from KM (if and as able to be done) BUT that the spiritual leader/conductor's time, effort and personal energy and spirit Is Of Value too if translated into dollar amounts and respected as being a "job" and "on the job" providing the service(s) they so graciously are, and morally speaking SHOULD be Considered be it great or small, in Addition to verbal tokens as appreciation and thanks For their time and official capacity as such... even if it's like $5.00 in a Thank you card a Year later for example... to Show your gratitude and appreciation during such times of need accordingly and honorably.
Baptism: $20.00 - $50.00+
Engagement Ceremony: $25.00 - $75.00+
Basic Wedding Ceremony: $50.00 - $15o.00+
(Wham-Bam Straight Justice of the Peace Style)
Unique Wedding Ceremony: $150.00 - $500.00+
Funeral: $100.00 - $500.00
Memorial: $100.00 - $250.00
Celebration of Life: $50.00 - $200.00
Additional specialty Services that may be offered within the whole of the KM spiritual tribal family include but are in No Way constricted to nor obligated to the following:
Baby Naming
Cleansing/ Purification Ceremony
Healing & Protection Ceremony
Personalized Specialty Services may also include but not be limited to:
Frequency Healing: $
Natal Chart: $75.00- $200.00
Tarot: $20.00-$100.00
Sound Therapy
Spellwork Prep (Healing, Protection, Lunar/Goddess Power, etc.) $100.00+
Coven Works (Ceremonial Ritual/Rite Conduction) $75.00+
Circumstances and/or Customized Services may justify a difference in an appropriate consideration for such ceremonial services... such is between the individual(s) seeking and requesting the services and the spiritual leader/conductor providing the ceremonial service.
TRAVEL and other expenses are Not Reflected in the above baseline suggestion and should be pre-calculated and Agreed upon by the petitioner(s) and the spiritual leader/conductor. Other expenses can include but not be limited to : Lodging, meals, transportation and other amenities or Agreed upon expenses. ALL Such agreements Are Expected to be satisfied within 24+ hours Of service Conduction. If not met, the ceremonial service is NOT to be conducted and emphasis being re-iterated that all monetary and other tokens given are NON-REFUNDABLE/NON-RETURNABLE and all agreements Null and Void, Non-Negotiable, Non-Refundable, Non-Transferrable, Etc.
Additionally, it's important to not only note, but to Emphasize that Each Child Church will have, develop and or ascertain their own unique offering abilities, be it resources, services, specialties or even plain fellowship networking opportunities as well... unification and cooperation are key and Honorable INTRGRITY cannot be emphasized Enough... period!
Additional Services can and are encouraged to be utilized honorably and with gratitude to Creator for providing it, publicly as well as Exclusively to members!
Conception of a Child Church is a very detailed and intricate process, spiritually as well as document and legal wise. For more detailed information please click the link immediately below.